Book of the Week-The 5th Wave

Last week’s Book of the Week was Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, viagra 60mg a book that left me feeling like I could never recover. It was an absolutely beautiful book, order and I just didn’t know how to keep moving on past that.

But books are my life, visit this and I read fast, and of course, I keep reading. I’ve read about six books since then. But none of them were really fitting for the Book of the Week. Some of them were textbooks, even, but hey, I count those for my reading goal. I read them, they’re books, they count.

Anyway, I was reading today, in between class and homework, and I just finished this week’s (belated) Book of the Week not even twenty minutes ago, as I’m writing this.

And I feel like I’m in the same position I was in last week, while writing the review for Fangirl. I’m floored right now. I honestly don’t know what book to read next on my ever-growing pile of books because I’m afraid I’m going to be stuck inside the world of this book for a long time. So with that, I now present to you:

The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey


GoodReads / Amazon / Barnes and Noble 


young adult, science fiction

Part of a Series?:

Yes. It is the first novel of a planned trilogy. The title of the second novel was recently revealed to be: The Infinite Sea

You May Like if You Liked:

James Dashner’s Maze Runner trilogy, Marie Lu’s Legend trilogy

Age Recommendation:

This is a new feature on the Book of the Week. As most of the reviews I do are YA, and YA is starting to break apart into YA and NA, and that sort of thing, I will be recommending an appropriate age for the books. Keep in mind this is MY personal recommendation and it varies on the maturity of the reader. 

13+: Violence, Death, etc.

Plot Summary:

The Others have come. We’ve made movies, we’ve written books, we’ve talked about aliens coming to our world for so long, but now they are  here, and it is not what we expected.

The first wave is complete darkness.

The second wave is a knock out, earthquakes, tsunamis, taking out country after country.

The third wave is the plague, the disease that wipes out 90% of the surviving population.

The fourth wave is The Silencers, the aliens that come down and hunt the remaining humans.

Cassie is trying to survive. She lost her mom to the third wave, her father to the fourth wave. Her brother was taken, and she made him a promise to come and find him, and she will do anything to not break that promise. She can’t trust anyone, though she feels like she’s the last human on earth.

Until she meets Evan Walker. Evan Walker, who saves her life, and takes care of her. Evan Walker who is gentle and affectionate and, yes, good looking. Evan Walker, who is absolutely determined to help her. But Cassie can’t trust anyone, and who knows what more is coming…

The Bad:

The book is multiple points of view. Mostly you get Cassie, but you also get Evan, Cassie’s little brother Sammy, and another character by the name of Ben. I really liked this about the story. I did. I think you are able to get multiple perspectives to the story this way, to see people draw conclusions about the same thing in different ways. Its brilliant. So you’re wondering what my beef is then, right?

There’s no distinguishing between the characters at first. There are different “parts” but that doesn’t necessarily mean a different point of view from the previous and it also sometimes takes a few paragraphs to realize who is narrating and then you kind of have to go back and reread the paragraph, knowing who the character is. I may have been the only person in the world that had this issue but it wasn’t a huge, back-breaking issue. It was more, like, okay, not one hundred percent sure whose head we are in right now…And with a science fiction novel, you’re already trying to keep up with this complicated world that the author has built anyway, so its more brain work to try and figure out who is speaking before its blatantly obvious and its not always apparent at first.

The Good:

There is so much good that I don’t know where to start.

Rick Yancey is brilliant. I just discovered tonight, while perusing GoodReads and his website to do this post that this is NOT his first novel, and now I’m dying to check out his other novels, because this novel literally blew me away. I’m floored. Dumbstruck. Paralyzed. Unable to move on to another fictional world because I am so stuck into this. Sometimes it takes me a bit of time to recover from a novel, but I’m a power reader. I have a blog to run, I have to move on. I am also trying to read 200 books this year, so that’s difficult too. But now I look at my ridiculous pile of books to read, and I can’t even decide what to read next.

I’m big on world building. If you’re going to write a novel that is fantasy or dystopian or science fiction, you better build your world well, because then everything else tends to fall into place. Sometimes, you can have the greatest story and some kickass characters but if the world isn’t built well, I just don’t buy into it. So with a science fiction like this, where aliens are finally coming to earth, it has to sell me. I have to believe it. And I do. Its OUR world, its the world we know, but transformed and its so easy to buy into the new technology that the aliens  bring, its easy to buy into the horrifying things that they do. Its really easy to buy into the world that Rick Yancey has created. He makes everything subtle and yet huge at the same time so you feel the familiarity of our world, but you also feel the incredible impact that this arrival has brought to it. It also felt so incredibly real that sometimes you almost have to remind yourself that you’re in a book, not real life, and sometimes you do wonder if its possible. It doesn’t feel like science fiction, it feels REAL. That’s how perfectly Rick Yancey builds this world.

I mentioned the character points of view earlier in the “bad” section. I only disliked the fact that I would be confused on who exactly was speaking at the moment. I actually really loved the multiple points of view. Granted we only get a couple of them once or twice, and we mostly focus on the points of view of two characters but I love that because it really connects you closer with the characters. I love Rick Yancey’s characters. Again, with the realism. They aren’t perfect, you know? They’re teenagers, survivors in this ridiculous world, and they are strong, there is no denying that but they aren’t perfect and I love that. They work hard, they make mistakes, they are constantly, always fighting for their lives. Its hard work and nothing comes with ease. I love being inside their heads because the different characters like Cassie or Evan or Ben or Sammy are all so different and they’re seeing things differently and you get to see that along with them. I love that one character will discover something way before another character, and you kind of watch as two scenarios in two different places head toward a collision and seeing both of those points of views, with the others unaware of it, is exciting.

Which brings me to the story itself. This is a long book. It is not a short book that you can tell yourself you’ll read in one day, unless you’re like me and you read ridiculously fast. Its 457 pages and its a not a small 457 pages. This is a huge book, and with long books, you better have a good story or people are going to give up.

This is so completely untrue of this novel. This story is gripping from the very first moment you begin in to the very last page, when you flip it back and forth, wondering, if you somehow missed something because there is NO way that is the end of the book. (Boy, was I relieved when a simple Google search ensured me that there are more books to come…) This story is gripping, its full of action but even when there isn’t action going on, the tension is so tight, and its so palpable and it leaves you clutching the pages with excitement. The multiple points of view gives you so many different perspectives on what is going on, and yet, you still have NO idea what is going on. Its a mystery piled up on top of ten other mysteries, which are buried amongst a bunch of other mysteries and questions. The book is full of questions and as soon as you think you have one answered, another one pops into its place. Sometimes I would pause for a moment, to sort of see how many pages I had left, and I would think, “there are so many more pages, there is still so much more that could happen to these characters.”

I literally could go on and on and on about this but I won’t. I’ll leave you with this: this book is amazing. Its an outstanding example of what a young adult science fiction book should be. Well, its an outstanding example of what any science fiction book should be. It has the mystery and the tension and the excitement and the action and it throws in the little bit of romance, and its perfect. Its a shining example of what young adult literature can be, and as I continue my fight for the acceptance of YA, I will definitely use this as an example. Its a fantastically written novel with a compelling storyline, addicting characters and it’ll leave you absolutely breathless.


5 out of 5 Stars

Recommended or Not?:

YES! Stop reading my blog NOW, and go find this book. Go to your bookstore, order it online, download it onto that ereader, just do it NOW. You won’t regret it in the slightest. I regret leaving it in my book pile for as long as I did. Its worth the money, the time and the crazy emotional ride. Go. Now.

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I hope you all enjoyed this week’s edition of the Book of the Week!

If you haven’t already dashed off to go read The 5th Wave (which you should have), check out some of the previous Book of the Week reviews here.

Happy Reading!

Gretchen McNeil and Kendare Blake at Mysterious Galaxy!

Today I was able to meet both Kendare Blake and Gretchen McNeil at the Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore in Redondo Beach, more about celebrating the release of their two new books.

I was fortunate enough to meet and “discover” Gretchen McNeil a few months back when she was a guest at the Ontario Teen Book Fest (which you can read allll about here). She made me laugh a lot during the panels and I really was impressed at the way she made a point to reflect all of our differences in her characters, i.e. her main character in Possess is half-Asian. I thought that was really interesting and I decided to make a point to read her books.

That was in May, and it is now September and I’m sad to say that I’ve only read one of her books. Its okay though, because now I am about to be on track, as today I bought her second novel, Ten, and her brand new novel, 3:59!

Kendare Blake is an author I had not heard of before, but I picked up her brand new book, AntiGoddess tonight, and am excited to start it.

Gretchen McNeil

As said before, Gretchen McNeil is the author of Possess, Ten and the brand new 3:59, which was just released this past Tuesday. Here is the GoodReads synopsis:

Josie Byrne’s life is spiraling out of control. Her parents are divorcing, her boyfriend Nick has grown distant, and her physics teacher has it in for her. When she’s betrayed by the two people she trusts most, Josie thinks things can’t get worse.

Until she starts having dreams about a girl named Jo. Every night at the same time—3:59 a.m.

Jo’s life is everything Josie wants: she’s popular, her parents are happily married, and Nick adores her. It all seems real, but they’re just dreams, right? Josie thinks so, until she wakes one night to a shadowy image of herself in the bedroom mirror – Jo.  Josie and Jo realize that they are doppelgängers living in parallel universes that overlap every twelve hours at exactly 3:59. Fascinated by Jo’s perfect world, Josie jumps at the chance to jump through the portal and switch places for a day.

But Jo’s world is far from perfect. Not only is Nick not Jo’s boyfriend, he hates her. Jo’s mom is missing, possibly insane. And at night, shadowy creatures feed on human flesh. By the end of the day, Josie is desperate to return to her own life. But there’s a problem: Jo has sealed the portal, trapping Josie in this dangerous world. Can she figure out a way home before it’s too late?

Kendare Blake

Kendare Blake is the author of Anna Dressed in Blood and its sequel, Girl of Nightmares. Her brand new novel, AntiGoddess, is the first of a planned trilogy. Here is the synopsis:

Old Gods never die…

Or so Athena thought. But then the feathers started sprouting beneath her skin, invading her lungs like a strange cancer, and Hermes showed up with a fever eating away his flesh. So much for living a quiet eternity in perpetual health. Desperately seeking the cause of their slow, miserable deaths, Athena and Hermes travel the world, gathering allies and discovering enemies both new and old. Their search leads them to Cassandra—an ordinary girl who was once an extraordinary prophetess, protected and loved by a god. 

These days, Cassandra doesn’t involve herself in the business of gods—in fact, she doesn’t even know they exist. But she could be the key in a war that is only just beginning. 

Because Hera, the queen of the gods, has aligned herself with other of the ancient Olympians, who are killing off rivals in an attempt to prolong their own lives. But these anti-gods have become corrupted in their desperation to survive, horrific caricatures of their former glory. Athena will need every advantage she can get, because immortals don’t just flicker out. 
 Every one of them dies in their own way. Some choke on feathers. Others become monsters. All of them rage against their last breath.

The Goddess War is about to begin.

Okay, please tell me you think those sound as absolutely amazing as I do! I canNOT wait to dive into them. They are now in my pile ‘o books, and I am eagerly anticipating reading them soon!

Mysterous_Galaxy_updated_pic-1Photo Credit: Mysterious Galaxy Website

The event was SO much fun. I had never had a chance to go to Mysterious Galaxy, either locations in San Diego or Redondo Beach, and I definitely will be returning. I’m trying more and more to support bookstores as much as possible, especially the independent ones, and this was a really nice one! They put on a very awesome event, and they had a crazy beautiful store. I can’t wait to come back to this store in a couple weeks for the Cinda Williams Chima event.

Each author talked a little bit about their books, the synopsis of them and how they sort of got the inspiration for each of them. They talked a lot about writing, which was SUPER awesome for an aspiring writer like me. They talked about handling new ideas, especially when you get new ideas while working on something already. They both seemed to agree about writing their ideas down, but remaining focused on the story at hand, even though sometimes that can be very hard, especially if a book is getting hard to write.

They told stories about their book covers; Kendare has had some issues with her girls in blood looking like they’re having some serious menstruation issues, and Gretchen had an issue with her Asian character NOT looking Asian on the cover. T

hey shared some books that they are obsessed with. Gretchen swears by the book The Twenty Nine Steps by John Buchan, and Kendare is a HUGE fan of The Odyssey and the Iliad, just recently getting a quote from the Iliad tattooed on her! As you all know, I applaud book tattoos, definitely!

It was super fun meeting both of them. They had a lot of quality advice, they made me laugh, and I can’t wait to dive into their books. Watch out soon for some book reviews, and maybe a few extras as well ;)


Signed 359 Signed Ten


Signed Antigoddess

Okay, can I just say the fact that Kendare signed my book with a Terminator quote was just TOO cool for life? LOVE it.

Burn for Burn Book Review

Burn for Burn by Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian


You Can Find the Book At:



Barnes and Noble

Author Website

GoodReads Summary:


Lillia has never had any problems dealing with boys who like her. Not until this summer, purchase when one went too far. No way will she let the same thing happen to her little sister.

Kat is tired of the rumours, about it the insults, the cruel jokes. It all goes back to one person– her ex-best friend– and she’s ready to make her pay.

Four years ago, Mary left Jar Island because of a boy. But she’s not the same girl anymore. And she’s ready to prove it to him.

Three very different girls who want the same thing: sweet, sweet revenge. And they won’t stop until they each had a taste.

My Review:

I felt like this book left a lot to be desired. This was the first book that I had read from either author. I have heard good things about both of them, and just haven’t really had the chance to read either one of them, so when I saw this book, I decided to pick it up.

I felt like there was a story there. Obviously there’s a lot more going on under the surface than we just think. At first, Jessica Brody’s The Karma Club came to mind, and I had preconceived notion that it was a contemporary novel about three girls ready to get even with those who have harmed them in the past, but as the story went along, I started to see that there was more to it, especially with Mary, something a bit supernatural. Unfortunately I just didn’t get to see much of that in the actual story and it left a lot to be desired. Obviously Mary is struggling with something but we don’t really get to see what’s she struggling with. I think they wanted to leave it as a sort of mystery, but its so mysterious that’s its almost bewildering. I am kind of wondering how that plays in the story and whether it’ll be important because it really doesn’t seem to be important in the first book in the slightest.

The characters also felt very one-dimensional to me. i didn’t really get the feeling that they were real people. They just felt too…typical to me. You had the popular, smart, pretty Lillia. The punk, poor, outcast Kat. The once-fat, shy, lacking of confidence Mary. But there wasn’t a whole lot of depth to those characters. You can definitely have those archetypes and still create characters that are memorable and still create characters that a reader can fall in love with. In fact, I think with writing YA, all or most of your characters fit some sort of archetype because in high school, its like you’re always trying to fit into something like that. You haven’t quite figured out that you are so much more than a simple label. But I feel like neither Han or Vivian really gave these characters depth. You can *kind of* understand why they want the revenge but not fully. All the reasons seem sort of superficial. Mary gets a little more depth than the other two, but we really don’t get a real story out of it, and I felt myself wanting to know more about these characters that I didn’t get.

I didn’t think that either Han or Vivian were bad writers. In fact, I was impressed that a book that was written by two authors had a nice flow to it. Sometimes you can tell the difference between the two writers while writing a similar story but it didn’t seem that way. I don’t know if that is because I haven’t read either author before so I don’t have previous experience with their “voices” but that part seemed to be done with ease (though I know it probably wasn’t). I feel like it could be one of those sort of easy reads, an enjoyable light read but it was TOO light. There just wasn’t enough story, enough background for me to really be invested in this book. In a week or so, I probably will have forgotten a lot of the book, and maybe some of the characters’ names. Overall, I just wasn’t overly impressed.


3 out of 5 stars

Fan of the Week-Courtney

Hey guys, purchase Happy Wednesday. Check out this week’s Featured Fan!



Age 17, From Kansas

How She Found this Blog and Her Favorite Parts of It: 

I first found your Ah-Mazing Blog when I was looking around on the internet for some Divergent-based fan stuff and I found the Blog! My favorite part about this blog is that you always give good critiques on books.

Her Favorite Fandoms: 

 Divergent!!!! I’m a total nerd girl when it comes to; “The House Of Night”, “Hunger Games”, “Matched”, “Delirium”, “Mortal Instruments”, “Infernal Devices”, “Legend” series. I should probably stop, because I could go on forever :)

Her Favorite Quotes: 

“Becoming fearless isn’t the point. That’s impossible. It’s learning how to control your fear, and how to be free from it.” -Veronica Roth- “Divergent”

Two Interesting Facts About Her: 

The first fact is that I was a nerd for my senior pictures and may have taken pictures with books (I love her picture! Its SO cute). And the second is that I love to watch movies! Especially scary ones! I’m not a girl that likes romance (bleh!)

You Can Find Her On: 

Twitter and Instagram

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Thanks Courtney for being this week’s Fan of the Week! I love the quote you chose, its one of my absolute favorites!

If you’re interested in being featured as the Fan of the Week, find out how here.