Unfavorable Characters-And Why I Like Them

So I was talking with some of my friends the other night about books, of course, because that’s seriously what we do ALL the time (I’m looking at you, Tatiana, Sylvia, Paulina, Megan and Gabby) and we started talking about City of Bones because Paulina is reading it for the first time. (I know, right? Sigh, at least she’s reading it now! Haha) She had already kind of started liking different characters and we were talking about that and I mentioned that my favorite TMI character, besides Jace Wayland (because we all know how I get about Jace Wayland) is Alec Lightwood.

And that started a discussion on the likability of Alec. I seemed to be the only person that really actually liked him. For the most part, there were negative comments about Alec. Its not that they didn’t like him; they just weren’t particularly fond of him. They said he was pompous, and mean and things like that. And they aren’t really wrong. But…I love Alec, and probably for those reasons. And I usually get a sort of incredulous reaction when I express how much I really love Alec.

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Cinda Williams Chima: An Author You Should Be Reading!

I am surrounded by book lovers. Seriously. Most of my friends, my acquaintances, and you, my followers, are book lovers. It makes me incredibly happy to be around so many people who love books because its just awesome. I am able to talk about them all day long, and I have people available whenever to recommend me books :) Fantastic.

But in all this time, all these people that I’ve met, all these book lovers in my life, and I have not met anyone who has read the Seven Realms series by Cinda Williams Chima (or her Heir Chronicles as well).

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Ebooks vs Traditional Books

Oh the age old question. There are so many debates in the literary world. So many. You can debate until your voice runs out when it comes to books, and I have done that! With books in every genre, talking about virtually every issue…you can sit there and debate and debate and debate.

But one debate that has emerged over the last fews years, has been the result of the outpouring of electronic readers, or e-readers, like Amazon’s Kindle, Barnes and Noble’s Nook, Sony’s Kobo E-reader or the Ipad. And this is the debate of good ‘ol traditional books versus these sleek new devices.

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Finding Your Own Voice

In a little less than a month, my blog will be celebrating its one year birthday. I’ve had the opportunity to really have fun with my blog, to make it my own. I love this blog. I love writing it. I’m not going to lie, sometimes I bring it up on my web browser just to stare it. I am so proud of it. I love working on it.

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Snape: Friend or Foe?-A Response to Seeking Bazinga

So my dear friend, Jackie, a.k.a. Bazingirl, over at the blog, Seeking Bazinga, wrote a post tonight all about Professor Severus Snape of the Harry Potter series. She talked about how as a whole, the Harry Potter universe has made him into a martyr of some sorts, and that some people believe he should be pitied, and some people even believed that James Potter ruined his happiness. It was a really good blog post, and you can read it HERE. Continue reading