Book of the Week – Of Poseidon

Okay, so I know its totally Monday and the Book of the Week post comes out on Thursday but last week got a little ahead of me and I just completely skipped the Book of the Week. I know. I know. Worst book blogger ever.

So the Book of the Week review is a little late but its here, and I’m finally reviewing a book for you. You can expect me to be back on schedule this week, with the Tuesday Top Tens and Fandom Fridays and alllll that super fun stuff.

I am also going to start posting book reviews over at my co-blog, iFandoms Collide. I read a lot of books a week so I’m trying to review as many books as possible and this will be helpful, to spread it out between two different sites. So definitely become a fan of that site, follow it on Twitter or Facebook to keep up with my book reviews.

And now for this super belated Book of the Week post!

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Book of the Week-Struck

I am really excited to share this week’s Book of the Week with you guys today.

I first met Jennifer Bosworth at the Ontario Teen Book Fest in May and I was really impressed by her. One, she’s absolutely gorgeous and tall and totally stood out but in a totally good way. But she made a mention, while talking about her book, about her beliefs (or nonbeliefs) and how they came across in her novel.

And that really intrigued me, it made me think that her book was going to be good, and that it was going to be different from anything else that I’ve read recently in the young adult genre.

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Book of the Week-Winger

Hey guys! How is everyone doing today? I hope you are all doing awesome.

I know that I am doing particularly fantastic this week. Last week was kind of a downer week but this week has been such a dramatic improvement that I want to run around,singing at the top of my lung,under a rainbow that rains ice cream. I mean, seriously, that’s how I feel right now.

In the last couple weeks, I’ve been really able to put in a lot of effort and work into my blog, and into my new blog (I started an official fansite for Leigh Bardugo‘s Grisha trilogy called The Grisha Army) and I am really excited about it.

But the BEST part about finally having all this time that I didn’t have before is that I’m finally starting to catch on my GoodReads goal. I set a goal of 200 books this year. Which is MORE than doable, but I’ve been busy with school, and life, and the boyfriend, and running this blog! So I haven’t been reading as much; I haven’t had the time to.

But I’m finally catching up! Instead of being 11 books behind, I am now 6 books behind, which is good :) I feel a lot better now. Now I am ready to talk about book #82 for this week’s Book of the Week.

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Book of the Week Part Two-Seige and Storm

Oh you read that right, I’m doing TWO Book of the Week reviews in ONE week.

I know, crazy, right? Its totally outside the box, breaking the rules. I’m such a rebel, you can’t handle how off the charts awesome I am right now.

So basically the plan had been to do the Book of the Week post on Siege and Storm and then do an episode of Sara’s Quick Picks on The Moon and More, and a couple other books I had read. However, I did not finish Siege and Storm in time for the Book of the Week, which is always (mostly) posted on Thursdays, therefore I did a review on The  Moon and More.

Well I stayed up til 2 am to finish Siege and Storm tonight (yeah, its nearly 4 am while I’m writing this. Yay, insomnia!) and it was absolutely positively brilliant and I’m still kind of recovering from it and I decided I would write a review for it while it was fresh in my mind.

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Book of the Week-The Moon and More

Hello everyone! Welcome to the Book of the Week :)

So, I had planned on doing the Book of the Week post on Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo, and then do the third episode of Sara’s Quick Picks on The Moon and More but I finished The Moon and More and I’ve barely started Siege and Storm soooooo there goes that idea.

But I’ll have a review for Siege and Storm VERY soon, I promise!

For now, let’s talk about one of my absolute favorite authors in the world, Sarah Dessen and her brand new book, which I finished in about a day.

Enjoy this week’s Book of the Week!

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