Book of the Week: Unremembered by Jessica Brody

One of the authors I was privileged to meet at WonderCon was Jessica Brody,  author of several young adult novels, the most recent of which is Unremembered.

I had already started the book when I met her but hadn’t gotten more than halfway through it. After meeting her, I was determined to go home and finish it, because she was a sweet author with wonderful insights and great writing advice.

I stayed up late Tuesday night, finishing the book and here it is for you all, my review of the first installment in the Unremembered Trilogy:

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Book of the Week: Requiem


I’ve had some complaints from people (I feel kind of complimented that enough people read the blog to actually complain…) that I post spoilers when I do my Book of the Week reviews. I do the best that I can to not post spoilers but for the most part, there are going to be spoilers. I try to warn beforehand but I don’t always. I am sorry if I have ruined books for some people, but I do post that. If it becomes a problem, I can start posting a blanket warning in front of each Book of the Week post. Anyway, enjoy!

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