Book of the Week: Wonder

So the Book of the Week post is a little late this week.

Sometimes things happen you know. And I think I’ve been feeding you all some seriously awesome posts lately. I added an anime contributor, Hobie, and a comics contributor, Tabitha, and its been rad.

Our darling Jackie was up for Book of the Week this week but she’s been very busy taking care of her mom. Her mom has been pretty sick, in and out of the hospital and Jackie has been a rockstar daughter, taking care of her. Her mom is doing pretty well right now, after some surgery, so that’s great and I hope we all can send some good thoughts or prayers, if that’s your thing, or whatever her way :D

She definitely deserves them all.

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Breaking Dawn Part 2: They Finally Got It

Now, look, I like Twilight. I do. It was one of my favorite books for awhile there. Even though its written terribly and lets face it, Bella Swan is NOT the best role model out there.

And the movies really really killed it for me for awhile there.

But I saw this series to the end as a book series (I picked up Breaking Dawn the book at midnight) so why not see the end of the series as a movie?

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