Book of the Week: The Demon King

You know, I’ve always known that I love books. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve loved books. I’ve been receiving books as presents from family and friends for as long as I can remember. I seriously would rather get a book or a gift certificate for books than anything else. I’ve always known.

Just recently I started going through my books and I realized just as much I really do own. Its insane!

And that’s just a sampling of all the books that I own. So I told myself, since I have a tiny room and there isn’t a whole lot of room in my house to begin with, I would cut back on buying books.

Yeah, I think that lasted about a couple days…


I recently bought a book and finished it fairly quickly, because I enjoyed it so much so it is this week’s Book of the Week.

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Book of The Week: City of Bones

So…I haven’t read anything new this week. I’ve been really busy, help honestly! I have a big exam in my art history class coming up…I just had a big exam in children’s literature…my best friend is getting married…all sorts of things!

So I’ve started some new books, I’m currently reading The Eyre Affair by Jaspar Fforde, Anne of Green Gables and a book called The Demon King by Cinda WIlliams Chima. I literally will have a TON of books to review and share with you guys very very soon, and I know Jackie will too. This week…we got a little lazy…and that’s okay! Sometimes that happens.

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Book of the Week: The Diviners

Oh hello my friends. How are we all doing this week? Great? I hope so. If not, make it good! You can always turn a frown upside down. I recommend Harry Potter.

Well, its that time of week again, its time for Book of the Week. If you missed last week’s Book of the Week, Bazingirl did a haunting and horrifying review of The Exorcist.

If you haven’t read this week’s book, I encourage you to read anyway. I keep it very spoiler free because I believe this book should be enjoyed without knowing anything. It ruins the story! And you’ll see why.

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Book of the Week: Mark of Athena

Hello, all. Are you happy that its Friday? I know that I definitely am! Weekends are amazing. The best part of this weekend? Southern California finally got some rain today, and some lovely fall weather! After weeks and weeks of extremely hot weather, it was so nice to finally get some cold weather! I’m stoked on it.

You know what else comes along with fall, it seems like? Besides colder weather and new boots and sweaters and Thanksgiving and new TV shows? New book releases. I’ve already blown through J.K. Rowling’s new book, The Casual Vacancy, and Jen Calonita’s new book in her Belles series, Winter White. Now we’re going to talk about another recent release…our book of the week.

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Once Upon a Time Returns!

I love fall. I love fall because it has Halloween and Thanksgiving. I love fall because the weather starts to finally cool down (not today though, it was up at about 104 degrees today!) and I can put on cardigans and jeans and boots but not freeze my butt off. And I love fall because some of my awesome favorite television shows come back.

Doctor Who has come back and we allll know how I felt about that.

I’m still awaiting The Walking Dead and Suburgatory. I’ve enjoyed the beginnings of Switched at Birth and I am intriqued, if not completely sold, on Revolution.

Once Upon a Time though…that’s a great show.

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We Say Goodbye to the Ponds

Last night was the fall season finale of Doctor Who, Angels Take Manhattan, until it returns in December for the Christmas special. This was the last episode for Amy Pond and Rory Williams.

In all these interviews, Matt Smith and Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill and Steven Moffat have been saying its a tearjerker and that it was gonna be a total downer. I had heard that for months. That coupled with the fact that it involved the Weeping Angels should’ve given me some idea of what this episode was going to be like.

I wasn’t prepared at all.

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