Book of the Week: The Casual Vacancy

Hello my nerd friends! It’s Friday, which means its that time again, its time for book of the week!

Now, for those of you who aren’t quite sure what that is, or just can’t seem to grasp the idea, you can definitely check out the FIRST EVER Book of the Week, which was posted last week. This is my new weekly segment on WhataNerdGirlSays, and between me and my darling, beautiful and ever so talented friend/fellow blogger, Jackie, we’re gonna bring you some awesome, and maybe not so awesome, books.

Please Please Please keep in mind that any and all Book of the Week posts (and other blog posts) will contain spoilers. I try my best to keep them out as much as possible but they are going to be there.

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Book of the Week: Trickster’s Choice

Welcome to my newly weekly segment. Now, normally I’m going to be posting this around Thursday, Friday or Saturday to keep it nicely spaced out from the Tuesday Three. For now, the first one will be posted today because I’m sick in bed and I need something to do besides watching Once Upon a Time reruns.

So now, I will introduce you to the new weekly blog: Book of the Week. Each week I will review a book for you. It may be a book that I’ve already read in the past, it may be a new book, it may be a book I absolutely hated. Either way, I’m sharing a book with you guys :D I also asked my good friend, Jackie, the awesome nerd-writer over at, to help contribute to this.

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Doctor Who Returns – Review of Episode One!

So it’s finally happened. After what feels like a million years, Doctor Who has finally returned. My boyfriend and I sat down to watch series 5 and 6, baked some Doctor Who cupcakes (where I failed miserably at spelling ‘doctor’) and enjoyed the first episode of series 7.

I’m going to warn you right now. If you haven’t watched the first episode, Asylum of the Daleks, yet and you’d really like to enjoy the awesomeness of it without any spoilers, stop now. Seriously. Stop. The next few paragraphs are going to be waaaaaaaaay spoiler filled.

All right, you’ve been warned. Turn back now.

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Goodnight, Pond: My New Favorite Children’s Book

Now, very recently, I discovered a fantastic parody artist by the name of James Hance. I was on one of my favorite parody/meme sites and saw a picture of Star Wars characters drawn to look like Classic Winnie the Pooh. These are two of my favorite things: Winnie the Pooh is my favorite Disney character easily and I love Star wars. These prints are adorable as hell and definitely caught my attention.

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