Hello! Welcome to the Fandom Foodie Friday! If there’s one thing that always grabs my attention when I’m reading a new book or watching a TV show or movie, its the FOOD. Whether fictional or real, I often am left wanting to try ALL the foods. The only problem – I’m a terrible cook and an okay baker. So I’m taking recipes created by wonderfully creative people from all over the internet and figuring out if a newbie like me can figure them out!
Today, I made ramen from the adorable Studio Ghibli movie, Ponyo!
I’ve been considering doing a segment like this for a long time – I love to read about food in books and I love food in movies and TV shows. I’ve always wanted to try making them but I’m honestly a terrible cook – I rarely make anything without heating something up easily in the microwave or the stove. I am not nearly as creative as some of the amazing people on the internet who come up with some amazing fictional food recipes! So I decided to approach it from a different angle – I would find recipes for some of my favorite food in fiction and try them out and share it with you! Are they easy? Are they doable? Did I mess up? Did it taste good?
And, of course, I’ll always give credit to the recipes that I tried!
If you’ve ever watched a Studio Ghibli movie, you know that the animators have a serious talent at making all of the food look SO appetizing! I don’t know what it is but cartoon food always looks totally yummy.
While Ponyo is not one of my favorite Studio Ghibli movies, the ramen in that movie has always looked absolutely delicious and its a very memorable part of the movie!
I knew I wanted to do a very easy recipe for this so I searched the internet and came across Alison’s Wonderland Recipes and her quick recipe for Ponyo’s Ramen. You can check it out here.
The Ingredients – 2 packages of ramen (which is authentic to the on-screen version), egg, ham and green onion
Cost To Me – I already had ramen and egg at home so all I had to do was purchase ham and green onion. Ham was about $3 and green onion was 79c at Smart and Final. I would say if you paid for all ingredients – definitely less than $10
Time It Took – Less than 10 minutes

My cats, Kaz and Kai, always are my cooking partners. Let’s be real – they just wanted the ham!
The Difficulty Level –
out of 5
It was seriously just making the packaged ramen and using a knife to cut a hard-boiled egg in half, chop a little green onion and cut some ham. If you prepared a hard-boiled egg, I think it would up this a little but mostly because I mess up hard-boiled eggs every single time.
The Taste –
out of 5
I almost never eat packaged ramen like soup – I always drain the water! So I kind of actually enjoyed it like that. I gave the ham to my boyfriend because I honestly hate ham so much – sorry, Ponyo! I’m also used to soft-boiled eggs in my ramen so the hard-boiled egg did taste a little different to me but I don’t think I’m ready to attempt soft-boiled yet! I did add a little sriracha because it was a little bland to me but all in all, an easy, quick and tasty meal!
The End Result –
I’m not going to lie – I LOVE the way it turned out as far as appearance goes. Its a little darker than the movie and even the recipe I found but I still think it looks adorable and delicious!
Don’t forget to check out Alison’s Wonderland Recipes for this recipe and so many more!
Happy Fandom Foodie Friday!
I’m so glad you like it! Thanks for sharing the recipe. ^.^ One of these days I want to try making it with a traditional ramen egg marinated in soy sauce. It sounds sooo good!
Ramen is one of my favorite foods and I HAVE to have it with egg – But I’m sure I would totally mess up making a traditional ramen egg!
Lol yeah I was really nervous about making one too (that’s why I didn’t do it for the blog post). I’m super curious though. When I get a chance to do it I’ll let you know how it goes!
you definitely have to let me know!