Its been awhile since I did one of these…February 19th. Which means I’ve actually read some books since then! Yay! Let’s see…
WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme, view hosted by Should Be Reading.
The three W’s are:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll be reading next?
What are you currently reading?

Okay, ed technically I haven’t started it yet (or maybe I will have by the time this posts), but its what I’m going to be reading so I count it. She’s going to be at the Pasadena TBF next month, so I really want to read it.
What did you just recently finish reading?
Well, since the last post…

It took me ages to read it because I was so in a slump but I finished it and LOVED it.

I was trying to read something easy to get me back into my groove. I normally don’t say this, out of respect to other authors, but whoa, this was bad.

I count it. I had to read it, duh! Also, it was cool, had lots of stills and it really encouraged me that the movie is going to be great. I can’t wait. AGH. Only a few more days!

I re-read it. Again. I can’t get enough of this book. It never gets old.

AGH. I loved this book. It was awesome. I can’t wait for the third one!

Can Neil Gaiman do wrong? Of course not.

At the urging of my friend, Michelle, I finally picked up this book and read it, and seriously enjoyed it. I want to read the rest of the series but I have such a high pile of TBR so I’m not sure when I’ll get to it :/

I picked this up because she did an online launch party/chat thing with Jessica Brody and I read it in about four hours last night, staying up til about 4 am to finish it. Its brilliant. A review is coming, I promise!
What do you think you’ll read next?
I have SO many books I want to read, my pile is seriously ginormous. Look at the pile. Look at it.

Yeah, so what will I be reading next? Hopefully something from that pile haha.
What are you reading this week? Let me know in the comments!