I hope you’re all having an AMAZING weekend! Enjoy this week’s Fictional Crush!
As always, viagra buy remember that these WILL have MILD spoilers for the series that they are from!
Character Name:
Aidan St. Delphi

Book or Series They Appear In:
The Covenant Series
Half Blood, Pure, Deity, Elixir, Apollyon, Sentinel
Jennifer L. Armentrout
Played By:
No One…Yet. The Covenant Series has been optioned for a TV series so hopefully we get a visual of Aidan soon!
Who They Are:
Aidan St. Delphi is the secondary character to Alex in the Covenant series. He is a pure, but chooses to become a fighter, a Sentinel, who fights to protect pures. He is serious, with a rare sense of humor around those he cares about, and is a fighter, and a handsome one at that. He’s all dark, except for his shining silver eyes. He’s dedicated to his job, and to his brother, who he is determined to keep safe and happy. He is so distance in the beginning, to protect Alex and to convince her that he has no feelings toward her, so we get that dark and mysterious hot guy thing going on.
But when Alex and Aidan finally do end up together, he is so incredible. He is sweet and protective, but he trusts in Alex and he believes in her strength and her capabilities. He says amazing things and does so many things for her, makes sacrifices and works so hard for her. Plus, the hot and steamy scenes? I was fanning myself quite a few times during those. They are HOT, and Aidan has some serious confidence, and some sexy moves in the bedroom. I’m just saying. Its no wonder Alex fell in love with him.
Why I Am Crushing On Them:
Aidan St. Delphi is one of those guys who is so sexy, so caring, so amazing and perfect for the MC and yet he puts it off for so long and you want to bonk him over the head. But for some reason, this guy who does this, distances himself from the main character, to protect her…is so incredibly appealing. Aidan is a pure and Alex is a half, which is a completely NO-NO in that world, and it’ll hurt Alex big time and Aidan doesn’t want that happening to her. So he pushes her away again and again and again, and even though it drives you insane, you love the guy anyway. He’s only doing it for HER.
Notable Quotes:
“By the way,” Aiden said casting me a long look that had me totally forgetting the seriousness of our mission. “You look damn good in a Sentinel uniform.”
“Apollo had said he knew what this kind of love was capable of. And I finally understood why Paris had risked his country and his blood for Helen. Selfish, yes, but I understood. I would burn the world if that meant Alex would be safe.”
“I swore to you that I wouldn’t let that happen, and I know I’ve failed you, but I’m not going to just give up, Alex. I’ll never give up on you.”
“The ‘I have something I want to say but I shouldn’t’ tone” A little bit of humor seeped into his voice. “I’m well familiar with it.”
“That’s okay,” Apollo replied, smiling at him in a wholly creepy’ hide your kids’ kind of way. “When you least expect it, I’m going to turn you into a a pink flower that smells like cat pee.”
“Because I love you, we share each other’s problems. When we fight, we fight together. I’m going to be by your side no matter what, whether you like it or not. That’s what love is, Alex. You never have to face anything alone again. And I get what you’re saying. I don’t agree with it, but I will support you in any way I can.”
“I can’t keep pretending that I don’t want this – that I don’t want you. I can’t. Not after what happened to you. I thought… I thought I’d lost you, Alex, forever. And I would’ve lost everything. You are my everything.”
* * * * *
I hope you enjoyed this week’s swoon worthy character! Tune in next week for some more fictional hotties!