I’m not an award show person. I don’t watch them. I like to see who wins, ampoule and that’s what the internet is for. I watched the small moment when Jennifer Lawrence won her award last year because I’m all about the JLaw but other than that, no rx I just avoid them.
But I really wanted to watch this year to see who won Best Animated (I love Frozen, page but I still say The Wind Rises should have won…) and to see Idina Menzel sing “Let It Go”.
But I’m actually so glad that I ended up watching the entire ceremony. This year’s ceremony was full of hilarious moments and I swear, we should start a petition to get Ellen Degeneres to host the show every single year. I could not stop laughing. It was hard to decide which my favorite ten moments were but here they are. Enjoy!
10. This Picture of Jennifer Lawrence and Lupita Nyong’o

This is absolutely adorable. As much as I love Jennifer Lawrence and kind of want to be her wife, I was incredibly happy that Lupita Nyong’o won the Oscar. 12 Years a Slave was an incredible movie and Lupita did an incredible job in the movie. More on her later. This picture is super cute because you know that both are super supportive of each other and there’s none of that bad blood, competitive thing going on. Its just cute. Its fun. Its good natured. They’re both beautiful, talented actresses and this is just a total win!
9. Ellen Degeneres as Glinda the Good

Just moments before this, Pink rocked “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” and then Ellen walks out in this getup and I nearly spit out my drink. She actually kind of rocks this costume, and I would have been so down for her hosting the entire ceremony in this outfit.
8. Emma Watson and Joseph Gordon Levitt…I totally Ship It!

The moment that Emma Watson and Joseph Gordon Levitt came on stage to present awards was the exact moment that I totally started shipping them together. I’m into this idea for life. They’re two insanely attractive people and I just totally ship it. Then this happened.

Yes. I so ship it.
7. Lupita Standing Up and Dancing With Pharrell

She’s just too cute for life. She was obviously having a blast at the Oscars. She brought her brother with her, and they jumped in on the best selfie in the history of all selfies and she gets up and dances with Pharrell during his performance of “Happy”. And she rocked it too. I think if I had to pick one person to be at the Oscars, it would be Lupita.
6. Benedict Cumberbatch Photo…Hem, Cumberbomb!

Benedict Cumberbatch was, like, a child at Chuck E Cheese at the Oscars last night. It was his first time, and he wasn’t nominated for anything, though he went on stage to present an award and as part of the acceptance group for 12 Years a Slave. But he was obviously having a blast. He was jumping in on U2’s picture on the red carpet and then he jumped in on Ellen’s selfie with Chitwetel. He was so insanely adorable. I seriously want to be his wife or something. Just his best friend. Something. I want to meet him one day.

I just noticed that Brad Pitt totally photo bombed too. Oh, these celebrities.
5. Jennifer Lawrences Falls…Again!

This just makes me love her that much more. I don’t know if its a hoax or a play on the audience, but Jennifer Lawrence is so amazing and if her love for food or the ridiculous things she says in interviews or her falling all the time is all fake, I’m still loving it. She’s adorable and hilarious. Only Jennifer Lawrence could fall at the Oscars…TWICE…and people love her for it. I know I do.
4. Lupita’s Acceptance Speech

Um, yeah, so I’m pretty sure there wasn’t a dry eye in the house when she delivered her speech. She was beautiful and humble and incredibly sweet. And so encouraging. This line made me tear up like crazy and I may not be a little child but I won’t forget that my dreams are valid. Crap. I’m gonna get all teary-eyed again!
3. Idina Menzel Singing “Let It Go”

Is there anything on this planet that Idina can’t sing? I waited pretty much the entire show for this and was not disappointed. I love “Let It Go” and Idina is incredibly talented (Elphie! Maureen! Elsa! SO MANY MORE!). She rocked it, and I seriously want to see her live one day because she’s incredible.
2. Ellen Degeneres Actually Ordering Pizza

Seriously. She asks the audience if they want pizza (did you see how fast Kerry Washington’s hand went up? Hey now, she’s preggers) and then SHE ACTUALLY BROUGHT PIZZA! It was the most beautiful moment ever haha. I couldn’t stop laughing. They all started digging in and Brad Pitt is out there, passing out paper plates. I don’t know, everything about it was just beautiful haha. I love that, as the show continued, and the camera panned out to the audience, there were A-Listers just chowing down on pizza. It just made my whole night. And I think, even though she didn’t get an Oscar, Jennifer Lawrence totally won. We all know what she thinks about pizza haha.

Also I love how Bradley Cooper’s…wife? Girlfriend? Date? Who know?…is totally like, Jen, this pizza is bomb!
1. The Selfie that Rocked the World
Ellen literally asks Meryl to get into a selfie to get the most retweets, and then Julia Roberts and then Channing Tatum, and then all these other people run in, and it was honestly the most hilarious and beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I’m afraid to ever take a selfie ever again because it will never be as good as this.

And the result?

Its just too beautiful for life. And can just talk about how they all look insanely beautiful and awesome in the most random, rushed, one-time selfie ever? I would have take like 37 pictures to get myself to look as flawless as they do. And Kevin Spacey’s face in the background? Amazing. The fact that Jared Leto ran from his seat WAY on the other side? Hilarious. But is anyone gonna talk about Lupita’s brother? He’s just, like, I am SO jumping in on this right now, and he’s in the best selfie of all time. Its just too hilarious and amazing haha.
Also? They did break the record. They also broke Twitter for awhile there. I don’t know that this ever happened before haha but I’m glad it happened for this epic picture.
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So what were YOUR favorite Oscar moments? Share them in the comments! GIFs are most DEFINITELY accepted ;)