Hey everyone! Guess what? Day #2 of the CF Fan Camp is coming to close and I’m gonna write my fan camp diary for you again! Okay, physician I’m not going to lie. Its actually only 7 pm, adiposity which means I won’t get to bed for another, advice hmmm, at least five hours.
So this will probably eventually be longer as the rest of the night unfolds. But for now, this is my exciting day!
Day Two
8 am: I woke up, and I felt like I had been hit over the head with a brick. I actually kind of forgot where I was, until I remembered and I was like OHMYGOD.
9 am: Charging my phone. This is not exciting, but this is a huge part of the day haha. I spend a lot of time at fan camp charging things.
10:30 am: Corner Bakery comes to bring us breakfast. It sadly reminds me WAY too much of Panera, and I’m like, NO. LOL. We get in line to get some swag, because, remember, my young padawans, free swag is the best thing ever.
We got TimeWarner Cable iphone cases and bags, and even better, we got Catching Firek shirts. I’m pretty low on the wallet side and haven’t able to spend too much money at Hot Topic, so I was so excited to get a free shirt. No lie.

10:31 am: I molest Katniss Everdeen. Sort of. She kind of enjoys it.

11:30 am: Lining up for the cast signings. We had no idea who was coming but I was banking on my boy, Sam Claflin to show up.
12 pm: Sam Claflin (Finnick), Jena Malone (Johanna) and Jeffrey Wright (Beetee) show up. Pretty much die of happiness because I really wanted to meet Sam. I was close in the front of the line, so I knew I would make it through fairly easily.
12:20 pm: I meet Sam Claflin. This was pretty much the BEST moment of the day. Finnick Odair is easily my favorite character, and its not just because he is hot. He has so much to his character, and there’s depth to him that you don’t normally see because of his looks. I adore Finnick. Plus he’s got his badass tridents, and he saves Peeta’s life.
We totally talked about Disneyland; he went for the first time yesterday. I told him it was my favorite place in the world and he asked me what my favorite ride was, and I say Winnie the Pooh. He was like, “I didn’t go on that!” and I was like, “Oh no! You should have!” and he laughed. We’ll be announcing our engagement any day now ;)

12:21 pm: Met Jena Malone and Jeffrey Wright. Both SO nice, and signed my poster. I wasn’t able to get pictures with them, sadly but they were really awesome, and I’m glad I was able to meet both of them.
1:00 pm: Josh Hutcherson, aka the beautiful Peeta Mellark, shows up. Pretty much die of excitement.
1:15 pm: They start putting up the epic Mockingjay for the red carpet. They eventually lit it up for a bit but I missed it. Because I wasn’t pay attention. That was my bad. But it still looks cool without the flames!

1:40 pm: Josh leaves when there is only ten people in front of me and my friends. Pretty much die of sadness. Resolve that I WILL see him on the red carpet tomorrow, and it’ll be amazing. There are no losers in fan camp!
2:00 pm: Francis Lawrence, director of Catching Fire, hits the signing table! I was happy to meet him, of course, and I can’t wait to see the movie, and to see how he takes the helm. The previews for this movie make it look simply brilliant and he’s the brains behind the operation.

3 pm: We had heard rumors that Jennifer Lawrence was going to show up. Attempt to start a “just-in-case” line. Totally get yelled at. Not really. The security is usually provided by SEM at movie premieres and they are seriously amazing people, like Charles, who is the head.
4 pm: Try to do another “just-in-case” line. It fails again, and so I start playing Pokemon Blue because…well, why not? I should be reading. I have two books that I need to review really soon but this place is so distracting and awesome.
6:00 pm: Dinner. The first real meal I’ve had since eating at iHop yesterday. I had a cheddar cheese cup o’noodles, which was the first time I had had one. It was really weird. No lie. I was like, what IS this? I liked it haha and when you’re hungry, its the best meal ever.
6:30 pm: Practically tackled this lady who was handing pieces of the red carpet that they have already set up. I am a sucker for souvenirs and mementos so I knew I had to have one!

6:45 pm: Realized, as I was writing this post, I keep switching from 1 pm to 1:00 pm. I should keep some consistencies. I’ll blame it on the fact that the only real food I had today was a Cup o’Noodles and let’s face it, that’s probably not considered real food. Sad face.
8:00 pm: We find out what is going to happen tomorrow. This is not exciting. I have no idea why I’m sharing this with you. I mean, do you really want to know the 411 of lining up for a red carpet premiere? Its really boring. Moving on…
8:30 pm: The Laker game finished, and the Lakers won. This is exciting because the Lakers aren’t that good and Kobe Bryant is out, and it kind of sucks. It was kind of funny though to take a bunch of our stuff back to our car, in the middle of the Laker crowd. I’m not sure they knew what to do with that.
830-1030 pm: I have been on my computer for awhile haha. After discovering free wi-fi, I realized I now had unlimited access to facebook, and tumblr and twitter, and well, it was straight up trouble.
Somewhere Between 830 and 11 pm: Uno and too much giggling ensues
10:30 pm: Literally spend two whole minutes of non-stop laughing as Sylvia attempts to take a picture of me in my Hunger Games shirt. This is the fail picture (of many) that was the road to the semi-decent one above.

Bedtime: I go to bed. I’m so exciting, huh? Tomorrow is the premiere!
* * * * * *
I hope you enjoyed this recap of Day #2. Tomorrow is Day #3, which is movie premiere day! Its going to be amazing!
Happy Hunger Games!