Let’s Talk About…New Adult Literature

So I’ve decided to start a new segment. Called “Let’s Talk About…” 

Let's Talk About

Its not going to be a weekly segment. We’ve learned pretty well that I’m TERRIBLE at keeping up with weekly segments, unhealthy although I’m ready to get back on board with blog writing. I really am.

That being said, welcome to the new segment. Basically this is a segment that I’ll write whenever I just feel like talking about something in the nerd world. It could be about cosplay. It could be about internet bullying. It could be about anything really.

The point of it is, I want to talk about it. I want to share my opinion and start a conversation on a subject that’s on my mind.

So the very first “Let’s Talk About…” is about the emergence of new adult literature and my opinion of it.

For those of you who may be unaware, new adult is a fairly recent term used to describe young adult literature thats for mature audiences. Think Jennifer L. Armentrout and Cora Carmack, as some famous ones.

When I first heard the term, I was skeptical of it, but I wasn’t too against it. The idea of a more mature young adult literature really appealed to me actually. I’m twenty-five years old, which means, technically, I’m not the intended age group of young adult literature.

Bear with me, I know that even though we are not the intended audience, adults are reading more and more YA literature. It just makes sense. That’s a whole ‘nother “Let’s Talk About….” so I won’t address that here. I just didn’t want you all jumping down my throats.

Moving on, the idea of a book that would be written in that sort of young adult style but be more mature really appealed to me. I honestly think what I write tends to more “new adult”. Now I always just assumed it was “mature young adult” because I didn’t know that there was an actual term for it. My characters tend to have more sex than characters do in YA, and I don’t cushion it, I give you the full scene. They deal with more adult issues, like going to college, growing up after high school, getting jobs and having adult relationships. That sort of thing. They don’t hold their language back. That was the kind of idea that I had about new adult literature.

Now, the more involved I get into middle grade, young adult and new adult literature with this blog, the more I’m disappointed at what new adult essentially is becoming, and I’m not pleased with it.

I took a screen shot of the “new adult” page on Net Galley. Net Galley, for those of you who don’t know, is a website where you can go (mostly as a blogger or reviewer) to request upcoming novels for review before their release-digital ARCs, basically. I went to the “new adult” page to sort of give you an idea of what it is.

Screen Shot 2014-01-30 at 8.52.06 PM

What does it look like to you? Really take a look at it.

Yeah, it all looks like romance novels right?

Disclaimer before I begin: I have nothing against romance novels. I’m not a fan of them, but if that’s your cup of tea, the more power to you.

But the fact is: I didn’t think the whole point of “new adult” was just young adult with sex. Because that’s what it seems like. Most new adult books I’ve seen have racy covers, with half-clothed people. It seems less plot heavy, less character driven. It also seems there aren’t a lot of care taken in the new adult genre for actual good books and talented writers. It doesn’t seem to matter if its actually good, just thought its a bit more racy than actual good literature.

And that sort of thing really bothers me. Obviously I have no problem with sex in novels. I write sex into my novels. Sex is an important part about being an emerging adult. But I want more new adult about the idea of being…well a new adult.

Like Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell for instance. I would consider it YA with a hint of NA. The only reason its not full NA is that you definitely could be younger and read it. But I enjoy the newness of the story. I enjoy reading about a girl in college, struggling on being away from home and navigating a new world. Its refreshing to get a different world from high school. We see Cath go from a teenager to an adult in college, and I love that kind of story.

So what I really think new adult should be is emerging adult stories. People from the ages of 18-25ish, coming into the world. Going to college, traveling, getting jobs, all the sort of stuff that I’m going through now, and have been going through since leaving high school. Throw some more serious themes in there, throw some sex in there, and maybe some foul language. That’s okay, that’s realistic. I want to see those kinds of stories in new adult. I could really get behind the idea of new adult, if that’s what it represented.

Instead, I find myself with a group of books that basically seem to YA with sex. A lot of sex. And a lot of it is definitely not well written. This is incredibly disappointing and really puts a bad name on those of who want to write quality new adult literature that has more to it than just sex.

I’m hoping in the future, that there will be more quality new adult literature and that hopefully there won’t be a negative connotation when you write new adult. A lot of NA authors tend to be self-published because most publishers don’t accept it. They have seen the same sort of things I’m seeing: books that aren’t really well-written, with a ton of sex. They really should be going in the romance section.

I have read good NA though. I think Rainbow Rowell’s Fangirl could be considered NA. I’ve heard good things about Cora Carmack’s books, but I haven’t had a chance to dive into them yet. Tammara Webber’s Between the Lines  series and her standalone, Easy, are definitely NA and I absolutely love those books.

I think there could be really great stuff in the new adult genre but I must admit that, for the most part, I tend to avoid it. Its starting to sort of lump together, in a mess and its really hard to find the quality ones in the mess of pretty bad ones.

I have a lot of hope for the genre but until I really start seeing some good stuff, and on actual shelves, instead of all the self-published stuff, than I really think I”ll get into the ‘genre’. Until then, I am just disappointed that the potential of it is just not being utilized. Young adult has a hard enough time being taken seriously as real, quality literature and the emergence of new adult literature doesn’t seem to be helping because of the lack of quality in it. I hope this changes soon, and that publishers start printing really good, well written new adult lit soon.

What do you think? Share in the comments!

Remember, everyone is open to their opinion. You may not necessarily agree, and that’s okay. But we show respect, and we discuss things, we don’t argue, ridicule or treat people with disrespect because of differing opinions. Thank you!

Tuesday Top Ten-Books to Look Forward to in 2014!

My loves! I am so sorry, sildenafil I apologize over and over for my lack of effort on my blog. I truly do. I would like to blame something legitimate like school or NaNoWriMo or something but truly…I just didn’t have the inspiration to work on it.

But I’m back! I promise! Today I’m stealing the topic of the Broke and Bookish’s Top Ten Tuesday post and doing Books to Look Forward to in 2014.

Unfortunately thats kind of hard to narrow down to ten. Really hard. Like, website like this impossibly hard. I read so many authors and so many books that I just look forward to SO many releases.

Even narrowing it down to January to May wasn’t totally helpful. Sigh.

So there are …fourteen books on the list. Sorry :( But hopefully that will get you excited for SO many awesome releases coming in the new year!

Honorable Mentions:

These are honorable mentions because I’ve already read one of them, and I have ARCs of the other! So I want to draw attention to them, since they’ll be releasing in early 2014 BUT I’ll have already read them!

Clicking on the author’s name will take you to their website, and clicking on the book title will take you to the Amazon Page AND clicking the book cover will take you to the GoodReads page! I’m nothing, if not completely thorough ;)

Afterparty by Ann Stampler 


Expected Release: January 7th

Ann’s Where It Began blew me away, and I’m eager to dive into this book and be blown away again. She has a way of capturing the teen outlook but also writes an intelligent and compelling novel. Good girl Emma decides that she wants to break free, and gets involved with Siobhan, whose friendship is fun at first, until it takes a turn, and things become intoxicating and dangerous. I can’t wait for it. Afterparty is going to be a blast!

Going Rogue by Robin Benway


Expected Release: January 14th

The first book of this series, Also Known As, was SUPER funny, and addicting to read. Maggie is part of a spy network with her parents, and her specialty is breaking locks, whether on doors or to safes, etc. Then she gets her own assignment, to go undercover at an upscale high school, and hilarity ensues. Its full of action and fun spy stuff BUT it just makes you laugh so hard, and Maggie is a fun character, AND there’s cute boys. Win!

Panic by Lauren Oliver


Expected Release: March 4th

This one I’ve already read :) I can’t wait to share my review with you all. A departure from her dystopian series, Delirium, Lauren Oliver takes us into the contemporary world again, with a twist. Heather lives in Carp, where nothing ever happens, except for the game Panic every summer. The kids spend the entire year raising money for a ridiculous prize amount (think in the THOUSANDS) and compete in dangerous, scary and, often times, illegal tasks in order to win the game. Heather didn’t expect to play when it came her turn, but that money could be a way out. Dodge, a fellow classmate, has been looking forward to Panic, and he’s determined to get the right outcome. I think you’ll like this one. If you were disappointed with the end of the Delirium series like I was, I think this will help with Lauren Oliver a bit :)

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Now the actual list of ten, erm, eleven books I’m looking forward to in 2014…up until May, at least!

11. Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins


Expected Release: May 13th

I just discovered Stephanie this year! Anna and the French Kiss and especially Lola and the Boy Next Door are GREAT YA contemporary novels that I totally recommend, a thousand times. I am full of SO much excitement for this one because of all great the others have been. In this novel, we are going to meet Isla and Josh and I think come to find a new meaning of the phrase “happily ever after”. And of course, we will see Anna, Etienne, Lola and Cricket again, which makes me very happy. I think that Stephanie will tell a great story, as usual with twists and turns and surprises and enough heart pounding and sigh-worthy scenes to keep us all SO happy!

10. Don’t Look Back by Jennifer L. Armentrout 


Expected Release: April 15th

I am So excited about this one because honestly, I just discovered JLA in May and she has yet to disappoint me. Her storytelling is fantastic; she makes me laugh, and feel all swooning but she throws in these kickass action scenes, and then she has the most sarcastic and hilarious characters. So I’m really anxious to dive into a new series with her. Don’t Look Back follows Samantha who has it all, until she disappears, and then reappears with no memory of who she is or how she got lost. When she figures out that she was the  “mean girl”, she’s determined to have this second chance. Unfortunately her best friend is still missing…Sounds awesome right? She never disappoints and I can’t wait to read it.

 9. Hollow City by Ransom Riggs 


Expected Release: January 14th

Okay, I’m totally reading the first book right now, and maybe I won’t like and maybe I’ll have no desire to read this …but I honestly doubt it. So many people I know really liked this book and I just love Ransom as a person. His instagram, tumblr and twitter posts keep me laughing, and he’s super interactive with his fans. And he’s handsome. Not that this has anything to do with his book, it was just a notable fact about him. Moving on, I am looking forward to this release because I’m already enjoying Miss Peregrine’s a lot AND he’ll be touring for this book and will, of course, be signing in Los Angeles so yay! I keep missing him, and I want formally meet him finally!

8. Cress by Marissa Meyer 


Expected Release: February 4th

I just finished Scarlet, the second book, about a week ago, and I love this series already. I put off reading it FOR so long and I have no idea why. I think it was the cover to be honest. I get turned off on books because of the covers quite often, and I’m often times proven wrong. But I still do it. Anyway, I read Cinder and Scarlet and now I’m very excited for Cress. Marissa Meyer takes the whole science fiction, fairy tale retellings to an incredible level, and her stories and characters are awesome. One minute they’re super badass and sci-fi-ish (that’s a word now) and then the next, they’re totally reminding you of Cinderella and Red Riding Hood. Its awesome. This isn’t the final book, its the climax to the final book, Winter (2015), so you know its going to be SO GOOD.

7. Summer State of Mind by Jen Calonita


Expected Release: April 22nd  

I absolutely adore Jen Calonita. Her books are quick and easy reads, with laughter, cute boys, but often times, serious teen problems as well. Her standalone novel, Sleepaway Girls, was super cute, about a girl going to camp as a CIT and learning to be independent of her dominant best friend. Of course, rivalries happen, cute boys make the summer interesting and hilarity and disaster ensues. I absolutely LOVED it. Now there’s a sequel, called Summer State of Mind, where they’re returning to Camp Whispering Pines and I’m SO excited. She writes such fun novels and I don’t think I’m alone in that desire to go to camp. I always want to go to camp as a kid and was never able to so I like to live vicariously through this. Definitely one to look forward to.

6. Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi


Expected Release: February 4th

When I picked up Shatter Me, I had done so because Tahereh Mafi kept popping up everywhere, at all these events (though I haven’t met her officially either!) and her name just kept popping up to me, and so I decided to check out Shatter Me, even though I was getting kind of tired of dystopian. I’m glad I gave this one a chance because Juliette is an awesome character and we’ve really seen her grow so much in this series, and I hope we continue to see that in Ignite Me. I also think Tahereh Mafi has a way of telling a brand new story in that familiar dystopian archetype that we’ve grown to know so well. She has surprises and twists that keep you hooked til the end.

5. The Last Forever by Deb Caletti 


Expected Release: April 1st

I adore Deb Caletti and while I absolutely loved He’s Gone, which was her dive into adult fiction, I am glad to see she’s back in YA. All of her books are just so incredibly good. She hits SO many issues of teens, but she never makes her books seem like “issue books”. Her stories are flawless and genuine and each one has captivated me and made me fall in love. She’s gotten so much recognition for her books and its totally deserved. The book is sure to be another emotion wrecker. The main character’s mom has died, and her dad is having a hard time recovering and so is she. Enter a road trip, a new place, and a new boy, and it just spells awesome. Deb Caletti tells beautiful stories and I’m sure this one will be as well.

4. City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare 


Expected Release: May 27th

I think most people would be surprised to see this as #4 and now #1 or 2 or 3. And its true, I love Cassandra Clare and adore her books. I definitely can’t wait to read City of Heavenly Fire and see how the TMI series wraps up. My only thing is…I thought the series was wrapped up perfectly in City of Glass and I didn’t feel like it needed to be continued. I am not a fan of Fallen Angels and I kind of like Lost Souls. So while I do want to read the end and find out who lives and who dies, and where everyone sort of ends up, I also am just not DYING to read it, like I was with the other novels. I still think City of Glass was a great ending. But I digress. I’m a TMI fan, and I will read it because I love Jace and Clary and Alec and Simon and Magnus and Isabelle and all of them.

3. Unforgotten by Jessica Brody 


Expected Release: February 25th

Another discovery of this year, Jessica Brody has become one of my favorite authors. I read her book, Unremembered, first, and then dove into her contemporary books which seriously make me laugh. They’re fantastic. Definitely check them out. But we’re focusing on Unremembered. Unremembered is about Seraphina, who wakes up in the middle of the ocean, the only survivor of a deadly plane crash. She doesn’t remember who she is, nor does she remember much in general. No one comes forward to claim her, so she’s taken in by foster parents. While Sera remembers the world, she also realizes that she’s different than others, faster, stronger, smarter. Then a boy named Zen comes into the picture, claiming that he knows her, and that they’re in love. Its like Bourne Identity, but with a badass girl instead of Matt Damon. Its seriously awesome, and I can’t say much more because Unforgotten is the sequel, and you just need to read this. This comes out TWO days before my birthday so happy birthday to me!

2. Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Matson


Expected Release: May 6th 2014

Morgan Matson is one of my absolute favorite authors of all time. She made me fall in love with her, as an author, so fast with Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour. Then she released Second Chance Summer, and its just as good. I’ve met Morgan several times this year, but it’ll be two years since her last novel came out when this third novel hits the stands. That’s a LONG time to wait haha, or at least it is to me. The main character Emily meets Sloane, who introduces her to a world of fun, who helps pull her out of her shell. Then Sloane disappears and leaves behind a list of things for Emily to accomplish like “apple picking at night” or “dancing until dawn” or “kiss a stranger”. It sounds like another unique and fun Morgan Matson novel, and I honestly just can’t wait for it.

1. Grasshopper Jungle by Andrew Smith


Expected Release: February 11th

Another discovery of this year (I seriously dove into books and blogging in 2013), Andrew Smith’s Winger literally knocked my socks off, blew me away, had my jaw hanging open down to the ground. It seriously just…it was so amazing. Now Andrew has a new book releasing in February (on mine and Jon’s 6 year anniversary!), and I’m DYING to read it. I keep trying to get my hands on an ARC but have been thus far unsuccessful. I may have to wait til February but it’ll be worth the wait. Andrew has a natural humor to his books, I have laughed out loud, uncontrollably with tears, because of his books. In this novel, Andrew is combining his hilarity with his out of this world story telling (giant insects? really? I’m shuddering already), and I’m sure he’s going to get that teen boy spirit, hilarity and coming of age-ness like he has done before. I am DYING to get my hands on this book, especially when everyone is loving it! It WILL happen!

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I hope you enjoyed this Tuesday Top ….Eleven…or something…some number close to Ten. You should definitely add ALL of these books to your “to-read” list, and if you haven’t read their prequels, then get on it! These books and authors are all great, and you’ll definitely enjoy them!

Don’t forget that you can check out previous Tuesday Top Ten lists here!

What are some books that you are looking forward to in the New Year? Share in the comments! 

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Fictional Crush of the Week-Aidan St. Delphi from The Covenant Series

I hope you’re all having an AMAZING weekend! Enjoy this week’s Fictional Crush!

As always, viagra buy remember that these WILL have MILD spoilers for the series that they are from!

Character Name:

Aidan St. Delphi

crush 6

Book or Series They Appear In:

The Covenant Series

Half Blood, Pure, Deity, Elixir, Apollyon, Sentinel


Jennifer L. Armentrout

Played By: 

No One…Yet. The Covenant Series has been optioned for a TV series so hopefully we get a visual of Aidan soon!

Who They Are:

Aidan St. Delphi is the secondary character to Alex in the Covenant series. He is a pure, but chooses to become a fighter, a Sentinel, who fights to protect pures. He is serious, with a rare sense of humor around those he cares about, and is a fighter, and a handsome one at that. He’s all dark, except for his shining silver eyes. He’s dedicated to his job, and to his brother, who he is determined to keep safe and happy. He is so distance in the beginning, to protect Alex and to convince her that he has no feelings toward her, so we get that dark and mysterious hot guy thing going on.

But when Alex and Aidan finally do end up together, he is so incredible. He is sweet and protective, but he trusts in Alex and he believes in her strength and her capabilities. He says amazing things and does so many things for her, makes sacrifices and works so hard for her. Plus, the hot and steamy scenes? I was fanning myself quite a few times during those. They are HOT, and Aidan has some serious confidence, and some sexy  moves in the bedroom. I’m just saying. Its no wonder Alex fell in love with him.

Why I Am Crushing On Them: 

Aidan St. Delphi is one of those guys who is so sexy, so caring, so amazing and perfect for the MC and yet he puts it off for so long and you want to bonk him over the head. But for some reason, this guy who does this, distances himself from the main character, to protect her…is so incredibly appealing. Aidan is a pure and Alex is a half, which is a completely NO-NO in that world, and it’ll hurt Alex big time and Aidan doesn’t want that happening to her. So he pushes her away again and again and again, and even though it drives you insane, you love the guy anyway. He’s only doing it for HER.

Notable Quotes: 

“By the way,” Aiden said casting me a long look that had me totally forgetting the seriousness of our mission. “You look damn good in a Sentinel uniform.”

“Apollo had said he knew what this kind of love was capable of. And I finally understood why Paris had risked his country and his blood for Helen. Selfish, yes, but I understood. I would burn the world if that meant Alex would be safe.”

“I swore to you that I wouldn’t let that happen, and I know I’ve failed you, but I’m not going to just give up, Alex. I’ll never give up on you.”

“The ‘I have something I want to say but I shouldn’t’ tone” A little bit of humor seeped into his voice. “I’m well familiar with it.”

“That’s okay,” Apollo replied, smiling at him in a wholly creepy’ hide your kids’ kind of way. “When you least expect it, I’m going to turn you into a a pink flower that smells like cat pee.”

“Because I love you, we share each other’s problems. When we fight, we fight together. I’m going to be by your side no matter what, whether you like it or not. That’s what love is, Alex. You never have to face anything alone again. And I get what you’re saying. I don’t agree with it, but I will support you in any way I can.”

“I can’t keep pretending that I don’t want this – that I don’t want you. I can’t. Not after what happened to you. I thought… I thought I’d lost you, Alex, forever. And I would’ve lost everything. You are my everything.” 

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I hope you enjoyed this week’s swoon worthy character! Tune in next week for some more fictional hotties!

WWW Wednesday!

WWW Wednesday is a weekly feature from Should Be Reading. I saw it on my friend Erin’s blog, sales That One Geek Girl, check and decided to join in.

To play along:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll be reading next?

So here are my answers:

What are you currently reading? 


My good friend Shaina, treat over at The Urge to Write, just debuted her first, self-published novel. Its FREE all day today, and then goes up to 2.99. I can’t wait to dive in and read her book!


I couldn’t wait for this book to come out, and asked Susan Ee if she’d be interested in doing an interview for the blog. Not only is she interested BUT she sent me an ARC of World After :)

What did you recently finish reading?


The last and final book of the Legend trilogy was released Tuesday and I finished this in less than three hours, and it’ll have a spoiler-free review tomorrow for the Book of the Week.


The finale book for the Covenant series, you can read the spoiler free review here.

What do you you think you’ll be reading next? 


I started this, I just need to go back and finish it. Its really great, and really informative but there’s no story so its hard to get through. But I want to dive back into it and find out more about Shadowhunters and their history.


I was gifted this by a friend, and I’ve heard many many many good things about this, so I hope to get into that soon too!

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What about you guys? Share what you’re reading, what you plan to read, and all of that fun book jazz in the comments below!

Sentinel by Jennifer L. Armentrout Review

Sentinel by Jennifer L. Armentrout



You Can Find the Book At:



Barnes and Noble

Author Website


GoodReads Summary:

As the mortal world slowly slips into chaos of the godly kind, treatment Alexandria Andros must overcome a stunning defeat that has left her shaken and in doubt of their ability to end this war once and for all.

And with all the obstacles between Alex and her happily-ever-after with the swoon worthy Aiden St. Delphi, information pills they must now trust a deadly foe as they travel deep into the Underworld to release one of the most dangerous gods of all time.

In the stunning, thumb action-packed climax to the bestselling Covenant series, Alex must face a terrible choice: the destruction of everything and everyone she holds dear… or the end of herself.

My Review:

Please be aware while this review will NOT have spoilers for Sentinel, I cannot in any way guarantee there will not be spoilers for Half-Blood, Pure, Deity, Elixir or Apollyon. Please visit my book reviews page to read those! 

I’m not sure what I expected when I was reading this book but every single thing that happened was completely not in my line of expectations. I could call Sentinel the book of plot twists. There were so many surprises at every turn that there is no way on earth I could have ever predicted how this story would go. But that was a good thing! This novel was an emotional roller coaster taking us from hot and steamy scenes between Alex and Aidan into epic battles and fight scenes to completely emotional moments that made you want to cry. Every page was a surprise, taking us further into the unexpected, and you keep reading, because you just HAVE to know what happens next.

Jennifer creates a beautiful story, to wrap up a five book series. Do you know how hard it is to write a five book series and keep an audience captivated until the very last page? Its incredibly hard, and I think there’s a lot of authors that struggle with this. This is why, sometimes, when I read series, I find myself feeling less interested and less captivated as I get further in the series. This is so opposite for the Covenant series and especially of Sentinel. I am addicted until the very last page, where tears were running down my face, in sadness, in happiness, in completely satisfaction.

She takes the story that we’ve come so familiar with in the past four novels and two novellas, and creates an ending that is both very believable and very realistic but that would make any reader of the series feel like she did right by her story and her characters. The journey that the characters take is a rough one. They must face down Ares, a vindictive, determined, extremely powerful god, and his legion of half bloods and pures and compelled mortals, as well as Alex’s Apollyon counterpart, Seth. And the direction the story takes them, all of them, is a surprise to me. I can’t say too much without ruining any of the story but the outcomes of certain characters were definitely unexpected but seemed to fit perfectly with the story, and the events that take place in this finale.

Plus, Jennifer just tells great stories. She writes an action scene, and you’re clutching the pages in excitement while simultaneously Googling how to learn hand to hand combat. She weaves humor into almost every moment in her novel, keeping us still breathing, even when our hearts are breaking. She understands friendships and family, sacrifice, and battle and war, she understands romance and she understands fear and love and bravery and selfishness and so many other emotions and she can put so many of those into the stories, and it all feels so real.

And she can write a steamy scene like no body else. She is able to write a beautiful, romantic, hot and heavy scene that leaves you blushing and wishing very much for a cold shower, but she keeps it tasteful and classy, and in a way that fits so perfectly in her young adult novels. She addresses it responsibly, of course, but she knows that two people in love, whether they’re teenagers or adults, are going to experience that sort of intimacy and she does it so beautifully. Any time that Alex and Aidan share a steamy scene, I felt myself getting more comfortable and diving in, because she is SO good at romance, and because I love Aidan and Alex, and I LOVE them as a couple.

Simply put, any fan of this series is going to be so satisfied by the end of this novel. I thought it was an incredibly fitting ending, for all of the characters, and I felt like, while there was a heartbreak, there was also hope and happiness as well. I think it wraps up the story very well, but also shows that the story can continue as well, in our own minds and hearts and I think that’s beautiful. Definitely a must read for fans, you will most definitely enjoy it!


5 out of 5 stars

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Exclusive Interview with Jennifer L. Armentrout!

Happy Release Day for Jennifer L. Armentrout. Today the final book in her epic Covenant series releases, order Sentinel.



The series follows a teen by the name of Alex. Alex is a half-blood demigod, viagra buy living in a world where the halfs are worth much less than the pures. She must prove herself as a fighter, to be part of the Sentinels, or she will be forced into inescapable servitude. She soon finds out that she has more powers than she would have previously ever known and that she could have the power to change the world she lives in, if others don’t destroy it first.

Jennifer is also the author of MANY MANY other novels too, such as her sci-fi romance series, the Lux series, The Dark Elements series, and also writes romance novels and other fantasy novels under the pseudonym of J. Lynn.

She’s an absolutely amazing author, and I really enjoy reading her novels. I first discovered her when I read the Lux series back in May. I blew threw the first three books and eagerly awaited the fourth novel, which was released back in August. I am very excited to read the 5th book, Opposition, when that hits stands. It took me awhile to get into her Covenant series but I am SO glad I did. I am so ready for the release of Sentinel today, and to find out how this epic series ends.

There’s even MORE exciting things happening as well! Obsidian, the first novel of the Lux series, has been optioned to become a feature film, while the Covenant series has been optioned to be a TV show! Can’t wait to see how both of these unfold!

For now, let’s enjoy this short, but fun interview with Jennifer, herself.

Sara: Where did you get the idea or inspiration for the Covenant series? 

Jennifer: I have always been interested in mythology, and I just really wanted to write a book that incorporated some aspects of mythology into the story.

Sara: How excited are you for the Covenant TV series and what are your hopes and expectations for it?

Jennifer: I am so excited about seeing Alex, Aiden and Seth on a TV series. I know that Herrick Entertainment is going to do a great job bringing the world of the Covenant series to TV.

Sara: What is your writing process like: do you treat it like an 8-5 job or do you write when you feel inspired? 

Jennifer: I write every day for 8-10 hours, even on holidays. But I don’t necessarily write from 8-5. I usually write a different times throughout the day.

Sara: What is the hardest part of writing a novel: the outline, the beginning, the middle, the end, the characters, etc? 

Jennifer: After I get started on a new book, the hardest part is usually the middle for me. I will skip around if I get stuck, and then go back after I’ve written some other scenes.


Sara: What are you working on right now, and what can we expect in the near future?

Jennifer: I’m currently working on a new YA contemporary, The Problem with Forever, for Disney/Hyperion. Then, I’ll be writing the fifth book in the Lux series, Opposition.

Sara: Bonus question that I ask everyone I interview, who is your fictional crush? 

Jennifer: Tod from Rachel Vincent’s Soul Screamer series

*      *      *       *     *

I hope you enjoyed this short, but awesome interview! I can’t wait to dive into Sentinel today, and I’m eagerly awaiting Opposition and this new book, The Problem with Forever!

Happy Reading Everyone!