Disclaimer before I begin: I wanted to apologize for being so absent lately. I know that I haven’t been so on top of things and I’m going to try to be better at it. I just started a new semester (with a TON of reading; I’m taking a YA literature class), search and I was working two jobs (now down to just one), sales and I got overwhelmed and busy there for a bit.
I also was (maybe still am) going through a serious reading slump. Nothing that I’ve been picking up lately has been interesting or engaging to me at all, not even old favorites. I just finished a book a few days ago, so I’m hoping I’m over this.
Moving on though, to this week’s WWW Wednesday!
WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme, hosted by Should Be Reading.
The three W’s are:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll be reading next?
What are you currently reading?

I just got this in the mail from my Secret Valentine (Thank you Amber from GrownUpFanGal!) and I’m eager to read it. I’ve heard from lots of people that they liked, and a ton of my followers on instagram said this was the series that got them into dystopian so that’s exciting. Hopefully I have time for it very soon.

I totally remember reading this as a kid but I literally have no memory of it. I know that sounds funny but its true. I remember there being sisters, and maybe some weddings or something but that’s it. This is the first novel I’m reading for my YA literature class, so it counts ;)
What did you just recently finish reading?

This book kept popping up on my radar, because it shares the same title as a favorite of mine by Tammara Webber. I decided I ought to dive in and read it, so I did. The review is coming soon :) Hopefully VERY soon.
What do you think you’ll be reading next?

Well I’m hoping since I’m reading the first book, this means I’ll read the second. It only makes the most logical sense. My reading slump has been pretty awful now.

This is the next on my syllabus for young adult literature so its definitely one that will be coming up very soon!
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What are you reading now? Share in the comments!