So its not secret that tattoos are a big part of my life.
As of a couple weeks ago, information pills I am now up to ten, ampoule nine of which are fandom related.
Now, I know a ton of people that understand. They understand the urge to get a tattoo. They understand that the feel of the needle and that sort of lotion-y inky smell is just brilliant. They understand that there is something amazing about staring down at a permanent piece of artwork on your body that represents something close to you. I feel beautiful with my tattoos.
Now there are also people that don’t, which is why I want to share this post with you all. Myself and a few others have elected to share their tattoos and why they got them. It may not necessarily change your mind on them, and I don’t really expect it to.
But there are reasons that we all get these on our skin. Some people might not understand that. But when I read a book, something about it changes me. It may be a bad thing, but it still does something. But most of the time, a book will change me for good, and there are a select few that really leave lingering attachments.
oh wait, that’s me. No need to get excited ;)

I have 9 fandom tattoos so far, ten total. I sometimes consider my Something Corporate tattoo a fandom tattoo, because music is a fandom, but for the most part, its just a tattoo I keep to myself. I have the Deathly Hallows symbol on my wrist, with “Wit Beyond Measure” underneath and “Man’s Greatest Treasure” on the other wrist. I have the epitaph from James and Lily Potter’s gravestone on my back with page stars, and “Always” on my ankle. I have the Rebel Alliance symbol from Star Wars on the back of neck and the fearless rune from The Mortal Instruments on my shoulder. I have the word “fearless” written in Circular Gallifreyan from Doctor Who on my wrist, the three ravens tattoo that Tris has in Divergent and a molnija mark from Vampire Academy.
What all of them really have in common is the idea of fear, and overcoming and accepting it and conquering those things that seem too big for us. Harry Potter conquers his fears and he accepts death and he ends up winning in the end. He handles the biggest, hardest things that any teenager has to face and he’s so strong and he does it. The Rebel Alliance takes on the entire Galactic Empire, just a small band of believers and its incredible. Fearless in both Shadowhunter runes and Doctor Who Gallifreyan represents my desire to overcome my fears. When Rose gets her molnija marks for defeating Strigoi, she’s conquering fears of Strigoi and she’s becoming brave, and coming into her own as a guardian. Tris gets her ravens when she wants to recognize and remember her past, but move forward into her own future.
I feel like I’m writing a lot but I do have a lot of tattoos. Each tattoo that I’ve gotten represents my desire to be my own person and to not give up and not let my fears keep me from experiencing life or trying to live my dreams. I am scared of so many things, like death or the dark and bugs (EW), but I’m also afraid of failure, not reaching my dreams, not being able to do the amazing things I want to do with my life. I have these to remind myself that there are these amazing characters created that conquer their fears and live their dreams and take down big enemies and get over the highest hills and that I can do that too. I can publish a book and travel the world. I can live in many different places and I can conquer that constant anxiety and fear that is always in the very back of my mind.

The first picture is from the mortal instruments and the infernal devices series by Cassandra Clare. Its the fortitude rune which gives the shadowhunter the power of fortitude. Mental and emotional strength when faced with difficulty, adversity, danger and temptation. I got this tattoo because I struggled with depression and I need to remember to stay strong through anything. It’s a really positive rune which whenever I face difficulties I can look at and remember to stay grounded and that I will always overcome whatever lays in my path.
The second picture is a quote from Alice in Wonderland. I loved this book when I was a kid and have always been obsessed with it. I chose this quote because it’s true. Everyone is mad, everyone is different, we are all a bit weird. I was always different from everyone else and as a result I was bullied a lot. This tattoo reminds me that you are who you are and no body is perfect, everyone is mad in one way or another.

This is my first tattoo. It is Eeyore from A.A. Mine’s Winnie the Pooh books. For my first tattoo I wanted something that I have loved and felt a connection to for a long long time. Eeyore was Always my favourite as a child and even more than that I feel a connection with him as I am definitely an Eeyore type personality.

I got Dumbledore’s quote to Harry about the Mirror of Erised from book 1, encircling the Deathly Hallows symbol from book 7, and ending with the page stars, to symbolize Harry’s journey coming full circle, and because I just love this quote. I got the page stars on my wrist because JKR drew them and I love that only other HP fans know what they are, while anyone else just thinks they’re 3 stars on my wrist.

Doctor Who actually saved my life. I have anxiety and depression, and was in an abusive relationship. I felt I wasn’t important and didn’t care if anything happened. The past couple years have been super hard. Then I started to watch Doctor Who, and I realized I was important. This reminds me of love and hope. I love all the strong characters and how they cry openly and are just so amazing. I actually am planning to add on to it in the future.

I’m not sure I really have a “why” but here it goes. The Avengers got me into comics, and I have no issues admitting that. But THE Avenger that actually made me purchase a book? Hawkeye. As soon as I heard about the book I knew I had to get my hands on it. I looked into local comic book stores and found a little piece of Heaven that was welcoming to everyone. Then before you know it, I had a pull box filled with various comics. None of this would have happened without the Avenger that runs around with a group of super heroes but enjoys a slice of pizza with his dog on his off days.

My fandom tattoos started with my divergent tattoo. I had a good bit of ink previously and came dangerously close to getting the dauntless faction symbol instead of my birds (I still kinda want to), and around the same time, grownupfangirl started to kind of take off, so I obviously started reading and communicating with some of my favorite authors more…which ultimately leads to Stronger feelings about certain books.
I think, my fandom tattoos are best described by a quote in a book I recently read (Best Kind of Broken by Chelsea Fine): “She’s fearless with her tattoos, stamping her body with whatever is truthful for her at the time. There’s something honest about that – about devoting yourself to whatever is honest for you in the moment, even though you know life will change and you’ll change with it.”

I have two Harry Potter tattoos, both on my arms. My first is a black outline of a Golden Snitch with the Deathly Hallows symbol inside of it. To me, the snitch represents so much besides Quidditch. I’ve always been fascinated with flight, it is also winning the end of the “game”, it holds secrets, and stays true to the first person that catches it. Harry’s Snitch even held a Deathly Hallows item inside. Therefore the Deathly Hallows symbol is inside to represent this as well as the death so many are afraid of and run from. But when you possess the Deathly Hallows, you are the master of death and in a way, I now possess them.
The writing on my other arm is actually JK Rowling’s hand writing from a letter she wrote to me after I met her. I handed her a letter I wrote about my life, and how much her stories and she means to me and so many others in the world. The writing says “Keep fighting! You’re inspirational. With Love and Admiration, Jo”. I chose the royal purple color to match the signature color in her handwritten letter and because it represents the original Potter franchise and magic in general. Having her autograph as Jo, not her usual ‘JK Rowling’ was so much more personal to me. Her letter was longer but I chose these particular pieces from it to inspire me to never give up in my life, that anything is possible, and always remember my own role model finds me inspirational to her.

These are my two Harry Potter tattoos. I’ve got the Deathly Hallows because that book is my favourite and I wanted something to symbolise that. It’s on my right foot. On my left forearm, I have “I open at the close”. This is from the first snitch that Harry ever caught, and is also from the last book. I love this quote because I feel like it symbolises Harry, and the kind of person he is.
I’ve loved Harry Potter for a very long time now and always wanted a Harry Potter tattoo. A few people told me I would regret my decision to get these tattoos, but I won’t. I’ll always love Harry Potter, and even if for some reason, I stop loving the books, they’re a huge part of my life and I’d never change that.

I have two science fiction tattoos. Left is the TARDIS from Doctor Who an the right is the Starfleet insignia from Star Trek. I got them because I love the concept of space exploration and sci-fi things make me happy, whether they are incredibly mind blowing or incredibly cheesy. I love it all.

My tattoo means the world to me. It is from “The Mortal Instruments” series. The quote is from the City of Bones book and movie, which is quoted by Hodge Starkweather. The reason I chose this quote is because I have a wide imagination and all the stories are true in my eyes. I believe in pretty much everything I read in fiction. The reason I chose the Angelic rune (also from TMI) is because it was my favourite rune and I kept unconsciously drawing it on anything i could, pretty much like Clary! Also, I like to think everyone has a little bit of angelic power inside of them.

The first one is the fearless rune from TMI. I got it because sometimes you feel like you need something that hides your fears away, and I needed it. I needed to stand up and by myself. And so I did. The second one is Tris’ ravens, from Divergent. I admire her, because I relate to her. I would give my life if it means the people I love will be okay. And, sometimes, for them and for yourself to be happy, you need to make some sacrifices. I’ve done some, and it’s nice to have this tattoo with it’s double meaning.
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I hope you enjoyed seeing all these awesome people’s tattoos! I’ve done posts like these before and I hope to continue to post about them, because its a passion of mine.
If you have a tattoo of the nerd variety, don’t forget to share them! We want to see them!