I really did try to come up with a better name for this. Obviously I failed miserably. This is why I don’t name things, viagra buy guys. I let other people do that work for me!
Moving on…
In just over a month, the final installment of The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare, City of Heavenly Fire, will be hitting bookstores. War will be waged, battles will be fought, tears will definitely be shed.
You can read my City of Heavenly Fire synopsis reaction here.
And in order to celebrate and prepare for this ending, What A Nerd Girl Says is going Shadowhunter.
I’ll be re-reading the Mortal Instruments books until the release, and profiling each one a week until the release. I would encourage you to join in whatever you way you can: on your blog, on Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, whatever way you’d like!
I’ll be tweeting, instagraming and tumblring as much as possible and will be using the hashtag: #anerdgirlsaysTMIreadathon, so please join in! I’d love to hear from you as we make our way back through the TMI series and prepare for the heartbreak that is sure to be City of Heavenly Fire.
Here is the schedule that I’ll be doing for my TMI Read-A-Thon
City of Bones – Week of April 21st

Tuesday 4/22: Tuesday Top Ten: Favorite City of Bones Moments
Thursday 4/24: Book of the Week: City of Bones
Friday 4/25: City of Bones: Favorite Quotes
Saturday 4/26: Fictional Crush of the Week: Jace Wayland (Re-Post)
City of Ashes – Week of April 28th

Tuesday 4/29: Tuesday Top Ten: Favorite City of Ashes Moments
Thursday 5/1: Book of the Week: City of Ashes
Friday 5/2: City of Ashes: Favorite Quotes
Saturday 5/3: Fictional Crush of the Week: Isabelle Lightwood (Re-Post)
City of Glass – Week of May 5th

Tuesday 5/6: Tuesday Top Ten: Favorite City of Glass Moments
Thursday 5/8: Book of the Week: City of Glass
Friday 5/9: City of Glass: Favorite Quotes
Saturday 5/10: Fictional Crush of the Week: Alec Lightwood (Re-Post)
City of Fallen Angels – Week of May 12th

Tuesday 5/13: Tuesday Top Ten: Favorite City of Fallen Angels Moments
Thursday 5/15: Book of the Week: City of Fallen Angels
Friday 5/16: City of Fallen Angels: Favorite Quotes
Saturday 5/17: Fictional Crush of the Week: Simon Lewis
City of Lost Souls – Week of May 19th

Tuesday 5/20: Tuesday Top Ten: Favorite City of Lost Souls Moments
Thursday 5/22: Book of the Week: City of Lost Souls
Friday 5/23: City of Lost Souls: Favorite Quotes
Saturday 5/24: Fictional Crush of the Week: Magnus Bane
City of Heavenly Fire – Week of May 26th

Tuesday 5/27: Happy Book Birthday to Cassandra Clare!
Wednesday 5/29: Vlog Reaction to City of Heavenly Fire (Spoilers!)
Thursday 5/30: Book of the Week: City of Heavenly Fire (No Spoilers!)
Friday 5/31: City of Heavenly Fire: Favorite Quotes/Moments
Saturday 6/1: Fictional Crush of the Week: Clary Fray
* * * * * * * * *
I hope that you can all join me! I know that not everyone can read as quickly as me, though, so I made these posts sort of easy so that if you’ve read the books before, you can participate!
Happy Reading everyone, and don’t forget to follow here on the Blog, the Tumblr, the Twitter, the Facebook and the Instagram to be a part of the Read-A-Thon!