30-Day Book Challenge-Day Three

**Please note that all of these Book Challenge posts will have Spoilers!**

Day 03-The best book you’ve read in the last 12 months


Divergent by Veronica Roth

I am sure that I have read more books in the last twelve months but I read so much, its hard to remember. This is the first one that pops out in my head so it must be the best I’ve read in the last year haha.

Basic Plot: The story is of our country in the future after, of course, things have gotten out of hand and we’ve had to rebuild our society. The society is divided into five factions: each faction represents a virtue that is necessary for having a stable society: Abnegation (selflessness), Erudite (intelligence), Dauntless (courage/fearlessness), Candor (honesty) and Amity (peaceful). While living in that faction, you embrace everything that it is. Beatrice Prior is born into the Abnegation faction, but when she takes her test to determine what faction she should belong in, she learns that she is what is called divergent, able to fit into multiple factions. When she chooses Dauntless, she begins to learn more about herself, people in general and the society she lives in.

The Awesomeness: Beatrice, who renames herself Tris when she reaches Dauntless, is a fantastic character. She’s been living in Abnegation her whole life, and yet she doesn’t feel she belongs. She’s too curious and unable to keep up the selflessness ways. Then she gets to Dauntless and eventually blooms. It’s really fun to watch her do so because she isn’t used to even touching people and now she has to hit them. Her relationship with Four is interesting to watch too because it’s not like most romances in novels. Tris has barely touched other people her whole life, has barely expressed any affection and so her interactions with Four are so real and so exciting for the reader.

Why it Fits this Category: I would say this is the best book I’ve read in the last year because of how fast I read it and how much I liked it. I immediately read the second installment, Insurgent, the next day. I liked the dystopian element to it, it was very similar to Hunger Games, but I liked Tris’ attitude and courage. I love how determined she is to stay in Dauntless and how her relationship with Four unfolds.


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