Sneak Peek of A Little Less Than Famous

Some of you know what A Little Less than Famous is. Some of you don’t.

So to be quick, I’ll tell you this: its my second full novel. My first one is called Another Chance for Summer, which is available as an ebook for Kindle and Nook. If you click above in the novels section, you will able to purchase it and love it. Several people have read it already and have enjoyed it so I’m sure you will too.

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Happy Nerdsgiving…I Mean, Thanksgiving!

Happy Nerd Thanksgiving!

Now for those of you living here in the United States, I’m sure you know what this holiday is all about. I’m sure you dressed up in the paper costumes of Pilgrims and Indians back in first grade and you know,you know, just get to the turkey and the Black Friday sales already.

For those of you who don’t know what its about it, its basically this: The Pilgrims came to America to settle in the New World. Thanksgiving marks the first dinner, and meal that the Pilgrims and Indians shared together. Its all about the peaceful bond between the two and how they came together to enjoy this meal and all that fun stuff.

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Fake Nerd Girls…or Not?

So, a few days ago, my good friend and awesome contributor, Jackie, did a short little post on her own website called “Fake Geek Girls-Cut the CRAP“.

And it seriously got me thinking.

Because I can totally see where she is coming from.

I’m sure a lot of you have seen this meme before.

And I’m not going to lie. This sudden burst of geekiness and nerdiness? It’s frustrating. And yeah, its pretty annoying too.

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The One Rule to Rule them All – Let’s Show Some Respect, Yeah?

Thanks to my friend, Tanya, for that name. Its a badass way to describe what I’m about to talk about.

Here’s the thing:

It took me a long to come to terms with who I am: as a person, as a writer, as a daughter, as a sister, as a friend, as a girlfriend, as a complete nerd and as a bisexual. All of those things were hard.

And its going to sound crazy, but that hardest one was embracing the nerd in me.

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