Liebster Blog Award

For those of you who don’t know (I didn’t know), the Liebster Blog Award is an award that is given to a blog with less than 200 followers (I have about 40 so that’s definitely me) and its basically to given some recognition to those up and coming blogs who are just starting or are trying to get some notice.

I’d really like to thank Geeky Book Snob blog for nominating me for this award.

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Being a Fan-Too Expensive?

I’m a fangirl. I think we’ve discussed this before but I am definitely a fangirl. I’m a nerd. I love fandoms.

And something that comes along with that is a desire to buy everything in sight from that fandom. I want all the Blu-rays, I want a kick ass cosplay outfit. I want phone covers, and posters, prop replicas and books, shirts and bags and stickers and toothbrushes and EVERYTHING.

But as years have gone by, as I’ve tried to collect everything in sight, I’ve realized something:

Being a fangirl is really expensive.

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What A Nerd Girl Says Is Looking For Stickers and a Logo!!

So as I’m sure some of you know, I’ve been trying really hard to get something to give out to people, to promote this blog. I think I’ve finally decided on stickers and am now just trying to figure where I’m getting them done and how they’re going to look. I want them to look good but done for a cheap price ( I am a starving college student) and quickly. If anyone has any ideas, I’m all ears.

In the meantime, my dad, a graphic designer, is helping me, along with his other artistic friends, to help come up with a logo for this blog and for the stickers. I’ve seen some sketches and so far, they’re looking good! I’m really excited to see how they turn out, especially so I can share it all with you!

The Tuesday Three

Hello, everyone! Hope that your week is going okay so far. For you U.S. nerds out there, the week is just starting as we just had a three day weekend. I hope everyone had a good weekend and was SAFE! I’m big on the safety :D

I had myself a pretty good weekend, spent some time with the boyfriend and the family, watched some Doctor Who (check out the last blog post for my review of the season premiere!), went to the beach, etc.

But now it’s that time of week again! Time for the Tuesday Three…the three things on my mind in the nerd world tomorrow.

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