Book of the Week: Clockwork Prince

Hello all.

Hope you are all having a WONDERFUL week this week. I definitely am. I am mostly having a good week because everything has just been so good lately. There’s been a ton of awesome TMI and TID (Cassandra Clare) news, with stills released from the City of Bones movie and the newly released book trailer for Clockwork Princess, the final Infernal Devices novel.

I recently went to Gallifrey One, the Doctor Who convention, which was a ton of fun. My birthday is less than a week away, and that is insanely exciting. I was finally picked for World Book Night, where I hope I get to hand out either Percy Jackson or Looking for Alaska.

In the next few weeks, new books will be released by both Lauren Oliver and Cassandra Clare, and I’ll be meeting both very soon after. I will be seeing Andrew McMahon in concert, going to Anaheim for Wonder Con and watching brand new episodes of both Doctor Who and Game of Thrones.

So much excitement.

And because one of my favorite authors, Cassandra Clare, is releasing her final installment of the Infernal Devices series, Clockwork Prince, in less than three weeks, I decided it would make a fantastic Book of the Week to do the previous book, Clockwork Prince.

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Book of the Week: Legend

Its been a pretty awesome week for me. I’ve really realized how much AWESOME is coming this year. Cassandra Clare alone is bringing a ton of awesome this year, if you read my blog post yesterday. So many movies (City of Bones,Sea of Monsters, Ironman 3, The Hobbit 2, Catching Fire, Monsters University, 42, and on and on) are coming out, and books. Fall Out Boy is back together; I get to see my music god, Andrew McMahon, back in concert.

So much awesome. Its also been awesome in my reading this week.

I’ve been looking forward to sharing this book with you guys ALL WEEK.

I’ve fallen really behind on my 200 books goal. It was my first week back at school, and I’m working extra hours at work this week so not a lot of time for casual reading. Kind of makes me sad, I was on a roll!

But anyway, the last book I finished was Prodigy by Marie Lu. Right before that, I read the first book, Legend. And I was pretty blown away. I knew immediately that I wanted it to be the Book of the Week.

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Book of the Week: The Looking Glass Wars

Hello everyone. I hope everyone is having a great and nerdy week. We’ve had some good news this week in that Doctor Who finally got a return date! (March 30th for those of you who missed yesterday’s post). Lots of really awesome things are coming soon. Wonder Con is the same weekend as the return of Doctor Who. Tickets went on sale this week so I’m pretty excited about all that.

Meanwhile, I’m keeping myself busy with my 200 books this year goal. Currently I’m at about 13 1/2 books but I hit a slow patch in reading as I picked up my pen (or my keyboard…) and started writing again. I was hit with some writing inspiration and I’ve been writing. Its all just one big fat sloppy mess right now but its fun to be writing while promoting the publishing of A Little Less than Famous.

However, troche I HAVE been reading a lot so I do have a Book of the Week for you this week, which means I’m getting a WHOLE lot better at my schedule, which is GOOD. That means I’m getting more responsible and that you can trust me now! Hopefully…

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Book of the Week-The Girl of Fire and Thorns

Welcome back to the Book of the Week, in its new day, Thursday! I changed the outline of my blog a little bit and moved the Book of the Week from Friday to Thursday. Okay, and I am totally aware that is neither Thursday nor Friday and I’m already doing seriously horrible at sticking to my blog outline. I’m trying to do better though and its been kind of a busy week.

But moving on. I am on a reading high right now, trying to make my goal of 200 books in a year and so far, I’ve read 11 books this year, which isn’t too bad considering its mid-January.

So it actually was kind of hard to pick a book for a book of the week.

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Book of the Week-Looking for Alaska

As a huge supporter of young adult literature, John Green is one of the authors that top my list. John Green is definitely an example of how young adult literature can be used as a viable source of literature and SHOULD be used in classrooms.

Moving on though, its been forever since I did a Book of the Week post because, sadly, I was so busy between Christmas and all the birthdays that I have going in December and I literally had no time to read anything. But now that I still have a month left of glorious winter vacation before I hit the books again in school, I can consume all the books that I received as Christmas gifts.

One of those books was Looking for Alaska, by John Green.

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