Happy 2nd Birthday What A Nerd Girl Says and HUGE HUGE Giveaway!


I am so excited, discount I can barely handle it. Today is the second birthday for What A Nerd Girl Says.

I can’t believe that my blog, my baby, is two years old. I have worked so hard on it, and it really means the world to me. What started off as a place for me to defend my love for YA, and just YA in general, and a place for me to just be completely me has become so much more than that.

I’ve created a place where I can go to escape, and to talk about the things that I love completely. I’ve met so many amazing friends, friends that I can’t believe I ever wasn’t friends with. Major shoutout to Sylvia and Cassie, two people who I do so many fangirl things with, I can’t imagine doing them without you. We have SUCH adventures together. But I love ALL the friends I’ve made through this adventure like Mina and Janette and Alex and Stephanie and the rest. You guys ROCK.

I also love that I’ve been able to meet other amazing bloggers. They’ve become super inspirational to me, and helpful and I’ve loved getting to know all the fantastic bloggers out there. And if you’re thinking of blogging, you should do it :) Its fun, and if you’re passionate about it, you’ll love it. There’s a great community of bloggers out there, and I am so appreciative of it.

I am also grateful for the amount of authors and librarians and booksellers that its brought into my life. I’ve literally surrounded myself with people who are as obsessed with words as I am. I love having these people in my life and wrapping myself further into the book world. I feel like I’m constantly getting amazing advice on making my blog better, on becoming an even better author and figuring out what I’m going to do with my life. I think I’ll have the support that I need when its time.

Basically, it comes down to this: I’m such a lucky girl. I’m surrounded by amazing friends, inspiring people and I get to do some of the most amazing things. I’ve met so many authors that I can barely count how many and I have experienced so much. I can’t handle the life that I’ve been able to have because of my blog and what it has brought me. Yay for two years and here’s to many more being the Nerd Girl of What A Nerd Girl Says!


Now for the exciting part: the giveaway.

Last year, I gave away a HUGE box of goodies to one lucky winner. That winner ended up being Mina, who has, in the last year, become SUCH a good friend of mine and I am so glad that she won my contest :)

This year, I decided to go even bigger.

I’ve been stocking up prizes, and I have a TON of epic stuff to give away! There are 5 Prize Packs up For Grabs!

Prize #1: The Golden Trio

2014-05-22 17.12.52

2014-05-22 17.17.55

-One Copy of Fangirl signed by the author, Rainbow Rowell

-One Copy of Anna and the French Kiss signed by the author Stephanie Perkins

-One Copy of Diverent (unsigned) with Four Sneak Peek Booklet Signed by author Veronica Roth

Prize #2 : Let’s Keep it Real 

2014-05-22 17.13.30

2014-05-22 17.09.09

-One Copy of Me and Earl and the Dying Girl Signed by the author Jesse Andrews

-One Copy of 52 Reasons to Hate my Father Signed by the author Jessica Brody

-One Copy of Second Chance Summer signed by the author Morgan Matson

Prize #3 : Into the Future 

2014-05-22 17.14.24

2014-05-22 17.09.52

-One Copy of Cinder Signed by the author Marissa Meyer

-One Copy of Reboot signed by the author Amy Tintera

-One Icons Bookmark signed by the author Margaret Stohl

Prize #4: Swag Pack Numero Uno! 

2014-05-22 17.14.56

-“To All the Boys I Loved Before” Postcard and Excerpt Booklet signed by Jenny Han

-Mockingjay necklace

-Landry Park Excerpt Booklet

-Pin Pack (Siege and Storm, Enders, Team Cody and Divergent)

-Enders Sticker

-How to Train Your Dragon temporary tattoos

-Bookmark set (Marissa Meyer, Victoria Scott-Signed, Cinda Chima, Lissa Price, Sarah J Maas, Carol Tanzman, Jessica Brody, Kevin Emerson)

Prize #5: Swag Pack Numero Dos!

2014-05-22 17.15.19

-“Since You’ve Been Gone” postcard signed by Morgan Matson

-How to Train Your Dragon temporary tattoos

-Bookmark Set (Lissa Price, Cinda Chima, Carol Tanzman, Sarah J. Maas, Kevin Emerson)

-Pin Set (Siege and Storm, Enders, Openly Straight)

-Enders and Incarnate Stickers, Diotech temporary tattoo

-Girls Gone Sci-Fi Poster Signed by Jessica Brody


Yeah, I know, pretty epic right?

Just remember the Rules!

Yes, there have to be rules!

The contest will run from today, May 23rd until June 6th!

The winner will be contacted within 24 hours of contest end. If winner(s) do not respond within a 24 hour period of contact, their prize will be forfeited and a new winner will be chosen.

Come back every day to share on Twitter and Instagram to earn more entries!

This giveaway is in NO way endorsed by any authors, their publishers or any other affiliates.

What A Nerd Girl Says is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged prizes. It HAS happened before, but only once!


Now, get started entering and don’t forget to share the giveaway with your friends AND to share the awesomeness that is this blog with your friends too!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good Luck! 

118 thoughts on “Happy 2nd Birthday What A Nerd Girl Says and HUGE HUGE Giveaway!

  1. Kaitlin Bledsoe says:

    I’d invite luna Lovegood! She’d be so amusing and funny and wise and she’s a fellow ravenclaw!

  2. Shari Green says:

    Not sure where I first ran into you–instagram, or twitter, or here–but I’m glad I did! Hooray for YA! Thanks for the great giveaway, and happy blog-birthday! :)

  3. Em T says:

    Ooooo that is an extremely hard question! There are just so many!
    Maybe Cammie from the Gallagher Girls series by Ally Carter… Because I bet she would have very interesting conversation.

  4. Lyssa Stewart says:

    If I could invite any fictional character to my Birthday it would probably have to be Nico di Angelo. He just seems so lonely and he needs a friend! Also we have that same kind of secluded dark side.

  5. Kaley says:

    I would invite Buffy Summers (from Buffy the Vampire Slayer) because that show is my favorite and Buffy always had bad birthdays, so I would like her to have fun.

  6. Rebecca Greenwood says:

    Id invite Alice Cullen to my birthday because she is so good at planning parties and so much fun. I’d probably get her to help plan/decorate/organise. She could pick me the PERFECT outfit, pick the perfect music and clean up would only take 5 minutes with her super speed. Practical and fun.

  7. Nicole says:

    This giveaway is sweet!!! I would invite the Doctor (from Doctor who obviously! ;)) because he is the life of the party. Dancing with him would be the BEST! :)

  8. Naomi says:

    I would invite Lucas Scott from tv show One Tree Hill. His love of books drew me to the show and I would love to chat with him about them.

  9. Erica says:

    Hmm… most probably Nightcrawler of the X-Men world so that he could invite all of his mutant friends and also because then he can teleport me wherever I wish to go!

  10. Finie says:

    I would invite Christian Ozera but then again he dislike parties so we would probably leave the party and go to a bookstore.

  11. Rebecca Greenwood says:

    I would invite Alice Cullen because she is fun and so good at planning parties, id get her to help decorate and she could help find the perfect music and find me the perfect outfit. Plus clean up would be 5 minutes with her super speed, practical and fun.

  12. Ju says:

    Definitely Will Herondale from Cassandra Clare’s The Infernal Devices series because he would fill up any awkward moments with his fab humor and he is just so fun and light-hearted but also deeply caring. He’d be the life of the party :”D

  13. Naurarwen says:

    I was going to say Jace Wayland but then we’d be in contest for who is prettiest and well we can’t be having that so hmmmm possibly Four and then I’d ask him to come with me whilst I get a tattoo and hold my hand :)

  14. Ju says:

    Definitely Will Herondale because he is just so fun and could fill up any awkward moments with his fab humor and although he can be the life of the party, he’s also a really deeply caring person so he’d know when anyone was uncomfortable or bored or anything really! Ahh I would love to be his friend :”D

  15. Tessa Nicole says:

    I’d definitely invite Cath from Fangirl. I honestly think we’d be best friends, and we could just talk about fandoms, fanfiction, and all things related.

    Or Jace Herondale, I think that he would keep me laughing with his constant sassy humor and jokes. I absolutely love Jace :)

  16. Tessa Nicole says:

    I forgot to mention Luna Lovegood. She was my favorite character throughout the series and us Ravenclaw girls have to stick together! I think we’d have quite odd conversations, but we’d keep each other laughing! :)

  17. Michelle says:

    Only one? Are you joking? Oh My Gosh. This is hard to choose. I would have to go with Albus Dumbledore. Beyond the fact that I love older people, the amount of wisdom in that conversation would be AMAZING. Plus, he could do some cool magic! Lol

  18. geekandbooknerd says:

    The 11th Doctor/Matt Smith. Because we could talk nerd over tea and cake Anderson could make funny homemade videos and also because once he met me, he’d want to marry me ;) oh and the dancing he does as the Doctor! We’d sure be the Beyonce’s of the dancefloor!

  19. Jillian says:

    I would bring Magnus because he is the life of the party and I know that everyone will have an awesome time if he were to be there.

  20. Annie Browen says:

    Peeta from the Hunger Games because hello he is a baker boy, I would have the best darn birthday cake in the world. Ad nif I had a second choice it would be Jace Wayland from TMI because he is a party animal, nough said.

  21. Laura says:

    I would invite Magnus Bane of course. He knows how to have fun, will bring hot guys with him, and the more glitter the better.

  22. erica zamora says:

    I would have to invite Edward Cullen of course what’s not to love about meeting your best vamp for your birthday… Oh and you can’t forget four you have to be trained dauntless

  23. Elke says:

    God, this question is too hard. Any fictional character? I would probably invite Will Herondale. He’s one of my favourite book characters (super hot and super witty :D)

  24. Safy Ba says:

    I would invite percy jackson because he really brings the party and plus I usually have blue cupcakes so I’m sure he’d like that

  25. Div says:

    I would invite Ginny, Fred and George Weasley as well as Uriah Pedrad, because they are all really entertaining people that I would love to meet in person!

  26. Kaley says:

    Adding another answer just for fun! :) I would also invite Hazel, Augustus, and Isaac to my birthday party because I’m having my first birthday party this year and it’s going to be at the June 5th advanced screening of TFIOS. :)

  27. smiling_ina says:

    I’d invite Tod Hudson from Soul Screamers series. I’d love to pick the mind of this particular reaper. Love him! :D

  28. Nancy L.R. says:


    Oh man…the list could go on forever!

    Tod Hudson, Noah Shaw, Etienne St. Clair, Cricket Bell, Perry, Gambit, the Cap, Loki, Iron Man and they can invite whoever they want. :)

  29. Zaira F says:

    Isabelle Lightwood would definitely be invited! She a female character that I really look up to. I love how she’s so badass and tough but there’s so much more to her when you get to know her. I’m not sure if we’d get along, but I would really want someone like her as a friend.

  30. Elijah H. says:

    Magnus Bane because it wouldn’t be a party without him. And also because he throws the most amazing parties. :)

  31. Demitra says:

    Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Who doesn’t want to meet them and feel of being part of the Harry’s world for a little bit.

    Happy 2nd Birthday!!! Many more and thank you for the giveaway!

  32. Jackie says:

    Oh! I would invite Sturmhond from Siege and Storm! Having a birthday party on his ship would be a dream because FLYING ship haha that’s so cool plus he’s fabulous

  33. Sofia Martignoni says:

    I would invite Rose Hathaway and Dimitri Belikov and I know i’d be the third wheel but they’re so awesome I wouldn’t mind

  34. T. Marie says:

    I have been dying to read most of these. Hope I win so I can take them off my To be read list faster. :D I would Invite Peeta and Katniss from Hunger Games and omg Tessa Will and James from Infernal Devices. Some Interesting conversations there I am sure.

  35. jessiemarvel says:

    One ficitonal character? Sheesh. I would have to say Mystique from Marvel’s X-Men. See, there’s logic in my choice though. I’m a Marvel fan, yes … but Mystique can be ANYONE.

    So I think I kinda just used my three wishes to wish for more wishes … right?

  36. Alyssa says:

    I’m a complete wallflower. I look utterly stupid and awkward during parties so I’d probbably bring Sam and Patrick from The Perks with me, so they could pull me out of my non-existent social life. haha

  37. hellojassie says:

    I’ll invite the Harry Potter cast (before the epilogue but after Voldy’s defeat). :)
    I’d rather have a magical feel of the party ;) BUTTERBEER for everyone! <3

  38. Carixa says:

    If i could invite one fictional character to my birthday it would be Brian “master” Sinclair because he is so romantic, lead guitarist and composer, he love music as much i do and is a rockstar!

  39. Div says:

    I’d invite Fred and George Weasley, because they’d be amusing and extremely fun people to have at a party

  40. Hannah siddiqui says:

    I would choose the Herondale boys because they’re wonderful and I’m sure they know how to throw a great party (:

  41. Hazel says:

    Ill invite Prince Maxon of the Selection, well bc who else should be in a party? Maxon is the life of the party. Such a charmer, he is :)

  42. gurrace says:

    Cress in the Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer. Maybe because she have lived her life in a satellite and have never been on a party before. So might as well invite her to the first party she’ll ever have :)

  43. Kayla says:

    Well I wouldn’t invite Four, as he’d probably only bring me four candles.
    And I wouldn’t bring Gred and Forge, although they make good twitter handles
    There is another I know who I could not bring, and that’s Jace
    As he’s a party pooper at clubs, trying to kill the demon race
    So of all the fictional people I met on my beloved book shelf
    I think I would choose the firework making, party king Gandalf!


  44. JanetVelezG says:

    I Would Invite Augustus From “The Fault In Our Stars” Because We Would Have So Much Fun/Crazy Times & We Could Deffinatly Fall In Love :b

  45. Paloma says:

    I would invite Wesley Rush from The Duff because he’ll be dancing and having a great time. Also he will make me laugh, so yeah

  46. jasmine gagarin says:

    I think I’d invite Willem from just one day! :) even just for ONE DAY! who knows if we can get along well. and i really love his character! He’ll teach me alot including languages and all! :) can u imagine!! oops getting so mushy here! hehe

  47. jasmine gagarin says:

    JOHANNA MASON. she’s so cool and i like that. she’s witty and her character is so strong and sexy! i think at our first meeting she’ll be a bit intimidating but i think thats what’s best in her. i love her

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