Top Ten Tuesday – Favorite Opening Lines

The Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly challenge post previously hosted by The Broke and Bookish and now hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl. You can follow along for each weekly post here. This week’s post is something I actually really like but I had to really take some time to think about for sure! I think opening lines can be super super important and can really grab you so this is just such a fun topic. I also did WAY more than 10. I honestly could have gone on and on and on and on.

Here we go –

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Blogversary Announcement – BENCHED, A New Adult Sports Romance, Coming September 2020!

Its What A Nerd Girl Says 8th Blogversary today!!

I can’t believe that this little ol’ blog has been around for eight years. I started this blog on a whim – I hardly thought it through. I think the only thing I truly thought through was the name, something that I’m SO glad I thought about because its been my moniker, my identity, for 8 years. This has been so insanely important to me. I was scrolling through Facebook this morning and was taking a look at my memories and I posted something that really resonated with me today. I didn’t celebrate much last year, mostly because I had started a new position at my work and had just moved into an apartment. But I really expressed myself well. Here’s what I wrote:

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Book Review: Time of Our Lives by Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka

When Fitz and Juniper cross paths on their first college tour in Boston, they’re at odds from the moment they meet– while Juniper’s dying to start a new life apart for her family, Fitz faces the sacrifices he must make for his. Their relationship sparks a deep connection–in each other’s eyes, they glimpse alternate possibilities regarding the first big decision of their adult lives.

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April Book and Blog Wrap Up and May Goals

Okay, first off, this wrap up is SOOOO late. We are already in mid-May at this point, my god. But I’m INSANELY busy right now, with a HUGE announcement coming on May 23rd, the 8th birthday of this blog, and preparing for the big announcement that I’ve already made.

But let’s be real – I’ve also just been so NOT into reading stuff right now. The quarantine is just messing with my head and my routine and all of that. I did read a fair amount of books in April but…a lot of them were rereads. I just need the comfort of rereads right now. I’m to TRY and read some new stuff soon but…we’ll see.

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Top Ten Favorite Baby-Sitter’s Club Books!

Normally on a Tuesday, I’d be doing the Top Ten Tuesday prompt from The Artsy Reader Girl but today I’m sharing my top ten favorite Baby-Sitters Club books of all time. The show is coming SO soon, this July, AND the teaser trailer got me so excited. I grew up on these books – my aunt, who is a mere six years older than me, passed along her Baby-Sitters Club books to me when I was super young (along with her Sweet Valley books too) and then I added to that collection as I got older and more and more books came out. I still own all of those, original 80s covers and all, and I credit those books a lot for my love of reading AND my love of writing. My first attempts at novels when I was 13/14 were just basically BSB fan fiction.

But there’s going to be a show SO soon on Netflix and the nostalgia is coming back HARDCORE. Check out the teaser trailer –

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Join Me on May 23rd for an Instagram Live Event to Celebrate 8 Years of What A Nerd Girl Says!

Can you believe in just about TWO weeks, this blog, this little ol’ engine that could blog will be turning eight years old? Honestly, I hardly believe it myself most days. I’m SO excited for it though – trends kind of come and go and while I know that book blogging and blogging in general aren’t really cool anymore since Instagram and YouTube are where a lot of people get their content nowadays, I’m glad that I’ve stuck with this blog as long as I have. It makes me happy and its a place to go to share my love for books and all things nerdy.

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