Sara’s Quick Picks-Episode Two!

Hey guys, viagra 60mg welcome to the newest episode of my vlog, buy Sara’s Quick Picks! Now, more about if you read my blog, at all, you will notice that I talk a lot about books and that I do my weekly book review “Book of the Week”.

Well, the thing is, I read a LOT and I often times read anywhere from 2 to 5 books a week. But I can only choose one for Book of the Week obviously and its a really hard choice actually.

And some people ask, “well, why don’t you just do more book reviews?” Which, admittedly, I could do. But then I wouldn’t have time to do Blogger Spotlights, Tuesday Top Tens, Fandom Fridays, interviews and reports on all the cool events that I do.

So I came up with a compromise: a weekly (hopefully) video where I review other books that I read that week, a quick way to tell you all about the other books that I read.

So check out episode two, where I talk about Cassandra Clare and Maureen Johnson‘s The Runaway Queen from The Bane Chronicles and Leigh Bardugos Shadow and Bone!

Hope you enjoyed episode two!

You can purchase The Runaway Queen for any e-reader device!

You can purchase Shadow and Bone here!

Check out the band, Howlin Winds, featured in episode two HERE on Facebook!

And stay tuned next week for a new episode!

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