Normally on a Tuesday, I share the weekly bookish meme Top Ten Tuesday from That Artsy Reader Girl. I didn’t particularly like the topic this week – favorite character traits – so I decided I would still post my own top ten. Since its Blogtober, I am determined to post every single day! I wanted today to have a fun little countdown so I’m sharing my favorite animated crushes! I originally did this post back in 2013 and I thought it would be super fun to do it again. Let’s do this!
Flynn Rider from Tangled

Flynn Rider asks all the important questions – why is everyone singing all the time, what’s with the animals being so involved in everything, and so on. But at the end of the day, his sarcasm and humor just cover up all the sweetness he has. Plus Zachary Levi.
Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender

The first season of ATLA makes it hard to like Zuko at first but the more you get to know him, the more that you understand him. Then you get Zuko in seasons two and three and he’s just the absolute best.
Ahsoka from Star Wars: Clone Wars/Rebels

Ahsoka is the the very best part of Clone Wars and we all know it. I have never seen a character not in one of the theatrical movie became as popular as Ahsoka and that’s because she’s strong, smart and badass as all hell.
Howl Pendragon from Howl’s Moving Castle

The fact that Howl spend his life chasing pretty girls because he knew he had to find Sophie – the prettiest of girls to him – in the future is just the cutest thing ever. He’s selfish, cocky and a little shallow but he’s also kind, full of love and care and selfless.
Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon

Hiccup is exactly the boy you should go for – the dorky, kind, silly and clumsy one that become THIS. Seriously though, the geeky guys are always the best ones to go for. Plus dragons. Hello!
The Beast from Beauty and the Beast

Can we all agree that the Beast is way better than Prince Adam, almost every time? Except maybe the live action but I mean, Dan Stevens. But look at how happy he looks with Belle and her book. SWOON.
Li Chang from Mulan

Come on, he makes Grandma want to sign up for the next war. And sure, Shang is probably a little gay considering he totally had feelings for Mulan when she was a boy but I’m totally okay with a bi Disney prince, man. I’m here for it.
Tombo from Kiki’s Delivery Service

I think the reason I adore Tombo so much is because he reminds me so much of my boyfriend – funny, social, enthusiastic, totally willing to put up with a cranky witch like me and Kiki. He’s adorable and a goofball and I love it.
Tadashi from Big Hero 6

RIP Tadashi – you were with us for such a short amount of time but the amount of time you were there, you were smart and funny and inspiring and caring and kind and the best big brother and as a big sister, I love it.
Dimitri from Anastasia

The first animated crush I ever had was Dimitri from Anastasia and it literally has never changed. He’s adorable as all hell and he’s just such a great character and I mean, come on, that hair..

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