So, stuff can I first off say…god, I’m sorry about being the most awful blogger in the entire world lately. I mean, I’ve just been rubbish (I’ve also been saying rubbish a lot lately, I blame the Doctor Who convention for that). I haven’t posted a Tuesday Top Ten in weeks and there have been NO book reviews, because frankly I haven’t read any books.
But I am trying SO hard to get back to it all. I promise I will work as hard as possible.
Moving on, this week’s topic is brought up because in the past week, Jon and I have been sort of working our way through the Studio Ghibli movies…at least the ones that myself and my sister own! So that is the inspiration of this week’s countdown!
Can I also add that, in making this list, I realized there are a TON of Studio Ghibli films that I have not yet seen? I need to get on that. I feel like such a fake Ghibli fan…I mean, I couldn’t even get TEN movies. I only ranked the 8 I’ve seen. I think I’ve seen more but I haven’t seen ones like The Cat Returns or Pom Poko in years so its hard to rank them. Sigh.
Anyhow, here is my list:

People are always, like, aghast at the fact that this is my least favorite of the Ghibli movies that I’ve seen. This is not to say that I don’t like it because I do. And I know so many people who are absolutely obsessed by it, my sister included. I think its beautifully animated and an incredible story but its also a bit…weird, even for me. Sometimes I have a hard time paying attention to it, because of its weirdness. The story also sort of bounces around a bit and the main character, Ashitaka, is kind of wishy washy and the ending is so abrupt and not really what I look for in an ending. But again, it is beautifully done and I do enjoy watching it.

Now this one is based off of Hans Christian Anderson’s story, The Little Mermaid. And it honestly baffles me because they don’t seem similar in the slightest. Well, the Disney version wasn’t either so there we go. That being said, its a CUTE, weird little movie and I love it. The animation of this movie is so stunning and its just kind of a light, fun story with adventure and mischief and agh, I just love it. Its one of the more younger stories of the Ghibli collection but I think that’s why I love it so much. Its fun watching a children’s movie, especially when you watch it with children. There is so much to giggle about it. And the story of friendship and love and family is all so wonderful too.

Okay, I’ve decided that Studio Ghibli and Hayao Miyazaki are fully capable of weirdness. I definitely think this one is weird as well but the story is just so incredible that you forgot the weirdness and just get absolutely lost in the story. While it is not my favorite of the films (see? number six?), I definitely think its one of the BEST of his. Everyone always talks about this one when talking of Miyazaki and there’s a reason for it. Its a great story, its visually appealing and there are so many iconic moments in the film. I see pictures and I can spot it from a mile away. Its just such an incredible movie.

I love this one because its fun! Its probably one of the most fun of the movies. The music is beautiful and fun, and its an adventurous story. Kiki and her little cat, whose name completely escapes me at the moment, go on their little adventure, and I think its a fun sort of coming-of-age story. Kiki starts her delivery service, learns and grows with her powers and really finds out who she is and who she can be. Its such a fun growing up story, and I love to show it to little kids because they can laugh and have a fun time (especially with that silly cat) but then they can also learn from it too. Okay, its been awhile since I watched this and talking about it makes me want to watch it. Big time. Let’s make this happen soon..

I have ALWAYS loved the book, The Borrowers, and to see it translated onto the big screen, from the amazing minds behind Studio Ghibli was so exciting. I mean, no offense to the movie with Tom Felton in it haha, but this one was just so absolutely beautiful. The animation of these movies just getting better and better and the characters and stories are always so compelling and addicting and familiar. This is so true of this one as well. I think I love this one as much as I do because of the book. I think they do a pretty good job of adapting it while also giving it that Studio Ghibli feel. Its adventurous and beautiful and I laugh and I get choked up at bits, and I will never stop getting over the fact that Will Arnett is the father in the movie haha.

When I first saw this movie, I thought it was the sequel to Howl’s Moving Castle. Howl’s is a book and the sequel to Howl’s is called Castle in the Air. Yeah, definitely not the sequel but definitely an amazing amazing amazing movie. The story is amazing. I absolutely love it. Its so fantasy. I think it would make an excellent book but alas, it was written as a movie and I still love it anyway. I love that there is a sort of lost legend/myth quality about it, and that there is family and love and friendship. Ghibli and Miyazaki are so good at that. They are so good at human emotions and I think this movie is really one of the best at it. There are so many characters and there’s laughter, and there are times when I’m clutching my seat, wondering what is going to happen next. Plus its little baby Anna Paquin and James van der Beek and can you can wrong with that? I don’t think so.

I LOVE THIS MOVIE. I seriously go around all the time and sing “Totoro, To-toro, Totoro, To-toro!” Its silly and fun, and short but that’s why I like it. There’s a very light, adventurous, fun feeling to it. You can watch that, and giggle and sing along and have fun without really having to think. You know that, in the end, everything is going to work out and everyone is going to be fine and I just love it. Plus I want a Totoro friend, who will take me adventures, and a cat bus to ride in. Who wouldn’t want that? Crazy people, I tell you. Every time I see something that is Totoro, I just want to grab all my money and buy it all. Its so cute.

This is my favorite by far, and there are several reasons for that. One, it was really the first time I had watched a Ghibli movie and fallen in love with it. It is what sparked me to go home and watch the rest. So it holds a special place in my heart because of that. But I also just love the story. I’m cheesy and its a love story. The love story between the two totally messed up characters, Howl and Sophie, and how they save each other, and make each other better…come on, its beautiful. But its more than that, too, its a story of family. Sophie finds a family that accepts her for herself and gives her so much strength in Howl, Calcifer, and Markl. Howl is able to recognize the family that he has, and what it means to feel and love. Its a story of coming-of-age for both Howl and Sophie. And it also has magic and humor and so much more. I will never get enough of this story. It also led me to the books by Diana Wynne Jones, so there’s that too!
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So what did you think of the list, everyone? I hope you liked it and I hope I’ll be able to be back on top of this again. I sincerely do.
Are you a Miyazaki fan? What are some of your favorites? Share them in the comments!