The Sunday Post {1}

The Sunday Post is a weekly post hosted by Kimberly at Caffeinated Reviewer. This is a chance to wrap up the week and share what has happened. Continue on to read about what I’ve read, blogged, watched, listened to, played, written and experienced in the last week. I share any current giveaways or recent interviews! You can  also take a peek at what’s to come in the next week!


I reread Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo – I was hoping to reread the entire Grisha trilogy and the Six of Crows duology PRIOR to King of Scars coming out in just two days but I don’t think its going to happen. Oh well!

I read a brand new book, Cinder & Ella, by Kelly Oram at the recommendation of Lauren from Bookschief Managed. I feel like I’ve been hit with a mini slump and this book was a fun read. You can read my full, spoiler free review here.

I am currently working on a reread of Frostbite by Richelle Mead. I’m hoping to reread the entire six books of the Vampire Academy series and the six books of the Bloodlines series this year.

King of Scars comes out Tuesday so that’ll be my main priority in reading and I want to get back to Kiersten White’s Slayer!



This has been a BIG week for the blog. I’ve been really making an effort to get back into the blogging that I did before, when it was more about my passion and love for all these stories and less about competition and ARCs and all of that and so far, so good. I have started and will be starting a bunch of new segments in the next week or so, so keep an eye out!

Here are all the posts from the previous week!

Top Ten Tuesday – Books I Meant to Read in 2018 but Didn’t Get To

Waiting on Wednesday – Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare (The Last Hours #1)

Book Review – Cinder & Ella by Kelly Oram 

Flashback Friday Review – Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead

Novel Share Saturday – Post #1 features a synopsis and the full (short) prologue of the newest novel I’m working on called Legacy!



I am currently working my way through Game of Thrones. I BLEW through season two and am on season three. Every time I watch this show, I’m reminded how much I really freaking love it!


Listened To

I’m currently on a Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the Disco and Set it Off kick right now. I work out a LOT now that I kind of have to and those three get me pumped. Set It Off has a new album called “Midnight” coming out on February 1st that I am SO excited about and you can take a listen at one of their newest songs tomorrow for Music Monday!

In the meantime, you can listen to my entire playlist here.


Pictures of the Week



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