The Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly challenge post previously hosted by The Broke and Bookish and now hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl. You can follow along for each weekly post here. This week’s post was is all about the winter TBR. To be completely fair, my TBR pile, both of physical books and kindle books, has gotten slightly out of control. We’ll see how I can tackle it during the cold winter months!
Let’s hope they’re cold…
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo
Seriously I’m going to get it done. I got about 25% in and I just struggled so hard. I don’t think this has anything to do with Leigh – she’s a goddess – but I think I might just be used to reading her YA fantasy and her dark, adult fiction may take more effort for me. I gotta finish though.
Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson
Its been over a year now since I read the first book and the details are starting to get fuzzy for me. See, my boyfriend is obsessed with this series, our roommate has read it, a bunch of our friends have read it. I’ve only read the first book and I’m starting to have some serious FOMO.
The Life Below by Alexandra Monir
I adore everything that Alexandra writes but The Final Six has a special place in my heart – I helped her to celebrate this release on a panel at WonderCon and it was awesome. I loved the first book and I’ve been absolutely dying for this second book. It comes out in February, eek!
Legendary by Stephanie Garber
I finally finally finally sat there and read the first book and I started the second book and got incredibly distracted by other things and never went back to it. I definitely need to. The world built in the first book is beautiful and magical and also dark and scary but romantic and I NEED to get back.
Red Hood by Elana K Arnold
Anything this amazing lady writes makes me all kinds of happy inside, even when the intention is not to do so. Elana became this author that just challenges the reader and says, this is the way its going to be, deal with it, and I love it. I can’t wait for this one. I have the ARC, I just need to make the time to read it.
The Queens of Innis Lear by Tessa Gratton
I am trying to challenge myself more and break out of the mold of the same things I read all the time. I can’t totally break that – I love female authors and I love fantasy – but I am trying to read some more adult fantasy and give it more of a chance. This book has been on my radar for awhile and now I own the ebook so let’s do it, shall we?
The Guinevere Deception by Kiersten White
I’m about a third way in and I’m loving it so far but I need to show it some priority and finish it. Kiersten is one of my fave authors and one of my fave people and I loooooooove the twist on Arthur and Guinevere and I just need to sit down. and. finish.
Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell
Fangirl is one of my favorite books legitimately of all time. I love it so much and I love Simon and Baz – I’m a Drarry shipper for life. SOOOO I loved Carry On. I bought Wayward Son the day it came out and its sat on the shelf, sadly, waiting for me to read it. Need to read it.
Infinity Son by Adam Silvera
I’ve been dying to get my hands on Adam’s fantasy debut since the very exact moment since he first started talking about it. I’ve had the ARC for MONTHS but I haven’t been into fantasy at all and so I keep trying to start it and not accomplishing anything. I NEEEEEED to read this book – I have a feeling its going to be amazing.
The Burning Shadow by Jennifer L Armentrout
I bought this book on both ebook and a physical signed copy and I started to read it and was seriously enjoying it and I don’t know if I got distracted or something but I need to get back to it because I adore Evie and Luc and I love anything in the Lux universe, especially when we get some peeks of Daemon – sigh. I need need need to get back to it.
I think my goals for winter is to catch up on my backlist TBR…