The Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly challenge post previously hosted by The Broke and Bookish and now hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl. You can follow along for each weekly post here. This week’s post is ten books that I meant to read in 2017 but didn’t (and since I’m working on a TBR challenge this year, will definitely try to read this year!).
Let’s jump in!
Carve the Mark by Veronica Roth
I started reading this book as soon as I bought it a year ago when it came out but then there was some controversy with the book and I was already in a really bad slump and I haven’t picked it up since then.
Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard
I’m so behind in this series! I meant to read this book last year to catch up to read King’s Cage so I’d be ready for War Storm and now I haven’t read any of them and the series concludes in just a few months. I guess you could say my goal is to read the whole series this year!
Caraval by Stephanie Garber
I started this book last year when I got it in my OwlCrate and never finished it, and it was so good, what I had read so far. I need to go back, restart it and finish it for sure!
The Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton
This is another book that I started and didn’t finish which put me massively behind in the series. I have started so many amazing books during my slump, when it didn’t matter how good the book was, I just couldn’t read it. I’m ready to finish this book and move on to the second book this year before the third book comes out!
Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson
I originally wanted to make way through The Way of Kings first but once I finished that, I was determined to, at the very least, start the second book. I didn’t expect to finish it because these book are ridiculously long. But I did mean to start it and I haven’t yet and I definitely need to work on that before I forget the details of the first book!
Always and Forever, Lara Jean by Jenny Han
I went to Jenny Han’s release party for this at The Last Bookstore, brought it home and promptly forgot to read it, which is such a shame because now it’s been in my TBR pile since May. I definitely want to get to it this year for sure!
Light Years by Emily Griffin
I’ve heard nothing but good things about this debut novel and I received this in the mail to review…and never picked it up. Emily and I are friends on FB now and I’ve really grown to like her, which makes me feel even more guilty about not reading it yet!
Ice Like Fire and Frost Like Night by Sara Raasch
Just like with a ton of other series…I fell in love with the first book and then promptly fell behind with the rest of the series. I have started the second book, so I just need to do a reread of the first book and then finish the series. No biggie!
And I Darken by Kiersten White
I ADORE Kiersten White and so of course I bought this book and I’e heard the craziest good stuff about it and I still haven’t read it. I keep starting it but its just so slow in the beginning and I know I need to push past and my goal is to do that this year for sure!
I hope you get to read Glass Sword. I love that trilogy.