Tuesday Top Ten-Favorite Fictional Bromances

I was reading one of my favorite blogs to follow, over at The Urge to Write (which, incidentally, you should all check out. She’s a great writer and her blogs always keep me interested) and she recently did a list of top ten fictional bromances and I loved her list, which you can see here.
But anway, I really liked her list so I decided to make it one of my Tuesday Top Tens. I’m starting to write and plan my top tens before its even Tuesday because I can get SO busy. Like, I haven’t done a Book of the Week in a couple weeks and I meant to write a post about my experiences at Gallifrey One (which I finally did yesterday!) and I just went to a Conan taping on Wednesday for my birthday and I just haven’t done it. I’ve just been busy and when I’ve had a free moment, I just want to do NOTHING. Or read. I am SO far behind on my 200 books this year goal…I think six books behind. I gotta catch up.

And now that I’ve gotten sufficiently off topic…here is this week’s Tuesday Top Ten, my favorite bromances.
10. Damon and Stefan Salvatore 
Okay besides the fact that these two are insanely hot and look absolutely nothing alike…well okay a big factor is the fact that they’re hot. But what I like about this pair of vampire brothers is that they are actually legitimately brothers. They were close before they were turned and even though their relationship grew tumultuous afterwards, you can tell they would still do anything for each other and they both do. When Elena chooses Stefan, Damon concedes even though you know it has to hurt. Stefan makes a terrible deal with Klaus, an evil Original vampire, in order to save Damon’s life. They’re obviously important to one another and they accomplish so much more when they work together. And they fight like normal brothers do, which gives them some humanity. And they are so pretty to look at.
9. Grover and Percy
Percy’s fatal flaw, according to the series, is his deep and unwavering loyalty to his friends. We see that in his love for Annabeth and we see it in his love for his Cyclops brother, Tyson. But we also see it in his friendship with Grover. He firsts friends Grover at their school because he is handicapped, shy and nervous. He sticks by his side no matter what, and when he finds out that he is a demigod and that Grover is a satyr and his protector, he continues to stick by his side. These two are basically inseparable and are even connected at one point. I was sad to not really see Grover in the Heroes of Olympus, even though he doesn’t really need to be. Percy just seems kind of empty without his best friend. Grover and Percy are an awesome bromance because they stick together no matter what and have crazy, dangerous adventures together.
8. Will and Jem 
Will and Jem have an epic bromance because I swear at times, I think they’re going to just ditch Tessa and start making out with each other. Actually, sometimes, I kind of wish that would happen. Ha! What kind of ship name is that? Willem? Jemill? Anyway, I like the bromance of Will and Jem from the Infernal Devices because of their epic loyalty to each other. Will loves Jem, would do anything for him. He never stops believing there could be a cure for Jem’s illness and he is the one who gets the drug for him. Even though Will thinks he is cursed so that everyone he loves will die, he lets himself love Jem, as his greatest sin, because he can’t help loving him. They are parabatai, warriors closer than brothers and you can see that. Jem loves Will, no matter the horrible things he does and says to push people away. That’s brotherhood and love right there. Will also is the same way back, even though he can’t show it for most of the first and second books. Even though he is madly in love with Tessa, he toasts in happiness her engagement to Jem.
7. Buzz and Woody
Is there a better pair of best friends than Buzz and Woody? I honestly don’t think so. Sure, they’re toys. Not only are they fictional characters, but they aren’t even people or beings of a sort, they are TOYS. And yet they have one of the most real and beautiful friendships that we see in fictional worlds. The friendship starts off rocky, with neither one willing to become friends with the other, both of them thinking they are better than the other. But through out the trials and tribulations of making their way back to Andy’s house before they move, they realize they are more similar than they know and become the best of friends. Throughout the two following sequels, they fight, bicker, both trust and distrust each other and say goodbye to each other. They make fun of one another and help one another and they have a great, great friendship. Its what I would imagine a friendship between two guys to be and you kind want to be their friend too.
6. Legolas and Gimli 
Haha I picked this picture because its SO funny. I love the dynamic of Legolas and Gimli only because I kind of feel like its similar to that of C3PO and R2D2 (who, incidentally, do not make the list…if only because sometimes my patience wears thin on C3PO haha). Middle Earth is literally going to HELL and there are some serious things going down here: death, starvation, annhilation, sacrifice…this are some epic, epic stories. But you have the friendship of Legolas and Gimli, which is both completely endearing and touching, but also hilarious as hell. They are the comedic relief in the epic battles. While everything is going to shit, they are laughing and counting how many enemies they are taking down, in a contest. I can imagine that Gimli and Legolas stayed friends for years after the war. I can imagine both of them helping to create a less hostile relationship between the elves and the dwarves. They’re both so funny, and they remind us of the heart of the story. I do believe that the hobbits show a lot of the heart but I also think that of Legolas and Gimli. While they are obviously taking things so seriously and fighting hard, they remind us what it is that they are fighting for.
5. Sirius and Lupin
For some reason, I actually kind of like this as a ship. Like…I totally ship Remus and Sirius. Wolfstar. That’s so weird haha. I mean, let’s make this clear, I love how everything turned out in the novels, and who ended up with who. I know all you Neville and Luna shippers were disappointed but I was okay with it. That being said, I totally ship Remus and Sirius outside of canon. But moving on, I think that these two make a great twosome, a great pair of friends. These two have lost so much, have been through so much. They’ve lost two of their best friends to death, James and Lily, and they lost a best friend to cowardice, Peter. Sirius has spend his entire life in prison for a crime that he never committed…right after hearing of the deaths of his friends. Remus has spent his entire life being judged for being a werewolf. And yet these are two of the strongest men in the book, some of the best teachers for Harry, and even though they’ve lost so much, they have each other, and it shows when they reunite. They are whats left of the Marauders and when they die too, they complete the circle.
4. Jace and Alec 
Picture 5
I like the friendship between Jace and Alec for several reasons. One reason is that they are parabatai, just like Jem and Will, which makes them closer than brothers. But I also think they have such a great brother dynamic. Alec is the first child that Jace as ever seen in his life, when he comes to live with the Lightwoods, and they become best friends. Jace would do anything for Alec and vice versa but I also think they need each other. Alec is shy, sometimes lacking of courage. He is afraid of his own sexuality and he’s even afraid of killing demons, because he is so busy protecting Jace and Isabelle. But Alec is loving and caring and passionate. He is so true and pure, even if he doesn’t even believe in himself all the time. Jace, on the other hand, is so avoidant of emotions, of love, that he is overly confident and overly outgoing. He pushes people away, even those who just wish to be his family. Without each other, maybe Alec would have never had the courage to come out, accept his love for Magnus and tell the world. Maybe Jace wouldn’t have let his guard down and become brave instead of just reckless. I have them this high up because they are best friends, brothers, parabatai and they need each other.
3. Sherlock and Watson
Okay, I’m just going to say one thing first: when searching for a picture of John and Sherlock for this post, I had a hard time finding something that’s appropriate and that’s because people ship Johnlock like no other. I must admit, I kind of do too. For anyone who has never watched the show Sherlock, you need to. The first two seasons (which are 3 episodes each) are available on Netflix and the third season probably won’t be out for awhile. But its fantastic; and much, much better than the US version, Elementary. Trust me on this. Its so good and Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman have excellent on screen chemistry. They need each other. John Watson is content to wallow in self pity, living a half life. Sherlock doesn’t have a whole lot of humanity in him, because he’s so busy showing off his intelligence all the time, using it to figure out impossible puzzles. Together, they make a great time. John gives Sherlock some humanity, though Sherlock still is kind a jerk. Sherlock gives John an exciting life, as part of their crime solving duo. They’re equals in a way; even though Sherlock can spout off some crazy information about a person or a situation, John can often times see a humanity behind, a reason behind it. I am dying for the third season to come so I can have some Johnlock again.
2. Han and Chewbacca
What would Han Solo be without his Chewbacca, huh? Nothing, I tell you. Han Solo is a badass smuggler but he wouldn’t be half as intimidating if he didn’t have a 7 foot 3 wookiee by his side. If you know anything about their relationship, basially Han saved Chewbacca’s life and so Chewbacca owes him what you would call a life debt, and will serve him for his life. But I think its much more than that. I think that Chewbacca and Han Solo have a serious friendship. They copilot the Millenium Falcon together and go on crazy, dangerous smuggling runs together. Chewbacca is beyond upset when Han is frozen in carbonite and does some serious work (along with others, of course) to get him back from Jabba the Hutt. I think they make a good pair because they are an unlikely pair but it just works for them…especially since I’m pretty sure Han Solo is the only person who actually understands what the hell a wookiee is saying. “You said it, Chewie”. I’ve always wondered what exactly Chewbacca says when Han responds. I guess we’ll never know and that’s the beauty of the friendship.
1. Harry and Ron 
Is there a better friendship between two guys than Harry and Ron? Don’t answer that; you all have strong opinions and I don’t want to hear it haha. I love the Potter universe above any and all other fandoms and that makes the bromance between Harry and Ron my absolute favorite. They need each other, just as much of the pairs before. Harry is THE Harry Potter and his entire life is laid out before him, and he has to be so serious at times. All the pressure is on him. Its opposite for Ron, he’s one of seven children, the youngest of the boys, and he’s more apt to make jokes than anything else. Ron is there to usher Harry into the wizarding world and to help loosen up, and be happy, even when it feels like it can’t be happy. Harry is there to help Ron believe in himself, to help him because the badass wizard that he can be. Even when they are pissing each other off, they always end up friends again: The Triwizard Tournament debacle, the Half Blood Prince drama, the separation in Deathly Hallows.
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What do you think? Do I realllly want to ask? You guys are so opinionated! Haha! But I really do want to know so tell me your favorite bromances below!

4 thoughts on “Tuesday Top Ten-Favorite Fictional Bromances

  1. Yoni says:

    Though I don’t know Will and Jem yet, I agree with all of them! I just would’ve added Dean and Castiel from Supernatural ;)

      • Yoni says:

        Season 4 and 5 are the best ones :) But in the beginning it is indeed a bit slow and for some people hard to really get in to it.

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