Welcome to WWW Wednesday! This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words. Each Wednesday you answer the Three W’s and share with your followers all about your reading habits over the past week!
The Three Ws are:
What are you currently reading?

Technically this book is a re-read but its been SO long since I’ve read it that honestly it feels more like a new read because there are things I remember clearly but also things I don’t remember in the slightest. I’ve been obsessed with contemporary fiction lately and I’ve been wanting to read this again recently because its about a young woman in her late 20s going on a reality show to lose weight and…well, that reaches me in so many ways. I’m about 10% in and definitely enjoying it but definitely enjoying it in a different way on the older side of 27 instead of the younger side.
What did you recently finish reading?

I just finished reading Rebel by Marie Lu. I ordered a personalized signed copy from Good Choice Reading Virtual Signings (I love them!) and it came in the mail on October 11th and it took me some time to actually pick it up and read it. Once I did though – I did not stop, I read it in about 3 hours flat and ended up staying up later than I should have on a work night. But it was totally worth it. This book is SO good and I should have a full, spoiler-free review coming very soon!

American Royals is another book that I’ve read super recently as well. I love any book with royalty in it – especially any book that has modern day royalty in it so I knew I had to read this. Its a twist on American History, if George Washington had accepted a crown and turned the USA into a monarchy after the American Revolution. I expected something sort of fun and fluffy but I got so much more and I loved it. It was deep and emotional and yes it was fun but it was an incredible look on what it would be like to live in today’s society as a royal. I could go on and on and on but yes, there will be a spoiler free review coming very very soon!
What do you think you’ll read next?

I sincerely hope its this book! This is another personalized copy that I ordered, this time from Fountain Bookstore, and it came with a seriously amazing Book Beau. This came AGES ago and its just been sitting pretty, waiting for me to open it and read it. This series is going to be five books, I believe, so I think I’m scared of reading it too fast and having to wait an undetermined amount of time for book 3. I don’t have a lot of patience haha plus I always forget the details of books by the time the next one releases! But I do need to sit down and read it and so I’m crossing my fingers that this is my next tackle.
GoodReads Challenge: 100 Books
Current Books Read: 88 Books
Ahead/Behind: 8 Books Ahead