Short N’Sweet Book Review: Once Upon a Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber

Welcome to the Short N’ Sweet Book Review! For the nine years that I’ve been reviewing books on this blog, I’ve written long, wordy reviews that, let’s be honest, not a lot of people are probably reading. This year I decided to shorten those reviews and get straight to the point – what is this book about, who wrote it, where you can find and a short review on what I loved, liked and maybe thought could be better.

Today’s review is a dark and whimsical fairytale full of romance and adventure and heartbreak, Once Upon a Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber!


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Sara’s Goals for 2022!

Happy New Year everyone! I know, I know – we are already a few days in but I’m going to be honest folks, the first few days have not been easy on me. As we enter into the third year of a pandemic, it finally hit me – I’m sick as a dog. Not sure if it’s covid as it’s nearly impossible to either find an at-home test to purchase or find an appointment anywhere to be tested. I’ve spent a lot of time on the couch, sneezing and coughing, and watching Encanto…again and again.

Not exactly how I wanted to start this year at all. I look at my goals and wish that I could be starting on these goals. I decided to share my goals for the year so that I could feel less anxious that I haven’t started them and more pumped to get started on them once I feel better. So here they are –

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Books I’m Looking Forward to Reading in 2022!

In just a few hours, it will be 2022 and that means a whole plethora of new books heading my way and a whole new reading goal to challenge myself with. Last year I challenged myself to read 80 books and only got to 67, which isn’t too bad but definitely isn’t my best. I’ll be reaching for 80 books again in 2022 and the books below? They are the ones I’m MOST excited to read in the new year!

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My Favorite Books of 2021!

Okay, before I jump in and share what my favorite books of the year are, I’ll be honest. I didn’t read nearly as much as I wanted to this year but let’s face it, this year was BONKERS for me so it’s not entirely surprising. I did reread quite a bit and most of what I did read that was new was romance – all I’ve wanted the past year or so was a happy ending and that’s what I’ve been searching for.

That being said, I’ve read a lot of great books this year. Here are the ones that stood out to me!

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Sara’s Must Watch Christmas Movies!

Guys, its Christmas time!! It has taken awhile for me to get into the Christmas spirit – it just hasn’t FELT like Christmas – but I’m here. I work at a theme park, where its been Christmas since the beginning of November so maybe that has had an effect but I’ve been binge watching Christmas movies the past few days, I have mostly finished my Christmas shopping AND we finally decorated the apartment.

So I think, finally, it feels like Christmas!

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Short N’Sweet Book Review: The Royals Next Door By Karina Halle

Welcome to the Short N’ Sweet Book Review! For the nine years that I’ve been reviewing books on this blog, I’ve written long, wordy reviews that, let’s be honest, not a lot of people are probably reading. This year I decided to shorten those reviews and get straight to the point – what is this book about, who wrote it, where you can find and a short review on what I loved, liked and maybe thought could be better.

Today’s review is a royally fun, slow burn, sweet romance by the wonderful Karina Halle – The Royals Next Door!


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