Top Ten Tuesday – Books to Read If You Love Fairy Tales!

The Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly challenge post previously hosted by The Broke and Bookish and now hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl. You can follow along for each weekly post here. This week’s post was a little open-ended – “books to read if you love/loved ______”. I decided to go with fairy tales because I absolutely love fairy tales of all varieties, the originals, the Disney versions and the many, many retellings. I thought I’d share some books today that you should read if you like fairy tales!

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My Magical Trip to Disneyland’s Exclusive Club 33!

Hello friends! I know. It, once again, I’ve disappeared for quite some time! Life has been busy with work and getting my health back together and re-writing Struck Out during NaNoWriMo this month but I’ve missed it here, as I always do. I always try to return!

I got to experience something SERIOUSLY magical yesterday and I thought it was a great way to remind everyone that I’m still here.

For those of you who might not know – I absolutely love the Disneyland Resort. I grew up there, have been a passholder pretty consistently since 2005 when I was 17 years old and am on my second round of being a cast member there. I love the attractions, I love the food, I love interacting with cast members and characters and other guests. I love the magic. I buy into all of it 100%. Every time there’s something new, I want to experience it. I want to do everything.

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Short N’Sweet Book Review: If The Shoe Fits by Julie Murphy

Welcome to the Short N’ Sweet Book Review! For the nine years that I’ve been reviewing books on this blog, I’ve written long, wordy reviews that, let’s be honest, not a lot of people are probably reading. This year I decided to shorten those reviews and get straight to the point – what is this book about, who wrote it, where you can find and a short review on what I loved, liked and maybe thought could be better.

Today’s review is the newest in fun, flirty romance, perfect for fans of fairy tales that have a modern twist – If The Shoe Fits by Julie Murphy.


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Things I’m Loving Right Now

Hello friends! It’s been awhile, to say the least. I logged on, realized it had been more than two months since I’d come here and written anything and felt sad that I’ve been neglecting What A Nerd Girl Says for so long but happy that I felt compelled to come back because I feel like I’ve been consuming a lot of media lately and I wanted to share what things are making me happy lately.

I’ve been SUUUUUUUUPER busy since I lost my job at the home health care agency back in May and got a new job at the Disneyland Resort – specifically in Disney’s California Adventure park – and my life has been lacking in routine and overflowing with chaos. I’m happy though – Halloween season is hitting the resort, we just celebrate my fiance, Daniel’s 32nd birthday and there are a lot of good things coming up.

With my whacked out schedule, I’ve been spending a lot more time at home and while that can have its downsides, it has its upsides too. I have been trying to read for once and I’ve been consuming a lot of media on my PS4 and my phone, including movies and TV shows, podcasts and more.

This is some of the stuff I’ve totally loved lately –

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Sara’s Favorite and Most Underrated Disney Animated Movies Per Decade!

So I’ve officially been working for the Disneyland Resort for roughly two weeks now and so Disney has been on the BRAIN for sure. My sister, Dink, is also a newbie Disney influencer – check out her Instagram and YouTube – and was recently looking for some new ideas for some videos and I suggested favorite Disney animated movies by decade and then I realized, oh hey, that’s an awesome idea. Her video will be coming out at the same time as this post so I highly recommend you check it out and see how we both chose our favorite movies – some of these? Were super hard! I’m a kid of the 90s and grew up on Disney so I have a lot of Disney movies that I love.

Because of that, I decided also to talk about my most underrated Disney movie of each decade is as well. Keep in mind – I’m still working super slowly through the animated catalog so these are all based on which ones I’ve actually watched. I’ve gotten through the late 70s though so I have seen most of them at this point. Let’s dive in, shall we?

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I Lost My Job…Then I Found a New Job

Hello friends. It’s been some time since I wrote a blog post because, honestly, this last week has been a true whirlwind of emotions. The last thing I talked about was the announcement of the Vampire Academy TV show and then my world truly blew up in my face…I was laid off from a job that I’d had for nearly three years, a job that I loved and a company that I truly enjoyed working for and had a lot of respect for. This completely came out of left field last Friday, the 21st, so I’ve pretty much spent the last week, cycling through the stages of grief.

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