Happy Birthday to Me! Today I am 32 years old, which sounds kind of crazy in my mind but I don’t feel 32 so there’s that. I feel like I can partly attribute that to the fact that most of my interests are the interests of teenagers – like YA books and movies and scene kid music – so it keeps me young and partly attributed to the fact that I am in better shape than I’ve probably ever been in my entire life.
Today I wanted to share with you guys some books that changed my life. There are SO many books that shaped my life. I’ve been reading my entire life, since I was roughly around 2 years old. Because of that, books are been a huge, huge, huge influence in my life. So to celebrate my 32nd rotation around the sun, I’m talking about 32 books that have made me the person I am today.
These are no particular order but there are definitely ones toward the top that mean more to me, of course, but all of these had an impact on me in some way, shape or form.
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