Dear Cassandra Clare Secret Project Update!

Hey guys!

So I know a ton of you are Mortal Instruments/Infernal Devices fans, and so I want to share this project that Sylvia, Tatiana, Megan and I over at iFandoms Collide are working on for our beloved Cassandra Clare. I know that I posted on this awhile ago but I’m here again to talk about it, to remind you guys that its happening, and that its going to be super awesome. We’ve been working really hard, and we can’t wait to share this with Cassandra Clare.

Its called Dear Cassandra Clare and we want you ALL to be involved.

So where did this come from?

Tatiana, Sylvia, Megan and I all met through our love of Cassandra Clare and her books. We’ve been friends for just barely over a month but you wouldn’t even know if you saw us together. She really brought us together, and I am so lucky to have found such a great group of friends.

And we’ve all been so fortunate enough to be able to meet Cassandra (and Jamie, Kevin and Lily and Harald Zwart) several times. And its been amazing being able to talk to her and hang out with her and all of that. We know that there are so many fans out there that love her just as much as we do, and have been affected by the books just like we have.

So the idea for Dear Cassandra Clare was born.

This is a collective book that we are putting together for Cassandra, to give to her at the Los Angeles premiere of City of Bones. We are asking all the Shadowhunters all around the world to write letters, draw or paint pictures, anything creative, and send it to us so that we can put it together in this book and give it to Cassie to show her how much she has done for us, all around the world.

This is a project that is so important to us at iFandoms Collide, and we are SO excited to be doing this. We have paired up with some awesome sites to get the word out, and we really hope ALL of you can be a part of it!

So here’s the 411:

You can either send it to us via email, in a scan at

or you can send the actual physical drawing, letter, picture, etc. to our address below:

P.O. Box 9335
Whittier, CA 90608

There are some rules that go along with it (as, of course, there must be) but they are pretty simple and can be found HERE.

If you have any questions, any at all, please feel free to contact us through iFandoms Collide here.

You are more than welcome to post any comments or questions below, or you can contact me as well, but please try to contact us through iFandoms Collide first :)

The deadline for this is July 21st, 2013, to receive your contribution, through email or snail mail.

We hope you all are able to contribute and we can’t wait to see what you contribute!


I have one more request of you guys :) If you have a blog, or a website of sorts that has to do with similar things like this, we have a widget! You can see it on the right side of my blog! I would love to send you guys the code so you can have the widget on your blog, and help us promote. Please contact me for details! I’d love your help!


We also have a SECRET artist designing our cover for this book, and we are super excited to tell you guys once the book is

Happy Memorial Day!

I just wanted to post a Happy Memorial Day to all my readers here at WhatANerdGirlSays!

I basically just wanted to remind everyone of all the men and women in our past who have fought for us (and not just in the U.S., my international fans),  and the men and women who still serve today. They make great sacrifices, and have made them in the past, to keep us safe at home, to live our lives in the best way that we can.

I think we often times forget, myself included, about all these people who fight for us every single day. I think sometimes we get wrapped in our own lives. But while we worship these warriors, these great fighters in our books and TV shows and movies, we need to still remember that the greatest fighters are the ones out there, putting their lives on the line and volunteering to protect us.

So remember that today, as you’re enjoying the day off, and keep every man and woman serving out there in the world in your thoughts :)

Because I’m pretty sure Harry, Hermione, Ron, Jace, Clary, Katniss, Peeta, Tris, Four, Captain America, Ironman, The Avengers, Batman, and all the fighters we cheer for so often are thinking of them too :)

Blogger Spotlight: Victoria from Novel Reality

One of the best parts about running this blog is having the ability to meet some really cool people, and some of the coolest people that I have met have led me to really cool blogs. I’ve said it before, no one’s blog is 100% original but everyone’s voices are different so there are blogs that I love to read because I love the writer, and I love the passion that they show for what they are writing. They are fun and interesting to read and they inspire me to get better and better in my blog.

So I decided to do a feature (inspired by Megan at the Nerdy Girlie’s Geek Girls Gab), where I profile the bloggers that I love. Not only do I get to find out more about them, but I also get to share them with you guys! Most of the bloggers that I follow are like me, nerd girls, fan girls and they enjoy the same things as me, and you! Every blogger that I profile is one that is super important to me and I urge you to check them out!

If you are interested in being featured on the Blogger Spotlight, feel free to contact me, please! I would love to hear from you!

Today’s Blogger Spotlight is Victoria from Novel Reality

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Fandom Friday-Star Trek

Hey guys, Happy Friday!

Welcome to the Fandom Friday!

The Fandom Friday is a weekly feature, with each blog post written by a new contributor.

This is the weekly post where either myself, or a guest blogger, talks about a new fandom. See, I’ve had the experience in my life where I’ve been made fun or put down about my particular fandoms. And that has made me feel pretty crappy. But I’ve also put down other fandoms as well.

So I’ve decided to change that. I’m opening my world up to new fandoms, and the best way to do that is to bring people in to write about various fandoms. I’m very excited about this segment.

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Happy 1st Birthday WhatANerdGirlSays and Epic Giveaway!

So today is the first birthday of this blog, WhatANerdGirlSays!

I am so happy and proud and excited and all sorts of happy emotions about this day and this blog in general. What started out as something for me to do, a place where I could come to talk about all the books and movies I love without driving my family and friends and my boyfriend, became something that I am extremely passionate about, something that I work so very hard on. It has become something that I want to be part of my career, as I pursue a career as an author.

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Tuesday Top Ten-Fictional Places to Live

Hello everyone! How’s it going? I hope you are all fantastic and happy and all that.

I’m pretty happy. Things have been…just really good lately. I’ve been really working my butt off to do things that I want to do. I am almost done with this semester of school and I feel that I did well in both of my classes. I am working on this blog harder than ever, working on getting it out there, getting my hands on ARCs and getting interviews with authors, and making it as awesome as possible for you guys that read it. I’m also working hard on my third novel, the novel that I really want to be good and successful, because I want to look for an agent this summer and maybe get my book sold :)

Its also going to be my blog’s one year birthday on Thursday, which is SO exciting and I can’t wait to share the super AWESOME giveaway that will be coming your way in celebration of it all.

I also have a really cool interview with Unremembered author, Jessica Brody, coming VERY soon :)

So things are doing good.

But now on to the purpose of this blog post: The Tuesday Top Ten!

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