Hello! Welcome to the Fandom Foodie Friday! If there’s one thing that always grabs my attention when I’m reading a new book or watching a TV show or movie, its the FOOD. Whether fictional or real, I often am left wanting to try ALL the foods. The only problem – I’m a terrible cook and an okay baker. So I’m taking recipes created by wonderfully creative people from all over the internet and figuring out if a newbie like me can figure them out!
Today, I made some fall inspired pumpkin bread – just in time for Cinderella to go to the ball!
I love to read about food in books and I love food in movies and TV shows. I’ve always wanted to try making them but I’m honestly a terrible cook – I rarely make anything without heating something up easily in the microwave or the stove. I am not nearly as creative as some of the amazing people on the internet who come up with some amazing fictional food recipes! So I decided to approach it from a different angle – I would find recipes for some of my favorite food in fiction and try them out and share it with you! Are they easy? Are they doable? Did I mess up? Did it taste good?
And, of course, I’ll always give credit to the recipes that I tried!
Because the weather has actually been kind of cooler this week – not quite fall yet but the mid to high 70s is so much better than the 100-degree weather of the summer – I decided to go with something that was an homage to Cinderella and her famous carriage and the fact that is finally, hopefully here.
I found a recipe from Once Upon a Chef. You can check it out here. It looked doable and delicious and I’m not even a huge fan of pumpkin flavored things – give me apple spice any day!
The Ingredients – Flour, Sugar, Baking Soda, Baking Powder, Salt, Ground Cloves, Ground Cinnamon, Ground Nutmeg, Eggs, Pure Pumpkin

Cost To Me – $20-30. The spices are the most expensive part, for sure.
Time It Took – To make the actual bread? Maybe 15 or 20 minutes. It would probably be faster with a mixer and I still don’t own one. Must buy one soon. The actual baking is what took the longest – it was about a 45 minute bake time in my oven, though that was a little shorter than the recommended time.
The Difficulty Level –
3 out of 5
It was really easy actually. I do still think that it’ll be easier to make with a mixer, either a standing or hand mixer, but even then, it was a simple recipe to follow and the ingredients weren’t hard to procure or anything like that. It was all measuring and mixing and I definitely can handle that.
I did pull it out of the oven around 45 minutes, even though I had set a timer for an hour. My apartment was smelling strongly of pumpkin and I just had a feeling it was ready and waiting any longer was going to ruin it. I’m really glad I took it out of the oven when I did.
I was a little nervous because the recipe called for two loaves and I really only wanted to make one. I halved all the measurements but some of them I had to kind of guess on so I kind of measured and hoped for the best.

The Taste –
5 out of 5
Seriously, this recipe was PRIME and it turned out SOOOO good. I am not even a big pumpkin fan but it was delicious, especially warm, right out of the oven. It had just enough balance between the pumpkin and sugar and the cinnamon, clove and nutmeg really added to the taste. Both my boyfriend and my roommate loved it – and my roommate can be hard to please, as he went to culinary school and knows what he’s doing. He said maybe 1-2 minutes longer but that it honestly came out super good. I am really really happy with the way it turned out and its most definitely something that I would make in the future.
The End Result –

Aesthetically, its not the prettiest of breads and I wish I owned Cinderella, the movie, so I could take a picture with it but apparently I don’t
(how is this possible??!) But honestly, I’m still soooooo proud that I was able to make this. It looks not half bad and it came out soooo tasty. With Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up, this just might be my go-to to bring to all the parties. Definitely a recipe I’ll be keeping!
Don’t forget to visit Once Upon a Chef to check out for this recipe and so many more!
Happy Fandom Foodie Friday!