My Top 11 Favorite Fictional Pairings

Today’s post is going to get a little corny. Why? One, because I’m in love and I have been for a very, very long time and it makes me feel a little corny. And two, this is my blog so I’m pretty sure I’m allowed to do whatever I want.

So recently I finished the third novel in the Heroes of Olympus series, Mark of Athena, and one of my favorite pairings in all the books that I’ve read is the Percabeth pairing: Percy and Annabeth. I waited allllll through the Olympians series for those to finally get together and when they did, I was so happy. And now that we’re seeing them as a couple in Mark of Athena….its the cutest thing in the entire world.

I mean, yeah, of course I read books because they are fun and adventurous and I like to be transported into a different world and because books make me think and they give me things to think about and they help me discover my own morals and values. I read for those and so many more reasons.

But, come on, you can’t sit here and tell me that you don’t read books and just wish and wish for so-and-so to finally fall in love with their one true love, so-and-so.

So, since I’m being corny and silly today, I’m going to talk about my favorite book pairings. Some of you will agree, some of you will look at me like I’m crazy person. I’ll repeat what I said earlier, my blog, my rules :D

11. Gemma and Kartik-A Great and Terrible Beauty

The biggest reason why I loved Gemma and Kartik’s relationship was the slow build up of it. Nothing happens until the third book in the series, The Sweet Far Thing. I love that they are from two totally different social circles-Gemma is an English girl, preparing for her debut into society while Kartik is an Indian boy, looking for his place in the world-and yet they fall in love and yet they work together to beat Circe and to create peace in the realms with the magic. They’re relationship is so sweet and every single time they kiss or hold hands or open up to each other, I was squealing all happily. Spoiler alert: right when they finally are together, they finally are going to be together and Kartik sacrifices himself for Gemma…I was dying. TEARS!

“Kartik puts his hands on either side of my face. “To each his own magic,” he says and kisses me again.”

10. Snow and Charming-Once Upon a Time

I love this relationship between Snow White and Prince Charming much better than the original stories or the Disney version (though I do like both! Don’t get me wrong!) One, Ginnifer Goodwin is badass as Snow and Josh Dallas is sexy as hell as Prince Charming. But the best part is, yeah Snow is a damsel in distress and needs the prince to save her. But the more and more you watch the show, you see how much Snow saves Charming as well. You see how much they love each other in the flashbacks in the enchanted forest and its so hard to watch their Maine counterparts, Mary Margaret and David, screwing up over and over. The best moment ever was when the curse was broken and they are finally brought back together. True love conquers all. Sigh.

“Let’s take back the kingdom like we should do all things…together.”

9. Katniss and Peeta-The Hunger Games

One of the biggest reasons that I love this pairing is because Katniss is such a badass and she fights this kind of emotion and affection over and over again. And she is mean as hell to Peeta, even when she is trying to save his life. Oh and Peeta, he is so sweet and he loves Katniss so much. No matter what she throws at him, he just takes it and continues to love her. And for someone who is pretty difficult herself (yeah, I said it), its like, hey, if Peeta can love Katniss even though she is one messed up girl, then a girl like me can be loved too (oh and believe I am).

“I just want to spend every possible minute of the rest of my life with you.”

8. Aly and Nawat-Trickster Series

Aly and Nawat also kind of remind of Katniss and Peeta, but instead of being kind of a bitch, Aly is a lot stronger and has a damn good reason for keeping her distance from Nawat. Nawat is a crow turned into a man and is sweet and loving toward Aly. And Aly has finally found a man who can keep up with her and keeps her interested, but she’s in the middle of a rebellion and she’s the rebellion spymaster. And once they really are together, it works in the best way possible because it’s at the best time for both of them, the right time.

“Nawat turned his head sideways and pressed his lips to Aly’s. His mouth was soft and warm, his breath lightly scented with spices, his smell clean, with hints of beeswax and wood oils from his work. Aly’s usually distant and observing mind focused completely on the feeling of his mouth against hers.”

7. Tessa and Will-Infernal Devices series

Okay, let’s just be clear on this: in the first Infernal Devices, Clockwork Angel, I hated William Herondale with a burning passion and I loathed that Tessa was already so in love with him. He was so mean, so incredibly cruel to her. Then in Clockwork Prince, when you learn that Will is cursed, and everyone who loves him will die, and that’s the reason he is so mean to Tessa, because he loves her so much that he can’t stand to see that happen to her. And suddenly, this girl was on Team Will. That is so insanely romantic and I just wanted Will to get that curse lifted so damn much so he could finally tell Tessa that he loved her. And then you find out he was never cursed and he runs to tell Tessa but its too late, she’s engaged to Jem and I just wanted to cry. I actually might have cried…all I gotta say is, Wlll and Tessa. Will Herondale. They better end up together. I have to wait til March to find out but they better.

“Don’t say that.” His voice was half a whisper. “I love you, Tessa. I love you.”

 6. The Doctor and Rose Tyler-Doctor Who

I know the Doctor is supposed to be free of this sort of thing, but hey, the 11th Doctor marries River Song so whatever. The 10th Doctor is made to be with Rose Tyler. They were meant to be together. They were on the same page the entire time they were together. They had the same humor and they made an amazing team. Majority of my favorite Who episodes have been with Rose and Ten. They have such an underlying romantic relationship, it builds slowly and they never are actually together. But its there, and you’re waiting, every single moment of an episode waiting for it to finally happen. Worst ending for a couple ever…stuck in two different universes.

The Doctor: “How long are you going to stay with me?”
Rose: “Forever.”

5. Princess Leia and Han Solo-Star Wars

I think everyone probably thought that Leia and Luke were going to end up together, you know, before the whole finding out they are brother and sister thing. It seems right. Luke is the hero, the future Jedi Knight and Princess Leia is the princess, the heroine. Han is the scoundrel, the bad boy. And the fact that the bad boy gets the girl is pretty awesome. Princess Leia isn’t exactly the damsel in distress: she can handle a blaster pretty well and she can handle pretty much anything that is thrown her way. If anyone is going to be able to handle Princess Leia, its Han Solo…and vice versa. Plus Harrison Ford is pretty hot.

“Princess Leia: I love you
Han Solo: I know”

4. Mia and Michael-The Princess Diaries series

I started reading this series when I was 13 years old, so I had some crazy weird ideas about relationships and love and all that crazy stuff. I was a bit too young to even be thinking about love, haha. But as I grew older, I started to appreciate Mia and Michael’s relationship more and more. And I wanted it to happen to me more and more. Mia is awkward, nerdy, a good friend, trying to figure stuff out, but freaking out and worrying during most of it. Her favorite thing in the world is writing too. She literally is me. It’s insane how much she is me…except for the whole 5’9 and no boobs thing. And Michael is nerdy too, and he’s smart as hell (can we say majoring in chemistry), tutors Mia in math, musically talented and sweet and ugh, I wanted him bad. So I adore their relationship…and I’ve learned to love it even more since dating my boyfriend. My boyfriend is nerdy, incredibly smart (majoring in math), helps me with my own math homework and is insanely musically talented :D

“Mia,” he said, looking down at me with his dark eyes filled with something I was almost afraid to put a name to, and his chest going all up and down like he’d just been runnin. His hands were in my hair. He was cradling my head. ‘You have to know. You have to know I lo-‘”

3. Percy and Annabeth-The Olympians/Heroes of Olympus

Oh Percy Jackson. I loved him from the moment I read about him. He is insanely loyal from the start, starting with Grover, and Annabeth, and his mother, and everyone in Camp Half-Blood, and then Camp Jupiter and so on. He’s a troublemaker and has that sarcastic wit, which makes him sexy as hell. Plus the whole dark hair, blue eyes thing (see: Jake Kennedy in my new novel). And there’s Annabeth, who is badass, and smart and wants to build amazing buildings and kicks ass. Put those two together, and you have an awesome, awesome couple.

“Afterward, I had the last laugh. I made an air bubble at the bottom of the lake. Our friends kept waiting for us to come up, but hey-when you’re the son of Poseidon, you don’t have to hurry. And it was pretty much the best underwater kiss of all time.” 

2. Clary and Jace-The Mortal Instruments

I don’t know how much more I can tell you, my little followers, how much I love Jace Lightwood. He’s sexy as hell, and sarcastic and funny, in a dry way, and he fights so hard over and over again. And Clary, I want to hate her because I want Jace but I love her too. She is dramatic and all over the place and messy but she’s sixteen-years-old and she is supposed to be. But despite that, she does everything she can to save her mom, and save the Shadowhunters and the Downworlders. And she’s pretty badass with her rune-creating. I was pissed as hell when it came to light that they were brother and sister…and then it came out that they weren’t and they could be together and I was like HELL YES! Man, they were the most dramatic, most tumultous relationship but they were meant to be from the beginning. And some of the stuff that came out of Jace’s mouth just made me want to melt.

“There is no pretending,” Jace said, with absolute clarity. “I love you, and I will love you until I die, and if there is life after that, I’ll love you then.”

1. Ron and Hermione-Harry Potter series 

All right, all you Harry and Hermione shippers, you can shut up. I wanted Hermione and Ron from the beginning. Harry and Hermione seemed obvious: the Boy Who Lived and the smartest witch ever. There was way too much going on there. I just didn’t see that working out at all. But Ron…Ron is my favorite character in the HP universe and he’s so wonderful and funny and loyal but flawed just like any other normal person in the world. And he loves and adores Hermione but has no idea to tell her or go about it. I mean, isn’t this how we all felt at some point in time when talking to the one we love? He’s so relatable. And Hermione loves him back, no matter the flaws. I waited ten damn years for this to finally work out so I leapt for joy when it finally happened.

“There was a clatter as the basilisk fangs cascaded out of Hermione’s arms. Running at Ron, she flung them around his neck and kissed him full on the mouth. Ron threw away the fangs and broomstick he was holding and responded with such enthusiasm that he lifted Hermione off her feet.”

What do you all think of my list? Do you agree with some, disagree with others? Do you have some better pairings that maybe I didn’t think of? As always, let me know in the comments.

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11 thoughts on “My Top 11 Favorite Fictional Pairings

  1. Chloe says:

    Aly and Nawat, yes yes yes! Nawat is adorable and they make such a cute couple! He brings her down to earth and reminds her to enjoy life, which she really needs.
    But I have to say that I’m a Tessa/Jem fan. Yeah Will was cursed, but he was still mean! And Jem is lovely, I am kind of dreading finding out what happens to him!
    Some of my other favourites are Eowyn/Faramir, Samantha/Dexter from High Society and Percy/Marguerite from the Scarlet Pimpernel. And if you haven’t read The Scarlet Pimpernel, please go and do so immediately :)

  2. Kate Baker says:

    Such a cute (read: mushy) post!! But I am guilty of being a romantic sap from time to time (what, it’s true!!!) so I *puffy heart* your list :). Especially Ron and Hermione…finally on the last book and I sooo love how Rowling has slowly and subtly built up their relationship.

    I will add a few of my own favorites, from film and literature (and yes I realize being of an *ahem*…SLightly younger generation you probably don’t know all of these, but here goes
    anyway….AND being the sap that YOU are, I definitely suggest renting and/or reading these some lonely night, if you haven’t :)….

    Diane and Lloyd (Say Anything)

    Joel and Clementine (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind)

    Jo and Laurie (Little Women – I KNOW they don’t end up together…I don’t care!!)

    Karen and Denys (Out of Africa)

    Harry and Sally (When Harry met Sally)

    Scarlett and TARA (yes, TARA, she f-ed that whole thing up with Rhett BIG-time, but she still loved her house :) :))

    Jack and Susie (The Fabulous Baker Boys)

  3. Tanya M says:

    I know you said you haven’t read the series but I loved Anne and Gilbert from Anne of Green Gables. She was 100 years ahead of her time. I also just read the Looking Glass Wars trilogy and I LOVE Alyss and Dodge.

  4. S. L. says:

    I was also a Ron/Hermoine fan from the start. After The Deathly Hallows I was also obsessed with the idea of Snape and Lily…although then Harry would never have been born…

    Love Katniss and Peeta. Also (don’t judge me) Bella and Jacob in the Twilight Series.

    Elena and Damon in the Vampire Diaries. Many of my favorite couples are from L. J. Smith’s books, which not everyone is familiar with. (Julian/Jenny in The Forbidden Game, Gabriel/Kaitlyn in Dark Visions, Nick and Cassie in The Secret Circle.)

    Rumpel/Belle in Once Upon A Time.

    Casey and Cappie on Greek.

    I could go on and on…

  5. Becky says:

    It’s funny, I never realized people were serious about Harry/Hermione. I thought it was just a fanction thing, but not something they actually thought would happen in the books. I have no problem with people shipping them or Hermione/Draco, etc in fanfiction. I wouldn’t read it, since I only like fanfiction that doesn’t contradict canon, but it didn’t irritate me that it’s out there. What got under my skin is when I ran across debates in message boards about obvious things like who Hermione would “choose” or who RAB is.

    Although, I totally missed Katniss/Peeta, as I was rooting for Gale. I had to go back to reread it so that I didn’t totally hate Peeta as the guy who got in the way.

    I am not a fan of overly romantic movies/books. I like it when it’s a side story. I can’t think of any pairing, though, that I love as much as Ron and Hermione. A clatter of fangs was one of my favorite moments in the entire series.

  6. romans5three says:

    It’s funny, I never realized people were serious about Harry/Hermione. I thought it was just a fanction thing, but not something they actually thought would happen in the books. I have no problem with people shipping them or Hermione/Draco, etc in fanfiction. I wouldn’t read it, since I only like fanfiction that doesn’t contradict canon, but it didn’t irritate me that it’s out there. What got under my skin is when I ran across debates in message boards about obvious things like who Hermione would “choose” or who RAB is.

    Although, I totally missed Katniss/Peeta, as I was rooting for Gale. I had to go back to reread it so that I didn’t totally hate Peeta as the guy who got in the way.

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