Ontario Teen Book Fest Authors Announced!

If you live in Southern California, approved this an event NOT to be missed.


The Ontario Teen Book Fest is in its…fourth or fifth year, though this will be MY second year attending it.

Last year’s event was easily one of the best events of the year, and it really changed my life as a blogger and a writer. I met a ton of authors that have become so important to me, and who have become friends like Jessica Brody and Andrew Smith, Leigh Bardugo and Ann Stampler and Morgan Matson and Marie Lu. Incredible authors. It was an experience that definitely changed my life and so I’m DYING to be part of it again, especially as a blogger. Courtney Saldana, the teen librarian, is an angel and she’s sure to have another great event this year.

And NOW the authors have been announced. I’m excited because I see some familiar names in there but also a TON of names of authors I’ve yet to read. This is very familiar to last year and I’m excited to start discovering these new authors. Check out the list below!

Click on each author’s name to check out their website, and the full list of their books :)

Katie Alender


Elana Arnold


Robin Benway


Livia Blackburne


Jessica Brody


Ava Dellaria


Katherine Ewell


Lauren Kate


Jessi Kirby


Catherine Linka


Lauren Miller


Mary Pearson


Lissa Price


Sarah Skilton


John Corey Whaley


SO many exciting authors. I’m literally adding so many books to my TBR list on GoodReads right now.

This event is taking place in Ontario on May 17th, and you’d be a fool to miss it. Its absolutely FREE, and the first 150 attendees get a free Ontario TBF book bag! Yay!

For full details, check out on the Facebook event page here.

Oh, did you miss that? Its…


AND don’t forget to RSVP “yes” for the event. Its going to be a blast, and you’ll be able to discover amazing authors. I can’t wait for it, and I’ll be happy to meet the authors and YOU!

Can’t wait!


One thought on “Ontario Teen Book Fest Authors Announced!

  1. Stefano Fornazzari says:

    Hi Sara

    Just came across your blog and I love it!! It has taught me so much in just a few minutes of perusing. I am a high school teacher who is currently completing a course to become a high school librarian. I am hoping you can help me by suggesting a Toronto area YA writer who either writes about science fiction or focusses on multiculturalism or the immigrant experience in the city. Any ideas? Or, can you suggest your favourite Canadian YA books of all time?! I need to choose an author and want to stay away from the usual…..Gordon Korman, Suzanne Collins, JK Rowling……etc….Thanks a million in advance and keep up the good work! -Stef

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