Waiting on Wednesday {48}

One of my absolute favorite books in 2019 was American Royals by Katharine McGee. I love any kind of story with contemporary royals and I knew that this was a book I needed to read and it ended up even better than I could have expected. It truly blew my mind and I’m still thinking about it nearly two years later. It was truly such a fantastic book. So this Waiting on Wednesday is all about the sequel, Majesty, that I’ve been dying to get my hands on since.


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Its finally here! Today is the day! Today, The Awakened Duology is officially relaunched into the world and I’m so excited. Its only 8 am here right now and I feel like today will be a good day. I sat in traffic all morning and I have a headache haha but its going to be a good day because my babies are back in the world!

This post is here so you can learn about the series, if you’re unfamiliar and how to find out how you can get your hands on some goodies – including signed bookplates! There is also a giveaway as well so check it out!!!

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Harry Potter Does Not Belong to Jo Rowling Anymore

There are people who will not agree with me on this and that is their prerogative. I know that this is a sensitive subject and I’m willing to bet there are people on all different sides of the spectrum when it comes to this.

To say that my heart is broken by Jo Rowling’s refusal to admit that she is anti-trans while continuing to try to defend herself by posting very anti-trans statements has broken my heart beyond anything that I can explain. This is a person that I’ve looked up to my entire life…since the moment that I picked up the first Potter book when I was only ten years old. For 22 years of my life, this has been a person that I have respected and loved and hero worshiped.

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YA Books By Authors of Color That You Should Read

In light of everything going on in our world right now, I wasn’t sure if I should still be continuing to post on the blog. Everything I could potentially and usually write about just seems so small compared to pandemic and protests in the street over racism and police brutality. But I also don’t want to sit here and NOT say anything either. I have 5000 followers of this blog – I have to utilize that somehow. I posted yesterday about ways to help the cause and how I’m feeling and all of that. You can read that here.

But I wanted to share a list of books by people of color – of all different colors – that I think you guys should read. Some of them directly talk about color and are full stories of that culture and some of them are just great books written by people of color. Some of them have amazing main characters with people of color. Its been shown again and again that reading makes me more empathetic, more tolerant and more capable of acceptance. Maybe if we read more people of color, it would help, even just a little bit.

These are all books that I have read. I know that I too can get better at reading more people of color. Make sure to do your research and find more books by authors of color!

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I Haven’t Known Exactly What to Say But…I NEED to Say Something (#BlackLivesMatter)

I wanted to say something.

The world is intense right now. There’s no other way to describe it other than intense. Chaotic. A total mess. But the thing is – I don’t think its new. Its always been like that but its taken people in the streets for others to see it. Racism. Violence against people of color. Police brutality. Its been happening for years and years and years and people are fed up. They’re tired of it.

I know I’m tired of it.

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Boyfriend Book Review: Symptoms of Being Human by Jeff Garvin

The Boyfriend Book Review is a recurring column here on What A Nerd Girl Says.  My boyfriend, Daniel (read his bio here), is a reader as well. He suffered from what a lot of male readers suffer from – they only read white men! Well, of course, that didn’t really work with this Nerd Girl and he has been making a journey through my massive YA collection. Now we’ve started this column together, to review books that I’ve most likely already reviewed so that we can get a male perspective on it. We hope you enjoy!


**Please note that we always try to keep reviews spoiler free here but in the case of back-listed books, there is a chance that there could be spoilers**

You can read my original review for Symptoms of Being Human from July 2018.

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