Top Ten Tuesday – Books on My Fall 2018 TBR List

The Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly challenge post previously hosted by The Broke and Bookish and now hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl. You can follow along for each weekly post here. This week’s post is about what books I’ll – hopefully – be reading this fall. Some of them are brand new releases and some of them are books that I’m trying desperately to catch up on!

Queen of Shadows, Empire of Storms, Tower of Dawn and Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J Maas

It took me awhile to get into Queen of Shadows but I’m currently very involved in that book and can’t wait to read the next two – hopefully pretty quickly – so that I can be ready for the release of Kingdom of Ash at the end of October. I think these are truly fantastic books and I’m excited to finally catch up after falling behind right after Heir of Fire came out.

Onyx, Opal, Origin and Opposition, The Darkest Star by Jennifer L Armentrout

I’ve obviously already read the entirety of the Lux series but I’m really excited for the spinoff in The Darkest Star…and I realized how long its been since I’ve read the original series. I actually just read Obsidian yesterday, in one sitting, and remembered how freakin’ good it is so I’m seriously so excited to do the reread before the new book comes out!

Rabbit & Robot by Andrew Smith

I’ve talked about this book a lot, and I’m really excited for it to finally come out next week so I can get my grabby hands on it. I have yet to be disappointed by an Andrew Smith book yet so I’m pretty sure this isn’t the place I’m going to start.

War Storm by Victoria Aveyard

I’ve actually started this book but I think the idea of it is very daunting to me. Not only is it HUGE – trust me, I know, I’ve been carrying it in my backpack for the past couple weeks – but its also the end and Victoria has already broken my heart in the previous books so I just am so afraid of what she has in store for me at the end of this novel. I don’t think I’m adequately prepared for that, mentally and emotionally, but I really got to make it happen.

Wildcard by Marie Lu 

This book actually comes out today and I’m really sad that I don’t have it in my hands yet! I don’t get paid until tomorrow so I must wait very patiently until I can finally buy it. I actually just found out a few days ago that its only a duology so my excitement for this book increased tenfold because this is the END and we get to find out how everything ends!

Damsel by Elana K Arnold

Elana is one of my favorite people on the planet and I have loved all of her books and this book sounds so amazing. A princess rescued by a prince, saved from a dragon and imprisonment and swept away…only to find out that things are exactly as they seem? And knowing the kind of person that Elana is and the kind of stories she writes…it guarantees a ton of emotions and twists.

A Touch of Gold by Annie Sullivan

I’ve had this on my TBR list for ages and I’m determined to finally get to it because Annie is such a wonderful person and this story and its retelling of King Midas and daughter sounds so utterly fantastic. This has been at the top of my pile and I really need to make this a reality.

Skyward by Brandon Sanderson 

I know everyone is all gaga over Brandon Sanderson as the successful author who finished Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series and as the author of the ridiculously popular Stormlight Archive but I have a soft spot for the guy as a YA author, partly because that’s how I discovered him and partly because he did an interview for this blog ages ago. He did a reading for this book a year ago at his San Diego launch of Oathbringer and I was sold. I’m SO excited to get more YA from Brandon and I’m sure this one will be phenomenal.

Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch

This one is actually a reread! I adored this book when it came out – I think I blew through it in a matter of hours but I never finished the series, even though I bought the second and third books as they came out. I am more than ready to finish this series but a reread of the first book is definitely in order since it has been AGES since I read the first. I’m excited for it though because I remember how much I loved it the first time.


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