What A Nerd Girl Says Has A New Location!

Just a quick PSA: Due to some screw ups on the part of a site that shall not be mentioned because I’m a nice person and I don’t want to throw shade out into the universe…I have lost my rights to whatanerdgirlsays.com. This was actually pretty heartbreaking to me and I am going to try the best that I can to get my hands back on it as soon as possible but in the meantime, I don’t want to lose this blog. I know I’ve been VERY VERY behind in posts lately BUT this blog means the world to me so I had to do everything I could to save the whatanerdgirlsays brand.

So here we are: whatanerdgirlsays.ORG. If you are a subscriber via email, you will still receive emails, and obviously my instagram and twitter and such will stay the same. However, searching for the .com website will result in nothing anymore. I’m working on having it forward to the new web address but I’m not massively tech savvy so it’ll definitely be a work in progress.

In the meantime, I just want to thank you all for your never ending and relentless support of this little blog. It means the world to me and its a huge part of the reason that I keep doing it.

Happy Reading!

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