YALL Fest Interview: Kami Garcia

Don’t forget to check out the official YALL Fest Website and Twitter pages. This event takes place Saturday, drugs November 9th, cure and includes so many awesome young adult authors, viagra approved its mind blowing. If you have a chance to go to this FREE event, definitely do so!

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Today’s YALL Fest Interview is with Kami Garcia


Kami Garcia is well known as the co-author of the best selling series Beautiful Creatures, which has been adapted for a Hollywood film, written with author, Margaret Stohl. Beautiful Creatures follows the characters of Ethan, a normal Southern boy, and Lena, a Caster, afraid of her own destiny. Kami’s new book, Unbreakable, has been described as close to the show, Supernatural.

Check out this short interview:

Q: What one thing do you need to have when you write?

A: I need three things: my laptop, my headphones and a Diet Coke.

Q: Describe Your Book in Five Words.

A: Paranormal. Ghost-hunting. Intense. Romance. Secret Societies.

Q: Tell us 5 Random Facts About Yourself

A: 1. I don’t know how to ride a bike. 2. I used to be an artist (a painter). 3. I won’t fly without my huge charm necklace that I believe will keep the plane from crashing. 4. I believe in ghosts. 5. Every time I write a book, I worry that everyone will hate it.

Q: What are you working on now?

A: I am working on the second book in the Legion Series, the sequel to Unbreakable. Like Unbreakable, the sequel is very intense and has plenty of paranormal elements. But I think it’s even more romantic and surprising than the first book.

Q: What is your favorite genre to write in? To Read?

A: My favorite genre to write is definitely urban fantasy/paranormal romance. I love to read paranormal but I am also a huge fan of horror, crime fiction, high fantasy and science fiction.

*      *      *       *      *

I hope you enjoyed today’s YALL Fest Interview with author, Kami Garcia!

Kami Garcia is heading out on tour for the release of Unbreakable starting tomorrow, so check out the dates to see if she’s coming near you!


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