Tuesday Top Ten-Characters Names that I’d Steal for My Children

Now, this week’s Tuesday Top Ten is a little different than what I normally do.

People often times ask me where I get my names for my characters, and honestly, it mostly comes from the baby name book or a baby name website. I like kind of…different names, not weird just different.

But often, it comes from names that I wish I could name my future children.

And then that got me thinking about the different names that I like from books. I tend to try and name my pets after book characters and I would really like to do the same when I eventually have children (my boyfriend is SO rolling his eyes right now as he reads this…). I’m not talking weird names, for the most part. I like nice, normal names.

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Blogger Spotlight-Shannon from Twilight Sleep

One of the best parts about running this blog is having the ability to meet some really cool people, and some of the coolest people that I have met have led me to really cool blogs. I’ve said it before, no one’s blog is 100% original but everyone’s voices are different so there are blogs that I love to read because I love the writer, and I love the passion that they show for what they are writing. They are fun and interesting to read and they inspire me to get better and better in my blog.

So I decided to do a feature (inspired by Megan at the Nerdy Girlie’s Geek Girls Gab), where I profile the bloggers that I love. Not only do I get to find out more about them, but I also get to share them with you guys! Most of the bloggers that I follow are like me, nerd girls, fan girls and they enjoy the same things as me, and you! Every blogger that I profile is one that is super important to me and I urge you to check them out!

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WhatANerdGirlSays Vacation…Sort Of

So some of you may already know that last week, in a very anticlimatic manner, my computer decided it would go…kaput. So now it is dead. I’ve had the computer for years, so its not a complete heartbreak but it has been making my ability to post very difficult.

Today is Friday when I am writing this, though this will be posting on Sunday. The reason being that I am borrowing my dad and my boyfriend’s laptops until my financial aid comes in and I am able to purchase a new one. That means I have to mass write blog posts. So you will still be seeing my blog posts but I won’t be able to respond as much.

I’m also letting you know that I will be VERY busy this coming Sunday-Tuesday. I am heading down to Los Angeles, which is only about 45 minutes away from me to have some City of Bones fun. I am going to be camping out for the movie and for the mall tour stop. I will be VERY busy and trying to save my phone battery as much as possible for pictures and such so I just won’t be as available.

However, if you follow me on Twitter, Instagram or Tumblr, you will be able to see pictures because I will make sure to post some!

If you’re there, I’d love to meet you, so definitely tweet me! I can’t wait for it, its all going to be SO exciting!