WhatANerdGirlSays Vacation…Sort Of

So some of you may already know that last week, in a very anticlimatic manner, my computer decided it would go…kaput. So now it is dead. I’ve had the computer for years, so its not a complete heartbreak but it has been making my ability to post very difficult.

Today is Friday when I am writing this, though this will be posting on Sunday. The reason being that I am borrowing my dad and my boyfriend’s laptops until my financial aid comes in and I am able to purchase a new one. That means I have to mass write blog posts. So you will still be seeing my blog posts but I won’t be able to respond as much.

I’m also letting you know that I will be VERY busy this coming Sunday-Tuesday. I am heading down to Los Angeles, which is only about 45 minutes away from me to have some City of Bones fun. I am going to be camping out for the movie and for the mall tour stop. I will be VERY busy and trying to save my phone battery as much as possible for pictures and such so I just won’t be as available.

However, if you follow me on Twitter, Instagram or Tumblr, you will be able to see pictures because I will make sure to post some!

If you’re there, I’d love to meet you, so definitely tweet me! I can’t wait for it, its all going to be SO exciting!

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