What A Nerd Girl Says Was Broken…and Now Its Not!




It is SOOOOO good to finally be back.

For some reason, I still don’t know because technology confuses the heck out of me – What A Nerd Girl Says has been down since the beginning of the month. My amazing, wonderful, beautiful, one of a kind superhero of a web master has been working her ass off in her free time to get it back up and running and its been an ordeal for sure. Luckily this happened during the month of November when most of my concentration is on NaNoWriMo (38,518 words and counting…) but its still been incredibly frustrating. When I get stuck on writing my novel, I come here and work on a post or two, just to get some words out and then return back to writing.

Not having that escape has been so hard. Plus, after being SO good at posting nearly every single day for Blogtober, it felt so weird to not be able to post at all. I have reviews for The Mandalorian and posts on Disney animated films and I need to do an event recap of Marissa Meyer’s Supernova event in San Diego…its just been so hard to not be able to post.

The blog is finally back up and running and I had to completely redo the rebrand that I had done right before the crash. Luckily, since I spent so much time on it before, I knew what I had to do to get it back to the way it was before.

I appreciate all of your patience as this was fixed and redone and promise lots and lots of new posts coming really soon!

Introducing A Nerd Girl Gets Fit Blog!

About a year ago, I posted a recap of an event – the Wonder Woman 5K in Los Angeles at LA Live. It was the first 5K I had ever run in my life and it was a crowning moment of my life and it sort of set the tone for the way my life would change and the way it would shape my every day routine. It would create new goals for me, new ambitions and new obsession. Because its become such an important part of my life, I want to talk about it. I thought about talking about it on this blog but it just never felt right – it felt too personal and while I’m personal on this blog, I’m not THAT personal. So I’m introducing my new endeavor. 

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Let’s Talk About Female Superheroes!

Unfortunately, there is no Fandom Foodie Friday today because…well, this week was insane. But instead of that, I’m going to talk about some of the most badass female superheroes that we have out there. Comic books have had a huge jump in popularity ever since Ironman released in 2008 and both Marvel and DC Comics put out movies every year, driving people to the box office. However, we didn’t get a female-led DC movie until 2017 and a female-led Marvel movie until 2019. These characters have existed in the comics for decades so why is it taking SO long for them to get their own movies and shows?! We definitely need to talk about female superheroes more – and here are some of my favorites and some that I hope to become my favorites soon!


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The Blogger/Author Relationship AKA Sara Had A Bad Experience and Has Thoughts

I’ve been blogging for over seven years now. I don’t get paid for this. I have never ever gotten paid for this. I’ve gotten perks here and there over the years because of my blog but those have become far and few between, especially once the popularity of BookTube and Bookstagram came into play and book bloggers sort of fell on the wayside. I’m not popular, I don’t even get ARCs as much as I used to and I didn’t get a ton to begin with. I have a small amount of followers – nearly 6,000 on the blog itself (compared to over 400K people who follow a very popular BookTuber), 2800 followers on instagram (150K for the BookTuber) and maybe 1400 on Twitter (74K). I obviously do not do it for money and popularity.

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