Music Monday: “Dial Tones” by As It Is

“Dial Tones” by As It Is

It really hurts to know that I’m why your bed’s half empty
Why you sleep alone or just stare up at your ceiling
And if you’re a mess, search god knows what that makes me
‘Cause the weight from all my guilt is all too much for me to carry
I’m sorry
Am I all that you never wanted?
Or has it been so long that you’ve forgotten?
All we ever share are dial tones (dial tones)
Take your caution or take your chances
I’ll mend your heart and break it in the same breath
All we ever share are dial tones (dial tones)
I’m getting more of what I’ve always wanted
But becoming less of who I’ve ever been
‘Cause I promised myself I’d never hurt you and I did
If you can’t trust a liar, drugs how can you trust me again?
I’m running out of ways to say I’m sorry
Forget me like you know you want to
Forget me like you know you have to
It really hurts to know that I’m why your bed’s half empty
Why you sleep alone or just stare up at your ceiling

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