My Goals for 2020 – Reading, Writing, Fitness, Health, LIFE!

Happy New Year everyone! We’ve made it to 2020, for better or for worse. We have an entire year ahead of us, and let’s make it a good one, right?

The beginning of 2019 was very brand new to me and not just because it was a new year. Every year, people all over the world set resolutions and goals and, let’s be real, a lot of us fail. It’s really easy to see the new year as a blank slate, as a full 365 (366 this year) day chance to be a better person and it’s also really easy to fall back on old habits. It takes a lot to change things that you want to change. And I’ve never really been able to accomplish it because I don’t think I ever wanted it that badly.

Until 2019. Before the start of 2019, I’d spend six months changing so much of my life and so I came into 2019, into the idea of a new year and resolutions and goals, in a totally different light than I had ever before. For the first time, my goals felt attainable. I set 24 goals that honestly felt possible and felt like I could stick to past January. You can read more about them here.

This year, I have 20 goals and a lot of them are the same as last year so instead of being brand new goals, they are a continuation of the good habits I’ve already been doing. I picked a word for the year and it’s FOCUS. Focus on myself and my goals. Focus on my fitness and health. Focus on being organized and dedicated and hardworking. Focus on the things that are really important. 

I want to work on my speed and endurance with running and PR in my times. I want to drink more water – I bought a special bottle for it and I’ve been good with it so far. I want to continue with only indulging in alcohol on the weekend. But I also want to take the things I’m doing to the next level. I want to rock my 8K in February and I want to take the steps to running a 10K. I want to finish writing a novel, which I haven’t done since 2016. I want to continue to share my passions for reading and running on both my blogs. 

My goals aren’t about a new year, new me. My goals are about continuing to be the best me that I’ve been working hard to become. I was already a confident person before I was diagnosed with diabetes. I already liked who I was. But I was taking care of myself and I like myself even more now that I am. This year is all about continuing the good habits that I’ve started. It’s about pushing myself and doing the things that make me happy – reading, writing, running, trying new things. 

Here are my goals for 2020 – 

1 – Run a Race (5K/8K/10K) Once a Month

Discovering my love for running has changed my life in so many ways and running in races always feels like such an incredible accomplishment. I want to keep doing that!

2 – Lose Weight/Inches

I don’t have a specific goal because it’s all relative. Whatever I end up at the end of the year, I’m happy.

3 – Focus More on NSVs

I got preoccupied with the scale when I first started my journey. I don’t want to focus on that as much anymore. The non scale victories are where it’s at!

4 – Run a 10K

I think I might be ready for it. I’m signed up for my first 8K in February and then it’s only uphill from there.

5 – PR my mile and 5K times

I’m never going to be a fast runner, I know that. And I’m okay with that! But I do love getting faster and improving and I want to keep doing that.

6 – Run/Walk 1000 Miles

In 2019, I did about 600 so I’m aiming high this year. But I believe in myself. I can do it.

7 – Drink More Water

I drink a lot of water.  But I also fall into diet sodas and coffee a lot and I want to stop that. I bought myself a special bottle to help me keep up with it.

8 – Only Drink Alcohol on the Weekend

I did this in 2019 and I honestly felt so much better as a person so I’m continuing this. It’s also good for my diabetes to cut back on alcohol so there’s that too.

9 – Eat at Home/Make Lunches More

My hardest habit to break is eating out and not making food at home enough. I need to break that habit! I buy food – I need to eat it!

10 – Be Active 4-5 times a Week

This is something I was already doing so I want to be consistent and continue with this!

11 – Limited My Soda Intake

Ive never been much of a soda drinker but when I started drinking Diet Coke and Coke Zero, I got into it big time. I don’t like that so I basically want to cut it out as much as I possibly can.

12 – Write Consistently for Both Blogs

I am so proud of myself for keeping What A Nerd Girl Says going so strongly after nearly 8 years and I’m proud of myself for starting A Nerd Girl Gets Fit as well. I don’t need a ton of followers or to make money off of it. I love that I just get to do it.

13 – Read 100 books

I made it just under the wire in 2019. Let’s do it again. And let’s get better at reviewing those books LOL!

14 – Start the podcast offshoot of What A Nerd Girl Says

This is something I’ve been wanting to do for quite some time now and just haven’t done the work to do it. I even bought a microphone. It’s time to take the chance on it.

15 – Take One Out-of-State Trip

Im planning on getting out of the state for my birthday – I’m thinking Seattle or Portland – and I’m ready for it. I’m 31, nearly 32, and I’ve hardly visited anywhere. It’s time to change that.

16 – Get a New Tattoo

This is an easy and attainable goal. I have an appointment scheduled for February!

17 – Make Hefty Progress on Contemporary YA Novel

I haven’t finished a novel since finishing The Sanctuary in 2016. I’ve written so much since then but I haven’t finished. I’m ready to finish.

18 – Do Something That Scares Me

I’m not sure what this entails yet. I just know that there is a lot in this world that truly scares me and I want to do something this year that I wouldn’t normally do because it scares me.

19 – Get To One Broadway Show

I love going to the theater. A few years ago, I was a season ticket holder at Pantages in Hollywood, and I loved it. I did get to one in 2019 thanks to my boss but I want to at least get to one this year!

20 – See More Movies/Go to More Concerts

I love going to the movies but I never go anymore. I also absolutely love seeing my favorite bands live and I never do that anymore either. I went to change that. I miss it so much.

What are some of your goals for this year? Share them in the comments – I would really love to hear them! 

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