Shadowhunters SteleCast: A Spark of Heavenly Fire!

Tonight, iFandoms Collide’s Dear Cassandra Clare Project was featured on the Shadowhunter Stelecast podcast. Tatiana and I participated in the actual podcast while Megan and Sylvia live tweeted about our conversations. We joined hosts Ellie and Natasha, and TMI Source blogger, Alyssa, in discussing the happenings in TMI world. We also were able to talk a lot about our project. Check out Tatiana’s full report on the podcast and how you can listen to it and share!

2 thoughts on “Shadowhunters SteleCast: A Spark of Heavenly Fire!

  1. Angelica Valverde says:

    Hey Sara,

    I think this is an awesome idea. I would love to participate in your “Dear Cassie” project. What do I need to do?



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