Tuesday Top Ten: Updated on 2014 Nerd and Bookish Resolutions!

Hello everyone! Welcome to the Tuesday Top Ten!

Last year I made TEN resolutions that were nerdy/bookish related. Today I’m going to recount those for you, more about and whether or not I actually achieved them. In a couple weeks, buy information pills I’ll have NEW resolutions for you, cialis 40mg for the year of 2015!

Its all so exciting guys!

Let’s do this!

10. Get to BEA! – FAIL

I did not get anywhere near BEA! And it basically boils down to this: its expensive. I want to go. I really do. Its so much fun, from what I’ve heard and there are tons of authors there and free books and all of that. But I just could not afford it at all. Hopefully in the future sometime.

9. Read More Adult Novels – FAIL

As of this moment, I have read 122 books for the year (I know, I suck big time). 3 of those were adult novels and an addition 7 were new adult, which kind of counts. I basically wanted to explore more than just YA and let’s face, I failed miserably with that haha. 3 of 122 is 2% of the books that I’ve read so far this year.

8. Expand My Blog: More Nerd! – FAIL/SUCCESS

I’ve sort of failed and succeeded with this. I didn’t expand the nerd as much. I wanted to write more about movies and video games and all sorts of other things that weren’t books and I didn’t do such a great job at that. I think this one will end up on my list again for 2015 because I truly do want to make my blog all around nerdy, not just books, even though books is most successful part. But while I didn’t write about other things nerdy, I did expand a lot into writing. I wrote a TON about writing this year, and so I’m slowly expanding outward.

7. Hit 150K Views by The End of 2014 – SUCCESS

As of this moment (and there ARE still roughly 15 days left in the year), I am currently at 254,000 views. I completely blew away this number goal by over 100K. I am SO incredibly proud of this blog, all of its views and all of the awesomeness it has become. I know the past few months have been hard but I’m determined to get right back into it for 2015!

6. Only Ask for ARCs that I Know I Will Read – FAIL

Okay, I so failed this one. I have a stack of ARCs and a bunch on my Nook that I haven’t read. Now, part of this is that I didn’t stick to this resolution and asked for ones that I just knew I wasn’t going to read. The other part of it is…I”m stuck in the worst book slump that I’ve been in…ever. So yeah. For 2015, I’m gonna work on that some more. I also started receiving a ton of ARCs without request this year, so there’s that also. That was a VERY exciting part of my year :)

5. Cosplay More! – FAIL

HA! Nope. I didn’t even try. I really wanted to. I really wanted to dress up more and wear costumes and all of that and I didn’t even succeed slightly with this. I’m terrible. My first major event of 2015 is Gallifrey One in February and I’m determined I will cosplay in SOME way at that con.

4. Condense My Book Reviews/Posts – SUCCESS 

DEFINITELY. I definitely succeeded with this one. All book reviews have a format, and they’re done much more concise and to the point than my old ones. I’m actually proud of myself for making my book reviews SO much better than they were before.

3. Concentrate More On Reading for Fun and Less on Reading for Goal – SUCCESS

I think I definitely did this one. Mostly because I was in such a slump, I started to care less and less about the actual end goal, and more about just enjoying reading. I was not enjoying reading several times this year and that made me incredibly sad, as reading is my number one thing to do. I’m SO behind on my goal, but I’ve kind of given up on it. I’m happy that I’ve read a little more books this month than I did last month and I’m concentrating on getting back to loving reading.

2. Read 150 Books – FAIL

Okay, I mean, technically I haven’t failed yet. I still have about 15 more days to finish…28 books? I could technically do it. I’m a fast reader. But this year has been full of so many ups and downs so I’m just glad that I finished any books, period. I think I’ll reach about 125-130 and I think that’s a fair goal. Reading more for fun. Plus I spent a TON of my time this year, not focused on reading, but focused on writing. Which leads me to my number one resolution for 2014.

1. Finish my Novel – SUCCESS

I finished my novel. I wrote all of The Awakened. I changed character names a couple times, I changed the title, I wrote and rewrote and edited and had other people edit and had beta readers and am currently receiving tons of rejection emails from agents but you know what? I finished it. I finished The Awakened. Its done. It was my main goal of the year, and I finished it back in the summer, and I’ve spent so much of my time since then making it the best it can be in order to find an agent and get this thing published. I’m so proud that of all the goals I set for this year, this one, this number one goal, was definitely accomplished!

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Stay tuned! In a couple weeks, it’ll be time to make new goals!

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