May the 4th Be With You – Favorite Star Wars Characters!

Happy May the 4th be With You Today! Today is the day we celebrate all things Star Wars, which is one of my favorite things to do. I love Star Wars – I have TWO tattoos – and I’ve wanted to be Princess Leia basically since I came out of the womb. Even though I do work today, I’ll be spending the day listening to the soundtracks and I’ll watch one or two of the movies once I’m at home.

In the meantime, I want to share some of my favorite Star Wars characters with you all!

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The Return to Disneyland – What It’s Like to Be Back in the Park After a Year!

After 430 days, I finally returned to Disneyland and it was just as magical as I had hoped it would be!

The last time I was inside Disneyland park was on February 24th of 2020, just a few days before my birthday. I always go to Disneyland on my birthday – its tradition – but last year, we went to Seattle to celebrate so we went a few days earlier. If I had known it was the last time…well, I’m not sure. Disneyland wouldn’t close until March 12th but when I came back from Seattle, I was SO sick for a week or so AND it was raining the last couple of days the park was open. I remember thinking, I don’t want to get sick AGAIN and, its fine, the park will be open again soon.

Little did I know…

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Happy National Superhero Day!

Today is National Superhero Day and I am SO here to celebrate that. I love anything superhero – mostly Marvel – but just superheroes in general. Superheroes bring out the best and worst in human nature and even though most of the time, superheroes have special powers or access to technology that makes them super, they are still human characters and I think that’s a huge reason that comic book superheroes have stood the test of time, over decades!

Now, let’s be real, I’m super partial to my female superheroes but I definitely have a lot of love to go around. I want to share some of MY favorite superheroes today and I’d love to hear what yours are so make sure to share in the comments!

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Cover Reveal: Waylaid (True North Series) by Sarina Bowen

I am SOOOO excited to be sharing the cover reveal for a book that I’m equally excited to read once it releases in June! I am a HUGE fan of Sarina Bowen and recently took a deep dive into her True North series back in December and was so sad when I caught up and finished book seven. I’ve been enjoying the spin-off books by Sarina and other awesome authors but I’ve been dying to get back with Shipley family and so I was so pleased to learn that there would be a book eight!

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Top Ten Tuesday – Favorite Disney Animal Sidekicks!

The Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly challenge post previously hosted by The Broke and Bookish and now hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl. You can follow along for each weekly post here. This week’s topic is about animals. I was struggling to find something to do that was strictly book related but I just couldn’t seem to narrow it down and since this blog isn’t strictly a book blog, I decided to talk about my favorite Disney animal sidekicks. Since I’ll be going back to Disneyland for the first time in over a year on Thursday, I’m in a super Disney mood!

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Fan Review: Shadow and Bone TV Show – Mostly Spoiler Free!

I have now watched the first season of Shadow and Bone twice all the way through and guys, I have a lot of feelings, And a lot of those feelings are so good.

As I mentioned a few days ago, Leigh Bardugo is easily one of my favorite authors and the Grishaverse means so much to me. I have been so excited, on the edge of my seat, waiting for it to be adapted at some point in time – its been optioned in one way or another ever since it was released in 2012. But I was also incredibly nervous. While YA contemporary adaptations seem to be consistently successful, YA speculative fiction – fantasy, science fiction, dystopian and so forth – seem to do not so great. So while I was really excited to see this world I love so much come to love, I was also incredibly nervous.

I honestly had nothing to worry about.

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